
The two-photon exchange experiment at DESY
The two-photon exchange experiment at DESY
Alarcon R.
Beck R.
Bernauer J. C.
Broering M.
Christopher A.
Cline E. W.
Dhital S.
Dongwi B.
Fernando I.
Finger M.
Finger M.
Friščić Ivica
Gautam T.
Grauvogel G. N.
Hasell D. K.
Hen O.
Horn T.
Ihloff E.
Johnston R.
Kelsey J.
Kohl M.
Kutz T.
Lavrukhin I.
Lee S.
Lorenzon W.
Lunkenheimer S.
Maas F.
Milner R. G.
Moran P.
Nazeer J.
Patel T.
Rathnayake M.
Raymond R.
Redwine R. P.
Schmidt A.
Schneekloth U.
Sokhan D.
Suresh M.
Vidal C.
Yang Z.
The upgrade of the ALICE TPC with GEMs and continuous readout
The upgrade of the ALICE TPC with GEMs and continuous readout
Adolfsson J.
Planinić Mirko
Utrobičić Antonija
Witt W.
Thermal Conductivity of Taylor Phase Al_3(Mn,Pd) Complex Metallic Alloys
Thermal Conductivity of Taylor Phase Al_3(Mn,Pd) Complex Metallic Alloys
Stanić Denis
Popčević Petar
Smiljanić Igor
Bihar Željko
Bilušić Ante
Batistić Ivo
Ivkov Jovica
Hegen Marc
Feuerbacher Michael
Thermal influence on J_c-B-T surfaces of Ag-clad Bi-based superconducting tapes
Thermal influence on J_c-B-T surfaces of Ag-clad Bi-based superconducting tapes
Kušević Ivica
Babić Emil
Šimundić Perica
Ivkov Jovica
Marohnić Željko
Liu Hua Kun
Dou Shi Xue
Thermal parameters defined with graph theory approach in synthetized diamonds
Thermal parameters defined with graph theory approach in synthetized diamonds
Mitić Vojislav
Randjelović Branislav
Ribar Srdjan
Čebela Maria
Mohr Markus
Vlahović Branislav
Fecht Hans
Thermal relaxation and quantum tunnelling of the magnetization in Mn_12-acetate
Thermal relaxation and quantum tunnelling of the magnetization in Mn_12-acetate
Pajić Damir
Zadro Krešo
Friščić Tomislav
Judaš Nenad
Meštrović Ernest
Thermal-magnetic-electric oscillator based on spin-valve effect
Thermal-magnetic-electric oscillator based on spin-valve effect
Kadigrobov Anatoli
Andersson Sebastian
Park Hee Chul
Radić Danko
Shekhter Robert
Jonson Mats
Korenivski Vladislav
