Abstract | Istraživana park šuma Kraljevec pripada gospodarski, socijalno, prirodoznanstveno, ekološki vrijednim, a floristički sporadično istraženim park šumama Zagreba. Ciljevi su rada bili determinirati i analizirati vaskularnu floru taksonomski, horološki, prema životnim oblicima, podrijetlu i kronoelementu, provesti analizu ekoloških indeksa, indeksa urbanizacije i antropogenizacije, invazivnosti, ugroženosti i zaštićenosti, usporediti floru s floristički istraženim park šumama te izraditi fotokatalog primjenjiv u nastavi. Flora je popisivana od veljače do listopada 2023. godine. Zabilježena je 261 biljna svojta svrstana u 78 porodica. Najzastupljenije su porodice: Compositae (11,88 %) Rosaceae (8,43 %) i Poaceae (6,51 %). Od životnih oblika najdominantniji su hemikriptofiti (46,33 %), slijede geofiti (19,69 %), terofiti (16,99 %) te fanerofiti (16,60 %). Većina svojti pripada euroazijskom (46,90 %) i europskom flornom elementu (17,44 %) te kultiviranim i adventivnim biljkama (12,02 %). Dominiraju autohtone svojte (76,25 %) i svojte rastuće na prirodnim staništima i staništima pod slabijim antropogenim utjecajem. Najzastupljenije su biljke polusjene, kojima odgovaraju temperature brežuljkastog pojasa te koje rastu na umjereno vlažnim tlima. Prisutno je 13 invazivnih, tri najmanje zabrinjavajuće, dvije osjetljive, jedna gotovo ugrožena, jedna nedovoljno poznata te dvije strogo zaštićene vrste. Park šuma Kraljevec bogata je biljnim vrstama, prometno dobro povezana što ju čini odličnim odredište za izvođenje terenske nastave. |
Abstract (english) | The investigated Kraljevec Forest Park belongs to the economically, socially, naturalistically, ecologically valuable, and floristically sporadically explored forest parks in Zagreb. The aim of this study was to determine and analyze vascular flora taxonomically, horologically, according to the life forms, origin and chronoelements, conduct an analysis of ecological indices, levels of urbanity, indicators of anthropogenisation, invasiveness, endangerment and protection, compare the flora with floristically researched forest parks and create photo catalog applicable in class. The flora was surveyed from February to October 2023, recording a total of 261 species categorized into 78 families. The most numerous families are Compositae (11.88 %), Rosaceae (8.43 %) and Poaceae (6.51 %). The most dominant life forms are hemicryptophytes (46.33 %), then geophytes (19.69 %), therophytes (16.99 %) and phanerophytes (16.60 %). Most taxa belong to the Euroasian (17.44 %) and European floral element (17.44 %) and also to cultivated and adventitious plants (12.02 %). Autochthonous species are dominant (76.25 %) also as the species that grow in natural habitats and habitats under low anthropogenic impact. The most represented plants are shade-tolerant, corresponding to temperatures typical of a colline zone and growing in moderately moist conditions. 13 invasive species were recorded, three of least concern, two vulnerable, one near threatened, one data-deficient, and two species with legal protection. Kraljevec Forest Park is rich in plant species and traffically well-connected, which makes it an excellent destination for holding a field trip. |