Title Matematička analiza socijalnih mreža
Author Tomislav Horina
Mentor Ivica Nakić (mentor)
Committee member Ivica Nakić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Berić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Boris Širola (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tina Bosner (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Abstract Rad prikazuje osnovne teorije mreža i parametre koji opisuju mreže, opis socijalnih mreža, načine prikupljanja i obrade podataka socijalnih mreža, modele slučajnih mreža te istraživanje o mogućnosti stvaranja sličnosti slučajne mreže slične socijalne mreže putem raznih modela mreže slučaja. Mreža je pojednostavljeni prikaz sustava koji se sastoji od međusobno povezanih elemenata. Na primjer, mreža može simulirati povezanost gradova, atome u molekulama, odnos između ljudi/organizacija i slično. U socijalnim mrežama, čvorovi predstavljaju ljude ili grupe ljudi, a bridovi neki oblik interakcije između njih. Za prikupljanja podataka socijalnih mreža koriste se API--ji (aplikacijsko programsko sučelje), web crawleri (pauk), … U radu je provedeno istraživanje pomoću paketa NetworkX napisanog u programskom jeziku Python gdje su proučavani modeli kreiranja slučajne mreže sa sličnostima socijalne mreže. Ispitivani su sljedeći modeli slučajne mreže: Erdös--Renijev, Barabási--Albertov, Watts--Strogatzov i eksponecijalne slučajne mreže. Provjera sličnosti između mreža napravljena je provjerom jesu li paramteri slučajne mreže u zadnim vrijednostima parametara koji su dobiveni iz podataka socijalnih mreža (Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter) sa stranice sveučilišta Stanford [9]. Korišteni parametri su gustoća, prosječna udaljenost puta, tranzitivnost, globalni indeks efikasnosti i Katz centralnost. Negativan rezultat istaživanja ostvarili su Erdös—Renijevi i Barabási--Albertovi modeli slučajne mreže zbog male tranzitivnosti, dok je kod eksponecijalne slučajne mreže bio problem i prosječna duljina puta. Pozitivan rezultat istraživanja je dobiven kod Watts--Strogatzove slučajne mreže.
Abstract (english) The paper presents basic network theory as well as parameters describing networks, social networks, ways of collecting and processing social network data, random network models, and exploring the probability of creating a random network similar to a social network through various network case models. The network is a simplified representation of a system consisting of interconnected elements. For example, the network can simulate the association of cities, atoms in molecules, relationship between people/organizations and similar. In social networks, nodes represent people or groups of people and bridges are some form of interaction between them. To collect social network data, use APIs (application program interface), web crawlers,… In this paper, research was conducted using NetworkX package written in Python programming language, where models of random networking with similarities in the social network were studied. The following random network models were investigated: Erdös– Renije, Barabási –Albert, Watts–Strogatz and exponential random graph. Verification of network similarities was connected by verifying whether random network parameters have the default values of the parameters obtained from the social network data Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter) from the Stanford University website ([9]). The parameters used are density, average shortest path length, transitivity, global efficiency index and Katz centrality. Negative result of the research was achieved by Erdös–Renije and Barabási –Albert models of random network due to low transitivity, while in exponential random network the problem was the average length of the path. A positive result of the research was obtained for Watts–Strogatz’s random network.
teorija mreža
socijalne mreže
aplikacijsko programsko sučelje
modeli slučajne mreže
Erdös– Renije
Barabási –Albert
Keywords (english)
network theory
social netowrks
application program interface
random network models
Erdös– Renije
Barabási –Albert
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:206910
Study programme Title: Computer Science and Mathematics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra računarstva i matematike (magistar/magistra računarstva i matematike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-04-24 12:27:14