
Acharya, S., Antičić, Tome, Erhardt, Filip, Gotovac, Sven, Jerčić, Marko, Karatović, David, Lončar, Petra, Mudnić, Eugen, Planinić, Mirko, Poljak, Nikola, Simatović, Goran, Vicković, Linda, Zurlo, N.
Unveiling the strong interaction among hadrons at the LHC
Abelev, B., Antičić, Tome, Gotovac, Sven, Mudnić, Eugen, Planinić, Mirko, Simatović, Goran, Šuša, Tatjana, Vicković, Linda, Zyzak, M.
Upgrade of the ALICE Experiment: Letter Of Intent
Drewes, Marco, Georis, Yannis, Klaric, Juraj, Klose, Philipp
Upper bound on thermal gravitational wave backgrounds from hidden sectors
Narduzzo, A., Grbić, Mihael Srđan, Požek, Miroslav, Dulčić, Antonije, Paar, Dalibor, Kondrat, A., Hess, C., Hellmann, I., Klingeler, R., Werner, J., Kohler, A., Behr, G., Buchner, B.
Upper critical field, penetration depth, and depinning frequency of the high-temperature superconductor LaFeAsO0.9F0.1 studied by microwave surface impedance
Despoja, Vito, Mowbray, D. J.
Using surface plasmonics to turn on fullerene's dark excitons
Sušac, Ana, Planinić, Maja, Klemenčić, Damjan, Milin Šipuš, Željka
Using the Rasch model to analyze the test of understanding of vectors
Pavlovski, Krešimir
Usporavanje pulsara u maglici Rakovice
Herrera Ruiz, N., Middelberg, E., Deller, A., Smolčić, Vernesa, Norris, R. P., Novak, Mladen, Delvecchio, Ivan, Best, P. N., Schinnerer, E., Momjian, E., Dettmar, R.-J., Brisken, W., Koekemoer, A. M., Scoville, N. Z
VLBA+GBT observations of the COSMOS field and radio source counts at 1.4 GHz
Buljan, Hrvoje
Valovi samotnjaci
Henč-Bartolić, Višnja
Vatroslav Lopašić (1911.)
Horvat, Dubravko, Podobnik, Boris, Tadić, Dubravko
Vector mesonic phase and the chiral bag model
Planinić, Maja
Velike fizičarke dvadesetog stoljeća
