
Acharya, S., Erhardt, Filip, Gotovac, Sven, Jerčić, Marko, Karatović, David, Lončar, Petra, Mudnić, Eugen, Planinić, Mirko, Poljak, Nikola, Vicković, Linda, Zurlo, N.
Charm-quark fragmentation fractions and production cross section at midrapidity in pp collisions at the LHC
Kumerički, Krešimir, Picek, Ivica
Chiral anomaly route to the KL → π+ π- γ decay
Kumerički, Krešimir, Picek, Ivica
Chiral anomaly route to the KL → π+ π- γ decay
Brant, Slobodan, Petrache, C. M.
Chiral bands in 135Nd: The interacting boson-fermion model approach
Opančar, Aleksandar, Głowacki, Eric Daniel, Đerek, Vedran
Choosing the right electrode representation for modeling real bioelectronic interfaces: a comprehensive guide
Kekez, Dalibor, Klabučar, Dubravko, Scadron, Michael D.
Circumventing the axial anomalies and the strong CP problem
Lopac, Vjera, Mrkonjić, Ivana, Radić, Danko
Classical and quantum chaos in the generalized parabolic lemon-shaped billiard
Dorešić, Miroslav, Meljanac, Stjepan, Mileković, Marijan
Clebsch - Gordan Coefficients For The Quantum Algebra Su(2)_p,q
Pallua, Silvio, Prester, Predrag
Closed SU(2)q invariant spin chain and its operator content
Acharya, S., Erhardt, Filip, Gotovac, Sven, Jerčić, Marko, Karatović, David, Lončar, Petra, Planinić, Mirko, Poljak, Nikola, Vicković, Linda, Zurlo, N.
Closing in on critical net-baryon fluctuations at LHC energies: Cumulants up to third order in Pb–Pb collisions
Parashari, Siddharth, Bosnar, Damir, Friščić, Ivica, Kožuljević, Ana Marija, Kuncic, Zdenka, Žugec, Petar, Makek, Mihael
Closing the door on the “puzzle of decoherence” of annihilation quanta
Marević, Petar, Ebran, J.-P., Khan, E., Nikšić, Tamara, Vretenar, Dario
Cluster structures in C12 from global energy density functionals
