Realizacija Liejevih algebri i diferencijalni račun na nekomutativnim prostorima
Tea Martinić Bilać U prvom dijelu disertacije se proučavaju proširenja Liejeve algebre \(\mathfrak{g}_0\) generirane bazom \(\{X1, X2, \dots, Xn\}\) s Abelovom familijom generatora \(T_{\mu \nu}, 1 \leq \mu,\nu \leq n\), koji djeluju na omotačku algebru \(U(\mathfrak{g}_0)\). Pomoću tako definiranog djelovanja možemo opisati komutacijske relacije izmedu \(X_{\mu}\) i proizvoljnih monoma u \(U(\mathfrak{g}_0)\). Nadalje, proučavamo realizacije Liejeve algebre \(\mathfrak{g}_0\), tj. njezina ulaganja u...
Realizacija parametarske familije politopa matricama s alternirajućim predznakom uvjetovanih permutacijskim uzorkom
Ana Mimica Matrice s alternirajućim predznakom na prirodan način se pojavljuju evaluacijom determinante kondenzacijskom metodom. Slutnja o enumeraciji ovih matrica (engl. The Alternating Sign Matrix Conjecture) riješena je na više načina i potaknula nova područja u istraživanju. Matrice s alternirajućim predznakom su matrice s elementima -1, 0 i 1 čiji nenul elementi alterniraju u predznaku po recima i stupcima, pri čemu je suma svakog retka i svakog stupca jednaka 1. Promatramo matrice s...
Recompression of Hadamard products of tensors in Tucker format
Lana Periša In the last decade low-rank tensors decompositions have been established as a new tool in scientific computing to address large-scale linear and multilinear algebra problems, which would be intractable by classical techniques. Since tensors can be given only as the solution of some algebraic equation, it is important to develop solvers working within the compressed storage scheme. That is what this thesis is concerned with, focusing on Tucker format, one of the most commonly used low-rank...
Reconstruction of the Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor
by cladistic and phylogenetic approach
Josip Skejo Organisation and diversity of the eukaryotic cells are well documented phenomena today, so it is already known
scientific theory that LECA (the Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor) harboured mitochondrion, nucleus,
endoplasmic reticulum made of bacterial lipids, sex, meiosis, and eukaryotic life cycle. None of the
aforementioned traits has been found in prokaryotes. The origin of those eukaryotes traits has, on the other side,
been an unresolved issue for many years. It is questionable...
Recurrences and graphs of recurrences
Luka Podrug In the first part of the dissertation, we count tilings of narrow strips in the hexagonal grid with a given number and type of tiles and investigate identities involving the obtained enumerating sequences. On the same substrate, we also study the number of tilings in which both the number and the shape of tiles are free. In both cases, the enumerating sequences satisfy linear recurrences with constant coefficients. In contrast to the first part where linear recurrences are obtained as a...
Reducibilnosti i kompozicioni nizovi nekih važnih induciranih reprezenacija klasičnih p-adskih grupa
Barbara Bošnjak U ovoj disertaciji proučavaju se reprezentacije inducirane ireducibilnim reprezentacijama maksimalnih paraboličkih podgrupa simplektičke ili specijalne ortogonalne grupe neparnog reda nad nearhimedskim lokalnim poljem F karakteristike različite od 2. Određuju se njihovi kompozicioni nizovi te posljedično točke reducibilnosti, duljina i primjeri unitarnih reprezentacija. Ireducibilni subkvocijenti promatrane reprezentacije su opisani u terminima Langlandsove klasifikacije, pri čemu je...
Redukcija kategorija pro*-Grp i pro*-HTop
Ivančica Mirošević U ovom radu dajemo novu karakterizaciju grupa gruboga oblika punktiranih topoloških prostora, temeljnih invarijanti teorije gruboga oblika. Uvodimo novi funktor \(\widetilde R\) iz \(pro^{*}\text{-}Grp\) u \( pro\text{-}Grp\) kategoriju. Pokaže se da je \(\left( \widetilde R\circ pro^{*}\text{-}\pi _k \right) \left(X,x_0\right) \) za neki punktirani topološki prostor \((X,x_0)\) upravo \(pro\text{-}\)grupa gruboga oblika \(pro\text{-} \check\pi _k^*\left(X,x_0\right)\). Nadalje,...
Redukcija ribonukleotida u prebiotičkim uvjetima
Ivan Dragičević Porijeklo života na Zemlji jedno je od najvećih neodgovorenih pitanja u prirodnim znanostima. Preduvjet za prvo stvaranje živih organizama bilo je postojanje „molekula života“: nukleinskih kiselina, aminokiselina i šećera. Rekonstruiranje procesa koji su doveli do stvaranja molekula života u prebiotičkoj fazi zanimljiv je problem u suvremenoj kemiji. U ovoj disertaciji, računalno-kemijskim pristupom ispitani su različiti mehanizmi neenzimske redukcije ribonukleotida u...
Regulacija sustava urokinaznoga plazminogenskoga aktivatora u tumorskim stanicama
Josip Madunić Sustav urokinaznoga plazminogenskoga aktivatora (uPA) regulira razgradnju izvanstaničnog matriksa aktivacijom sveprisutne proteaze plazmina. Sudjeluje u nizu fizioloških i patoloških procesa te stanično je specifično reguliran u organizmu na razini ekspresije proenzima, inhibitora i receptora. U ovom je radu opisana regulacija sustava uPA kod stanica glioblastoma A1235, manjkavih u popravku alkilirajućeg oštećenja, nakon obrade inhibitorom poli(ADP-ribozil) polimeraze-1 (PARP-1) i...
Regularization of ill-posed inverse problem in ultrasound tomography
Anita Carević Ultrasound tomography (UT) is a medical imaging modality which can be used for the detection of breast cancer. One of the ways to solve the problem of UT is to use the distorted Born iterative method. In order for this method to provide a good solution, an ill-posed inverse problem must be solved within each iteration. In this dissertation, we regularize the inverse problem using direct spectral filtering methods. We show the advantage of using them in general form instead of standard, since...
Regulation of microtubule sliding and its effect on mitotic spindle length in human
retinal cells RPE-1
Ivana Ponjavić Poleward flux of the microtubules in the mitotic spindle is a complex process driven by multiple
motor proteins driving sliding of overlapping microtubules (MTs). However, coordination of
the sliding in the midzone with the MT depolymerization at the pole remains unknown. Here I
show, by using speckle microscopy to measure flux of individual MTs, that after kinesin-5
(EG5) inhibition while the spindle is collapsing, kinetochore fiber (k-fiber) movement away
from the midplane is not...