Abstract | U početku nije bilo ničega, nije bilo vremena, prostora, niti čestica. Potom, u nekom trenutku dogodila se velika eksplozija zvana Veliki Prasak. Nastao je svemir sa svim planetima, galaksijama i zvijezdama koje danas poznajemo. U tom velikom svemiru nastao je i naš planet, u početku potpuno gol i vruć s mnogo stalno aktivnih vulkana i kipućom parom. Uskoro, zahvaljujući toj pari, nastali su oceani i stvorena je atmosfera. Površina planeta se postepeno počela hladiti i s dovoljnom količinom vode kemijska evolucija mogla je započeti. Nitko nije siguran kako je sve započelo. Čak i najveći znanstvenici, sa svim svojim eksperimentima, nisu mogli dokazati većinu teorija i svaki put kada bi nešto otkrili nova pitanja bi se opet postavila. Neki kažu da iz jednostavnih molekula nastale su one mnogo kompleksnije, kao npr. animokiseline ili ugljikohidrati, koje su postale jedne od glavnih sastavnica svakog živog bića. Oni smatraju da je prvo postojao RNA svijet, s RNA lancima koji su se mogli samostalno replicirati. Međutim, ostali kažu da je prvo bila DNA zbog svoje stabilnosti. Ali, ako i znanstvenici uspiju razotkriti ovu misteriju postoje još mnoga pitanja koja zahtijevaju odgovore. Postoje mnoge rasprave o tome kako je nastala prva stanica. Smatra se da su se kompleksne molekule nekako uspjele odlučiti da se udruže u jednu kompleksu organizaciju koja bi im omogućila da prežive na različitim staništima i da prenose gene koji su pogodni. Tu primitivnu organizaciju zovu LUCA, ali nažalost postoje još mnoga pitanja u vezi te teme kao i mnogo teorija. Znanstvenici čak razmatraju mogućnost da je prva molekula ili stanica došla na naš planet iz svemira meteoritima ili čak uz pomoć vanzemaljaca. Ova teorija se zove teorija Panspermije i postaje sve više popularna među znanstvenicima. Bez obzira koja od ovih teorija se na kraju pokaže točnom, jedno je sigurno, proći će još mnogo vremena prije nego li dokažemo išta bez ikakve sumnje. |
Abstract (english) | In the beggining there was nothing, no time, no space, no particales. Then at some point there was a big explosion called The Big Bang. The Universe was born with every planets, galaxies and stars that are known today. In this big Univers our planet was born, at first bare and hot with constantly active volcanos and boiling hot steam. Soon, thanks to that steam, ocean were made and the atmosphere was created. The surface became cooler and with enough water the chemical evolution could begin. Nobody is sure how it all started. Even the greatest scientists, with all their experiments, weren't able to prove most of the theorys and every time they discover something new questions would arise. Some say that from simple molecules more complex ones were formed, such as amino acids or carbohydrates, which became one of the main compositions of every living being. They claim that there was first the RNA world with RNA chains that could replicate themselves. However, others say that DNA was the first due to its stability. But, even if scientists manage to uncover this mistery there are other questions that also need answering. There are a lot of debates about how the first cell was made. It is said that the complex molecules somehow decided to team up and form an organization that would enable them to survive in different habitats and to pass down genes that are suitable. They call this primitive organization LUCA but unfortunately there are still a lot of questions on this topic and many are discussing a lot of theorys. The scientists are even talking about the possibility that the molecule or the first living cell was brought to Earth from space by meteorites or even by aliens. This theory is called Panspermia and it is becoming more and more popular among the scientists. Whichever theory proves to be correct one, one thing is certain, it will be long before we prove anything without a doubt. |