
Probing high school students’ understanding of interference and diffraction of light using standard wave optics experiments
Probing high school students’ understanding of interference and diffraction of light using standard wave optics experiments
Matejak Cvenić Karolina
Ivanjek Lana
Planinić Maja
Jeličić Katarina
Sušac Ana
Hopf Martin
Cindrić Brkić Mateja
Probing intraband excitations in ZrTe5 : A high-pressure infrared and transport study
Probing intraband excitations in ZrTe5 : A high-pressure infrared and transport study
Santos-Cottin D.
Padlewski M.
Martino E.
David S. Ben
Le Mardelé F.
Capitani F.
Borondics F.
Bachmann M. D.
Putzke C.
Moll P. J. W.
Zhong R. D.
Gu G. D.
Berger H.
Orlita M.
Homes C. C.
Rukelj Z.
Akrap Ana
Probing star formation and ISM properties using galaxy disk inclination. I. Evolution in disk opacity since z ~ 0.7
Probing star formation and ISM properties using galaxy disk inclination. I. Evolution in disk opacity since z ~ 0.7
Leslie S. K.
Sargent M. T.
Schinnerer E.
Groves B.
van der Wel Arjen
Zamorani G.
Fudamoto Y.
Lang P.
Smolčić Vernesa
Probing the Effects of Strong Electromagnetic Fields with Charge-Dependent Directed Flow in Pb-Pb Collisions at the LHC
Probing the Effects of Strong Electromagnetic Fields with Charge-Dependent Directed Flow in Pb-Pb Collisions at the LHC
Acharya S.
Antičić Tome
Erhardt Filip
Gotovac Sven
Jerčić Marko
Lončar Petra
Mudnić Eugen
Planinić Mirko
Poljak Nikola
Simatović Goran
Utrobičić Antonija
Vicković Linda
Zurlo N.
Probing the chiral magnetic wave with charge-dependent flow measurements in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC
Probing the chiral magnetic wave with charge-dependent flow measurements in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC
Acharya S.
Erhardt Filip
Gotovac Sven
Jerčić Marko
Karatović David
Lončar Petra
Planinić Mirko
Poljak Nikola
Vicković Linda
Zurlo N.
Production of (anti-)3He and (anti-)3H in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
Production of (anti-)3He and (anti-)3H in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
Acharya S.
Antičić Tome
Erhardt Filip
Gotovac Sven
Jerčić Marko
Lončar Petra
Mudnić Eugen
Planinić Mirko
Poljak Nikola
Simatović Goran
Utrobičić Antonija
Vicković Linda
Zurlo N.
Production of (bb¯) at forward rapidity in p + p collisions at √s = 510  GeV
Production of (bb¯) at forward rapidity in p + p collisions at √s = 510  GeV
Acharya U.
Adare A.
Aidala C.
Ajitanand N. N.
Akiba Y.
Akimoto R.
Alfred M.
Apadula N.
Aramaki Y.
Asano H.
Atomssa E. T.
Awes T. C.
Azmoun B.
Babintsev V.
Bai M.
Bandara N. S.
Bannier B.
Barish K. N.
Bathe S.
Bazilevsky A.
Beaumier M.
Beckman S.
Belmont R.
Berdnikov A.
Berdnikov Y.
Bichon L.
Black D.
Blankenship B.
Bok J. S.
Borisov V.
Boyle K.
Brooks M. L.
Bryslawskyj J.
Buesching H.
Bumazhnov V.
Campbell S.
Canoa Roman V.
Chen C.-H.
Chi C. Y.
Chiu M.
Choi I. J.
Choi J. B.
Chujo T.
Citron Z.
Connors M.
Csanád M.
Csörgő T.
Datta A.
Daugherity M. S.
David G.
DeBlasio K.
Dehmelt K.
Denisov A.
Deshpande A.
Desmond E. J.
Ding L.
Dion A.
Do J. H.
Drees A.
Drees K. A.
Durham J. M.
Durum A.
Enokizono A.
En’yo H.
Esha R.
Esumi S.
Fadem B.
Fan W.
Feege N.
Fields D. E.
Finger M.
Finger M.
Firak D.
Fitzgerald D.
Fokin S. L.
Frantz J. E.
Franz A.
Frawley A. D.
Gal C.
Gallus P.
Garg P.
Ge H.
Giordano F.
Glenn A.
Goto Y.
Grau N.
Greene S. V.
Grosse Perdekamp M.
Gu Y.
Gunji T.
Guragain H.
Hachiya T.
Haggerty J. S.
Hahn K. I.
Hamagaki H.
Han S. Y.
Hanks J.
Hasegawa S.
He X.
Hemmick T. K.
Hill J. C.
Hodges A.
Hollis R. S.
Homma K.
Hong B.
Hoshino T.
Huang J.
Huang S.
Ikeda Y.
Imai K.
Imazu Y.
Inaba M.
Iordanova A.
Isenhower D.
Ivanishchev D.
Jacak B. V.
Jeon S. J.
Jezghani M.
Ji Z.
Jia J.
Jiang X.
Johnson B. M.
Joo E.
Joo K. S.
Jouan D.
Jumper D. S.
Kang J. H.
Kang J. S.
Kawall D.
Kazantsev A. V.
Key J. A.
Khachatryan V.
Khanzadeev A.
Khatiwada A.
Kihara K.
Kim C.
Kim D. H.
Kim D. J.
Kim E.-J.
Kim H.-J.
Kim M.
Kim Y. K.
Kincses D.
Kistenev E.
Klatsky J.
Kleinjan D.
Kline P.
Koblesky T.
Kofarago M.
Koster J.
Kotov D.
Kurgyis B.
Kurita K.
Kurosawa M.
Kwon Y.
Lacey R.
Lajoie J. G.
Larionova D.
Larionova M.
Lebedev A.
Lee K. B.
Lee S. H.
Leitch M. J.
Leitgab M.
Lewis N. A.
Li X.
Lim S. H.
Liu M. X.
Lökös S.
Lynch D.
Majoros T.
Makdisi Y. I.
Makek Mihael
Manion A.
Manko V. I.
Mannel E.
McCumber M.
McGaughey P. L.
McGlinchey D.
McKinney C.
Meles A.
Mendoza M.
Meredith B.
Metzger W. J.
Miake Y.
Mignerey A. C.
Miller A. J.
Milov A.
Mishra D. K.
Mitchell J. T.
Mitrankov Iu.
Miyasaka S.
Mizuno S.
Montuenga P.
Moon T.
Morrison D. P.
Morrow S. I.
Moukhanova T. V.
Mulilo B.
Murakami T.
Murata J.
Mwai A.
Nagamiya S.
Nagle J. L.
Nagy M. I.
Nakagawa I.
Nakagomi H.
Nakano K.
Nattrass C.
Nelson S.
Netrakanti P. K.
Nihashi M.
Niida T.
Nouicer R.
Novitzky N.
Nyanin A. S.
O’Brien E.
Ogilvie C. A.
Orjuela Koop J. D.
Osborn J. D.
Oskarsson A.
Ozawa K.
Pak R.
Pantuev V.
Papavassiliou V.
Park S.
Pate S. F.
Patel L.
Patel M.
Peng J.-C.
Peng W.
Perepelitsa D. V.
Perera G. D. N.
Peressounko D. Yu.
PerezLara C. E.
Perry J.
Petti R.
Pinkenburg C.
Pinson R.
Pisani R. P.
Potekhin M.
Pun A.
Purschke M. L.
Radzevich P. V.
Rak J.
Ramasubramanian N.
Ravinovich I.
Read K. F.
Reynolds D.
Riabov V.
Riabov Y.
Richford D.
Rinn T.
Riveli N.
Roach D.
Rolnick S. D.
Rosati M.
Rowan Z.
Rubin J. G.
Runchey J.
Saito N.
Sakaguchi T.
Sako H.
Samsonov V.
Sarsour M.
Sato S.
Sawada S.
Schaefer B.
Schmoll B. K.
Sedgwick K.
Seele J.
Seidl R.
Sen A.
Seto R.
Sett P.
Sexton A.
Sharma D.
Shein I.
Shibata T.-A.
Shigaki K.
Shimomura M.
Shukla P.
Sickles A.
Silva C. L.
Silvermyr D.
Singh B. K.
Singh C. P.
Singh V.
Slunečka M.
Smith K. L.
Soltz R. A.
Sondheim W. E.
Sorensen S. P.
Sourikova I. V.
Stankus P. W.
Stepanov M.
Stoll S. P.
Sugitate T.
Sukhanov A.
Sumita T.
Sun J.
Sun X.
Sun Z.
Sziklai J.
Takahara A.
Taketani A.
Tanida K.
Tannenbaum M. J.
Tarafdar S.
Taranenko A.
Timilsina A.
Todoroki T.
Tomášek M.
Torii H.
Towell M.
Towell R.
Towell R. S.
Tserruya I.
Ueda Y.
Ujvari B.
van Hecke H. W.
Vargyas M.
Velkovska J.
Virius M.
Vrba V.
Vznuzdaev E.
Wang X. R.
Watanabe D.
Watanabe Y.
Watanabe Y. S.
Wei F.
Whitaker S.
Wolin S.
Wong C. P.
Woody C. L.
Wu Y.
Wysocki M.
Xia B.
Xu Q.
Xue L.
Yalcin S.
Yamaguchi Y. L.
Yanovich A.
Yoon I.
Younus I.
Yushmanov I. E.
Zajc W. A.
Zelenski A.
Zhai Y.
Zharko S.
Zou L.
Production of 4He and 4He¯ in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV at the LHC
Production of 4He and 4He¯ in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV at the LHC
Acharya S.
Antičić Tome
Erhardt Filip
Gotovac Sven
Jerčić Marko
Lončar Petra
Mudnić Eugen
Planinić Mirko
Poljak Nikola
Simatović Goran
Utrobičić Antonija
Vicković Linda
Zou S.
Production of K0S, Λ (Λ), Ξ±, and Ω± in jets and in the underlying event in pp and p–Pb collisions
Production of K0S, Λ (Λ), Ξ±, and Ω± in jets and in the underlying event in pp and p–Pb collisions
Acharya Sheryasi
Erhardt Filip
Gotovac Sven
Jerčić Marko
Karatović David
Lončar Petra
Planinić Mirko
Poljak Nikola
Vicković Linda
Zurlo Nicola
