
Teorijska konformacijska analiza cikličkih i acikličkih molekula
Teorijska konformacijska analiza cikličkih i acikličkih molekula
Karlo Sović
Konformacijska analiza obuhvaća široko područje istraživanja molekularnih struktura, a uz izračun odgovarajućih termodinamičkih veličina može se dobiti opis stabilnosti sustava i objašnjenje njegovih kemijskih svojstava te reaktivnosti. U okviru ovog istraživanja određeni su potpuni konformacijski prostori odabranih skupova cikličkih i acikličkih molekula metodom sustavnog pretraživanja koristeći postojeći algoritam za rigidno pretraživanje (engl. rigid scan) i...
Teorijski opis uloge premosnih mikrotubula u diobenom vretenu
Teorijski opis uloge premosnih mikrotubula u diobenom vretenu
Agneza Bosilj
Tijekom stanične diobe, diobeno vreteno dijeli genetski materijal u dvije identične stanice kćeri. Kinetohorni mikrotubuli u diobenom vretenu povezuju kromosome s polovima vretena i generiraju sile na kromosome putem proteinskih kompleksa zvanih kinetohore. Eksperimentalnim mjerenjima uočeni su premosni mikrotubuli koji su stabilno vezani za kinetohorne mikrotubule te su u ovom radu razvijeni fizikalni modeli koji razjašnjavaju njihovu ulogu tijekom stanične diobe. Uz kinetohorne i...
Termodinamika inkluzijskih reakcija amfifilnih spojeva s ciklodekstrinima i kukurbiturilima
Termodinamika inkluzijskih reakcija amfifilnih spojeva s ciklodekstrinima i kukurbiturilima
Andrea Usenik
Razumijevanje termodinamike inkluzije nepolarnih funkcionalnih skupina u ciklodekstrine i kukurbiturile otvara put za dizajn novih makrocikličkih receptora, omogućuje njihovu širu industrijsku primjenu te pruža uvid u hidrataciju lipofilnih gostiju i šupljina navedenih receptora. S ciljem rasvjetljavanja utjecaja strukture gosta, temperature i otapala na kompleksiranje amfifilnih alifatskih i aromatskih spojeva te njihovih hidrofobnih analoga s ciklodekstrinima i...
Termodinamika procesa na međupovršini inertna tvar/vodena otopina elektrolita
Termodinamika procesa na međupovršini inertna tvar/vodena otopina elektrolita
Antun Barišić
U sklopu disertacije ispitivane su različite kemijski inertne površine (politetrafluoreten, dijamant, grafit, grafen, ugljikove nanocijevi i staklasti ugljik) u dodiru s vodenom otopinom NaCl. Na temelju distribucijskog modela razvijen je termodinamički model koji opisuje procese koji dovode do nabijanja međupovršinskog sloja vode te su eksperimentalno određeni termodinamički parametri za proces izmjene hidronijevih i hidroksidnih iona između međupovršinskog sloja vode i ostatka...
Termohalina svojstva i dinamički procesi u Jadranskome moru simulirani regionalnim klimatskim modelima
Termohalina svojstva i dinamički procesi u Jadranskome moru simulirani regionalnim klimatskim modelima
Natalija Dunić
Tijekom zimskog razdoblja, zbog izloženosti udarima hladne i snažne bure, na sjevernom i južnom Jadranu se stvaraju guste vodene mase, koje utječu na termohalinu cirkulaciju u istočnom Sredozemlju. Stvaranje guste vode u Jadranu utječu i na Jadransko-jonsku bimodalnu oscilaciju (engl. Adriatic-Ionian Bimodal Oscillating System, BiOS), koja određuje termohaline karakteristike Jadrana. U doktorskom istraživanju se ispituje koliko dobro regionalni oceanski ...
Testing the Standard Model in Heavy Quark Decays
Testing the Standard Model in Heavy Quark Decays
Domagoj Leljak
A matter of utmost focus in experimental and theoretical research in high energy physics today is testing the Standard Model through searches of deviations from its predictions. The determination of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark mixing matrix is one of the key testing grounds in particle physics phenomenology. This is especially the case for the |V_ub| matrix element, where a tension has been noticed between the values obtained in inclusive and exclusive determinations. In recent years, a...
The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project
The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project
Lana Ceraj
To study the origin of radio emission and the cosmic evolution of radio detected radiatively efficient active galactic nuclei, I used the radio data of sources detected within the COSMOS and XXL-S sky fields, which were previously cross-correlated with available multiwavelength data. A sample of 1,604 moderate-to-high radiative luminosity AGN (HLAGN) detected within the COSMOS field was selected using criteria sensitive to the X-ray, MIR and optical emissions expected to arise from the...
The VLA-Cosmos 3 GHz Large Project
The VLA-Cosmos 3 GHz Large Project
Krešimir Tisanić
A galaxy’s spectral energy distribution (SED) enables the estimation of different galactic properties. In contrast to the better-understood, but harder to interpret, infrared SED, the radio spectrum below 30 GHz offers a dust-unbiased way of constraining properties of galaxies. We have constructed the average radio spectral energy distribution for 1.4 GHz-selected samples of highly star-forming galaxies (SFR > 100M_⊙/ yr, HSFGs), and a sample of sources exhibiting a 3σ excess of radio...
The charge expansion in quantum field theory
The charge expansion in quantum field theory
Jahmall Matteo Bersini
We study the spectrum of operators carrying large values of the conserved charges in conformal field theories (CFTs) with global symmetries. In particular, we explore the computation of the related CFT data within the recently-developed large charge expansion framework. In the first three chapters, we review the basics of CFT at large charge, focusing on the general phenomenon of classicalization of quantum physics in the presence of large quantum numbers and on the physical implications of...
The effects of teleconnections on climate variability of the North Atlantic-European area
The effects of teleconnections on climate variability of the North Atlantic-European area
Sara Ivasić
Observed data, reanalysis and an intermediately complex general circulation model of the atmosphere (ICTP AGCM) have been employed to study the effects of teleconnections on the North Atlantic-European region as a part of this thesis. Modulation of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) teleconnection to the North Atlantic-European (NAE) region and its relationship with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) have been tested via regression maps, running correlation, composite analysis and...
The mechanisms of microtubule associated proteins in chromosome segregation
The mechanisms of microtubule associated proteins in chromosome segregation
Kruno Vukušić
Successful cell division requires chromosomes to be separated on opposite sides of the cell. This is achieved by depolymerisation of kinetochore fibers and spindle elongation. Forces required for spindle elongation in human cells are linked to sliding of antiparallel microtubules and sliding capacity has been demonstrated in vitro for multiple motor proteins, but the molecular mechanism of sliding during anaphase in the spindles of human cells remains unknown. Here I show, by using...
The repair of Topoisomerase 1 and
 2 DNA-protein crosslinks in vivo
The repair of Topoisomerase 1 and 2 DNA-protein crosslinks in vivo
Ivan Antičević
DNA-protein crosslinks (DPCs) are frequent and damaging DNA lesions that affect all DNA transactions, which can lead to the formation of DSBs (double-strand DNA breaks), genomic instability and cell death. At the organismal level, impaired DPC repair (DPCR) is associated with cancer, aging, and neurodegeneration. Repair of the two most abundant enzymatic DPCs, involving topoisomerase 1 and 2 was studied in cell models, but data from organisms are still limited. Here, using a zebrafish model...
