
Biomimetska sinteza i karakterizacija nanokompozita kalcijevih fosfata i titanatnih nanomaterijala
Biomimetska sinteza i karakterizacija nanokompozita kalcijevih fosfata i titanatnih nanomaterijala
Ina Erceg
Kompoziti kalcijevih fosfata i titanatnih nanomaterijala, zbog komplementarnih svojstava komponenti, privlače sve veću pažnju kao napredni materijali za regeneraciju čvrstih tkiva. Dosadašnja istraživanja takvih nanokompozita većinom su usmjerena na prekrivanje nanostrukturiranih TiO2 površina kalcijevim fosfatima kako bi se poboljšala njihova bioaktivnost. Cilj ovog doktorata sustavno je istražiti biomimetsko nastajanje nanokompozita kalcijevih fosfata i titanatnih nanomaterijala...
Bioraspoloživost, metabolizam i antioksidacijska sposobnost polifenola u organima miša C57BL/6
Bioraspoloživost, metabolizam i antioksidacijska sposobnost polifenola u organima miša C57BL/6
Vedran Balta
U ovome radu je istražena in vivo farmakokinetika-apsorpcija, metabolizam i raspodjela polifenolnih spojeva iz vodenog ekstrakta cvijeta trnine (Prunus spinosa L.), te vodenog ekstrakta cvijeta trnine u kombinaciji s prehranom obogaćenom proteinima, mastima i ugljikohidratima u organima (tanko crijevo, jetra, mozak, bubreg) miša C57BL/6. Također je istražen bioakumulacijski potencijal nakupljanja molekula polifenola u navedenim organima, te biološki raspoložive maksimalne...
Bisimulacije i bisimulacijske igre za Verbruggeinu semantiku
Bisimulacije i bisimulacijske igre za Verbruggeinu semantiku
Sebastijan Horvat
U ovoj disertaciji proučavaju se bisimulacije i bisimulacijske igre za Verbruggeinu semantiku logike interpretabilnosti. Prvo se razmatraju bisimulacije i konačne bisimulacije za Verbruggeinu semantiku koje su se do sad koristile u literaturi. Dokazuju se svojstva koja one posjeduju te se ističu problemi koji se javljaju pri korištenju tih pojmova. Zatim se daju nove verzije definicija bisimulacija i konačnih bisimulacija koje se nazivaju slabe bisimulacije i konačne slabe bisimulacije...
Brzi aproksimacijski algoritmi za problem povezanog skupovnog pokrivača i srodne probleme
Brzi aproksimacijski algoritmi za problem povezanog skupovnog pokrivača i srodne probleme
Slobodan Jelić
U disertaciji će biti prezentirani algoritmi za problem najmanjeg povezanog skupovnog pokrivača (nPSP) objavljeni u radu [28]. U prvom redu bit će prezentiran aproksimacijski algoritam za problem nPSP s polilogaritamskim aproksimacijskim omjerom koji koristi aproksimacijski algoritam za problem Steinerovog stabla na grupama (SSG) [37]. Prezentiran je i prvi aproksimacijski algoritam za težinsku verziju problema najmanjeg povezanog skupovnog pokrivača [28]. Razmatrat će se i verzija...
Anika Mijakovac
Mechanisms regulating immunoglobulin G (IgG) glycosylation are largely unknown. To perform functional validation of genes implicated in IgG glycosylation we developed the HEK293-F system. Utilizing transposons, we integrated dCas9-VPR/dCas9-KRAB expression cassettes in the genome of FreeStyle™ 293-F cells for targeted manipulation (CRISPRa/CRISPRi) of selected genes. Transfection of HEK293-F cells with IgG-gRNAbearing plasmid enabled simultaneous analysis of gene expression and IgG...
CNO nucleosynthesis products in mass-transfer binary stars
CNO nucleosynthesis products in mass-transfer binary stars
Vladimir Kolbas
Close binary stars of Algol type consist of a main sequence star accompanied with a cool subgiant or giant, where former is now a more massive component. Apparently, this violates principles of the stellar evolution, and episodic mass transfer between the components has been postulated to explain this evolutionary paradox. In this short-lived process the initially more massive component has been converted into a low-mass giant, and layers which were originally deep within the star and have...
Cavity cooling and self-organization of atoms using an optical frequency comb
Cavity cooling and self-organization of atoms using an optical frequency comb
Mateo Kruljac
In this thesis I present the results of research on two topics in the field of cold atomic ensembles interacting with laser light. In both cases we use a mode-locked femtosecond laser, whose spectrum generates a frequency comb (FC), to induce light forces on the atoms. In the first part of the thesis, we investigate the FC-induced force in dense ensembles of cold atoms in free space. We report a modification of the light force compared to single-atom physics, which is a signature of...
Censored Lévy and related processes
Censored Lévy and related processes
Vanja Wagner
We examine three equivalent constructions of a censored rotationally symmetric Lévy process on an open set D - via the corresponding Dirichlet form, through the Feynman-Kac transform of the Lévy process killed outside of the set D and from the same killed process by the Ikeda-Nagasawa-Watanabe piecing together procedure. For a complete Bernstein function \(\phi\) satisfying condition (H): \[ a_1 \lambda^{\delta_1} \leq \frac{\phi(\lambda r)}{\phi(r)} \leq a_2 \lambda^{\delta_2}, \lambda...
Changes of immunoglobulin G glycosylation with age
Changes of immunoglobulin G glycosylation with age
Jasminka Krištić
In this thesis, glycosylation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) was examined in 5818 individuals ranging in age from 16 to 100 years from five different populations – four European populations and a Han Chinese population by using ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) in order to provide a comprehensive overview of changes in IgG glycosylation through lifetime. The results demonstrated that glycan profiles change in a similar way through lifetime across all examined populations. Nearly...
Characterization of very high energy gamma-radiation from active galactic nuclei observed by the magic telescopes
Characterization of very high energy gamma-radiation from active galactic nuclei observed by the magic telescopes
Terzić Tomislav
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are bright compact regions in the centres of galaxies, that emit radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. They are believed to be powered by supermassive black holes (SMBH), which actively accrete matter. Some of that matter is ejected in the form of collimated jets of ultrarelativistic particles. Jets are sources of electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths. A significant portion of energy radiated by AGN is emitted in the form of -rays. In...
Charge density wave ground state in the intercalated graphite CaC6
Charge density wave ground state in the intercalated graphite CaC6
Petra Grozić
The physics of graphite intercalated compounds (GIC), in spite of the fact that these materials were synthesised quite long ago, is still the focus of modern theoretical and experimental research. The interest of the scientific community is focused on GIC, mostly due to the possibility of forming unusual superconducting (SC) and charge density wave (CDW) ground states. We focus on one of these materials, CaC6, in which experiments clearly demonstrate the existence of CDWs. The very existence...
Charge order in the cuprates
Charge order in the cuprates
Damjan Pelc
In this thesis, an experimental investigation of charge stripe order in cuprate superconductors is presented. Several lanthanum-based cuprate compounds are taken as model systems for studying charge order physics. Multiple experimental techniques are employed: nuclear magnetic resonance as a local probe, linear and nonlinear conductivity for investigating transport properties and broken symmetries, and specific heat as a thermodynamic probe. The use of complementary experiments provides an...
