@mastersthesis{fizos:45, author = {{Mršić, Doris}}, title = {{Fluktuacije oko srednjih vrijednosti}}, } @mastersthesis{fizos:33, author = {{Mudri, Ivan}}, title = {{Plin u gravitacijskom polju}}, } @mastersthesis{fizos:22, author = {{Ivanković, Ana-Marija}}, title = {{Alan Turing i njegov doprinos kriptoanalizi i računalstvu}}, } @mastersthesis{fizos:19, author = {{Jerković, Ivana}}, title = {{Metoda najmanjih kvadrata i njezina primjena u fizici}}, } @mastersthesis{fizos:15, author = {{Milat, Ivana}}, title = {{Mehanika kontinuuma}}, } @mastersthesis{fizos:14, author = {{Miloloža, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Magnetska svojstva amorfnih feromagneta}}, } @mastersthesis{fizos:8, author = {{Jukić, Dina}}, title = {{Analiza stavova studenata hrvatskih sveučilišta o online učenju}}, } @article{pmf:7118, author = {{Ristić, Ramir and Babić, Emil and Stubičar, Mirko and Kuršumović, Ahmed}}, title = {{Correlation Between Electronic Structure, Mechanical Properties and Stability of TE-TL Metallic Glasses}}, } @article{pmf:6851, author = {{Ristić, Ramir and Babić, Emil}}, title = {{Properties and atomic structure of amorphous zirconium}}, } @article{pmf:6783, author = {{Ristić, Ramir and Marohnić, Željko and Babić, Emil}}, title = {{Magnetic properties of Zr-3d glassy alloys}}, } @article{pmf:6406, author = {{Ristić, Ramir and Babić, Emil}}, title = {{Electronic and magnetic properties of ternary Zr2(Ni1-xMx)1 glassy alloys}}, }