pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn pmf:13456 "journal article" "Novel Cascade Alpha Satellite HORs in Orangutan Chromosome 13 Assembly: Discovery of the 59mer HOR—The largest Unit in Primates—And the Missing Triplet 45/27/18 HOR in Human T2T-CHM13v2.0 Assembly" "Glunčić, Matko; Vlahović, Ines; Rosandić, Marija; Paar, Vladimir" mef:10155 "journal article" "The Applied Genomics Development Strategy by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts paves the way for the future development of applied genomics in Croatia" "Sedlic, Filip; Sertić, Jadranka; Markotić, Alemka; Primorac, Dragan; Slavica, Anita; Zibar, Lada; Vlahoviček, Kristian; Kušec, Vesna; Barić, Ivo; Paar, Vladimir; Borovečki, Fran; Žmak, Ljiljana; Kurolt, Ivan-Christian; Canki-Klain, Nina; Roksandić, Sunčana; Rinčić, Iva; Jurić, Hrvoje; Škaro, Vedrana; Marjanović, Damir; Projić, Petar; Primorac, Damir; Starčević, Antonio; Vujaklija, Dušica; Šikić, Mile; Križanović, Krešimir; Gamulin, Stjepan" pmf:13171 "journal article" "Novel Concept of Alpha Satellite Cascading Higher-Order Repeats (HORs) and Precise Identification of 15mer and 20mer Cascading HORs in Complete T2T-CHM13 Assembly of Human Chromosome 15" "Glunčić, Matko; Vlahović, Ines; Rosandić, Marija; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:13157 "journal article" "Precise identification of cascading alpha satellite higher order repeats in T2TCHM13 assembly of human chromosome 3" "Glunčić, Matko; Vlahović, Ines; Rosandić, Marija; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:13134 "journal article" "The Supersymmetry Genetic Code Table and Quadruplet Symmetries of DNA Molecules Are Unchangeable and Synchronized with Codon-Free Energy Mapping during Evolution" "Rosandić, Marija; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:13136 "journal article" "The Evolution of Life Is a Road Paved with the DNA Quadruplet Symmetry and the Supersymmetry Genetic Code" "Rosandić, Marija; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:13355 "journal article" "Tandemly repeated NBPF HOR copies (Olduvai triplets): Possible impact on human brain evolution" "Glunčić, Matko; Vlahović, Ines; Rosandić, Marija; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:11399 "journal article" "Global Repeat Map (GRM) Application: Finding All DNA Tandem Repeat Units" "Glunčić, Matko; Vlahović, Ines; Mršić, Leo; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:13319 "journal article" "An Explanation of Exceptions from Chargaff’s Second Parity Rule/Strand Symmetry of DNA Molecules" "Rosandić, Marija; Vlahović, Ines; Pilaš, Ivan; Glunčić, Matko; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:13300 "journal article" "Standard Genetic Code vs. Supersymmetry Genetic Code – Alphabetical table vs. physicochemical table" "Rosandić, Marija; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:13618 "journal article" "The novel Ideal Symmetry Genetic Code table – Common purine-pyrimidine symmetry net for all RNA and DNA species" "Rosandić, Marija; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:10853 "journal article" "Einstein i relativnost" "Paar, Vladimir" pmf:8536 "journal article" "Novel look at DNA and life—Symmetry as evolutionary forcing" "Rosandić, Marija; Vlahović, Ines; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:8615 "journal article" "Discovery of 33mer in chromosome 21 – the largest alpha satellite higher order repeat unit among all human somatic chromosomes" "Glunčić, Matko; Vlahović, Ines; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:8058 "journal article" "Regular higher order repeat structures in beetle Tribolium castaneum genome" "Vlahović, Ines; Glunčić, Matko; Rosandić, Marija; Ugarković, Đurđica; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:1692 dissertation "Identifikacija periodičnosti višega reda u insektu Tribolium castaneum pomoću računalne grm metode" "Vlahović, Ines" pmf:7255 "journal article" "Global Repeat Map Method for Higher Order Repeat Alpha Satellites in Human and Chimpanzee Genomes (Build 37.2 Assembly)" "Glunčić, Matko; Rosandić, Marija; Jelovina, Denis; Dekanić, Krešimir; Vlahović, Ines; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:10907 "journal article" "Slobodan Brant (1954. – 2011.)" "Paar, Vladimir" pmf:7169 "journal article" "Start/stop Codon-like Trinucleotides (CLTs) and Extended Clusters as New Language of DNA" "Rosandić, Marija; Glunčić, Matko; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:6846 "journal article" "Einstein i relativnost" "Paar, Vladimir" pmf:6845 "journal article" "Tesla i fizika" "Paar, Vladimir" pmf:6805 "journal article" "Spectral Densities and Frequencies in the Power Spectrum of Higher Order Repeat Alpha Satellite in Human DNA Molecule" "Paar, Vladimir; Pavin, Nenad; Basar, Ivan; Rosandić, Marija; Luketin, Ivica; Durajlija Žinić, Sonja" pmf:6796 "journal article" "Overlapping of two truncated crisis scenarios: Generator of peaks in mean lifetimes of chaotic transients" "Paar, Vladimir; Pavin, Nenad" pmf:6750 "journal article" "Fractality of Abundance-weighted N,Z-Chart of Isotopes and Systematics of Atomic Weights of Chemical Elements" "Paar, Vladimir; Pavin, Nenad; Rubčić, Antun; Rubčić, Jasna" pmf:6757 "journal article" "Naturally invariant measure of chaotic attractors and the conditionally invariant measure of embedded chaotic repellers" "Buljan, Hrvoje; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:6728 "journal article" "Correlation between diffraction of light by circular aperture and close-range interaction energy of two charged spheres" "Paar, Vladimir; Pavin, Nenad; Pavlovski, Krešimir; Rubčić, Antun; Rubčić, Jasna" pmf:6729 "journal article" "Energy dependence of selfsimilarity truncation in a system of weakly coupled dissipative oscillators relevant for biological systems" "Paar, Vladimir; Pavin, Nenad; Rosandić, Marija" pmf:11426 "journal article" "Gaja Alaga (1924. - 1988.)" 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V.; Seyfarth, H.; Brant, Slobodan; Bogdanović, M.; Paar, Vladimir" pmf:6328 "journal article" "Two- and four-quasiparticle states in the interacting boson model: Strong-coupling and decoupled band patterns in the SU(3) limit" "Vretenar, Dario; Paar, Vladimir; Bonsignori, G.; Savoia, M." pmf:6318 "journal article" "Structure of ^112In nucleus" "Kibedi, T.; Dombradi, Zs.; Fenyes, T.; Krasznahorkay, A.; Timar, J.; Gacsi, Z.; Passoja, A.; Paar, Vladimir; Vretenar, Dario" pmf:6284 "journal article" "Laserska termonuklearna fuzija - novi izvor energije" "Paar, Vladimir" pmf:6241 "journal article" "Što se zbiva u atomskoj jezgri (I)" "Paar, Vladimir" pmf:6243 "journal article" "Što se zbiva u atomskoj jezgri (II)" "Paar, Vladimir"