Title Termodinamika inkluzijskih reakcija amfifilnih spojeva s ciklodekstrinima i kukurbiturilima
Title (english) Thermodynamics of inclusion reactions of amphiphilic compounds with cyclodextrins and cucurbiturils
Author Andrea Usenik
Mentor Josip Požar (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Biljan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordan Horvat (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Budimir (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Chemistry) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-12-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Chemistry
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 54 - Chemistry. Crystallography. Mineralogy
Abstract Razumijevanje termodinamike inkluzije nepolarnih funkcionalnih skupina u ciklodekstrine i kukurbiturile
otvara put za dizajn novih makrocikličkih receptora, omogućuje njihovu širu industrijsku primjenu te pruža
uvid u hidrataciju lipofilnih gostiju i šupljina navedenih receptora. S ciljem rasvjetljavanja utjecaja strukture
gosta, temperature i otapala na kompleksiranje amfifilnih alifatskih i aromatskih spojeva te njihovih
hidrofobnih analoga s ciklodekstrinima i kukurbiturilima, pripadne
... More su reakcije karakterizirane
mikrokalorimetrijski u širokom temperaturnom rasponu (278 ≤ T / K ≤ 338), a struktura nastalih kompleksa
u otopini istražena je spektroskopijom NMR.
Afinitet kukurbiturila prema svim gostima, s iznimkom 1‑naftola u vodi, zamjetno je veći u
usporedbi s ciklodekstrinima s jednakim brojem monomernih podjedinica. To je u svim slučajevima
posljedica izrazito egzotermnog kompleksiranja s glikolurilnim receptorima, a sustavna kalorimetrijska
istraživanja inkluzije također su ukazala na entropijski nepovoljniju dehidrataciju šupljine kukurbiturila.
Reakcijski toplinski kapaciteti su za veliku većinu reakcija kompleksiranja u vodi negativni, što dovodi do
izražene temperaturne entalpijsko-entropijske kompenzacije. Opažene ovisnosti ΔrH°(T) i ΔrS°(T) u najvećoj
su mjeri uzrokovane promjenama u organizaciji vode oko nepolarnih funkcionalnih skupina gostiju i mogu
se protumačiti njihovim kozmotropnim utjecajem na otapalo pri nižim, odnosno kaotropnim pri višim
temperaturama. Navedena činjenica znatno utječe na termodinamiku inkluzije u ciklodekstrine koja je u
većini slučajeva pri 278 K entropijski kontrolirana. Inkluzija alifatskih derivata u β-ciklodekstrin entropijski
je favorizirana, a u kukurbit[7]uril entalpijski, pri čemu je afinitet oba receptora prema tim gostima veći u
usporedbi s aromatskim analozima. Za razliku od vode, reakcije kompleksiranja u formamidu i etilen‑glikolu
su entalpijski kontrolirane, a ΔrH° gotovo neovisna o temperaturi. Posljedično, iako solvofobna inkluzija nije
ograničena na vodu, temperaturna ovisnost pripadnih termodinamičkih parametara kompleksiranja
posljedica je njezinih specifičnih solvatacijskih svojstava. Less
Abstract (english) Understanding the thermodynamics of non‑polar functionalities’ inclusion within cyclodextrins and cucurbiturils paves the way for the design of new macrocyclic receptors, enables their wider industrial application, and provides insights into the hydration of lipophilic guests and cavities of these receptors. To shed light on the influence of guest structure, temperature, and solvent on the complexation of amphiphilic aliphatic and aromatic compounds and their hydrophobic analogs with
... More cyclodextrins and cucurbiturils, the corresponding reactions were characterized microcalorimetrically in a wide temperature range (278 ≤ T / K ≤ 338), and the structure of the resulting complexes was investigated by NMR spectroscopy.
The affinity of cucurbiturils towards all guests, with the exception of 1‑naphthol in water, is noticeably higher compared to cyclodextrins with an equal number of monomeric subunits. This is in all cases due to extremely exothermic complexation with glycoluryl receptors, whereby systematic calorimetric studies of inclusion also indicate the entropically less favorable dehydration of the cucurbituril cavity. Reaction heat capacities are negative for most complexation reactions in water, which leads to pronounced temperature enthalpy-entropy compensation. The observed ΔrH°(T) and ΔrS°(T) dependencies are largely due to changes in the organization of water around nonpolar guest functionalities and can be interpreted by their cosmotropic effect on the solvent at lower, and kaotropic at higher temperatures. This significantly affects the thermodynamics of inclusion within cyclodextrins, which is in most cases entropically controlled at 278 K. The inclusion of aliphatic derivatives is entropically favored compared to their aromatic analogues in the case of β-cyclodextrin, and enthalpically favored in the case of cucurbit[7]uril. This results in higher affinity for aliphatic guests in both cases. Unlike in water, the complexation reactions in formamide and ethylene glycol are enthalpically controlled, and ΔrH° almost independent of temperature. Consequently, although solvophobic inclusion is not a water-limited phenomenon, the temperature dependence of the corresponding thermodynamic complexation parameters is due to its specific solvation properties. Less
amfifilni spojevi
Keywords (english)
amphiphilic compounds
hydrophobic effect
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:563516
Promotion 2024
Project Number: IP-2019-04-9560 Title: Koordinacijske reakcije makrocikličkih liganada u otopini Title: Coordination Reactions of Macrocyclic Ligands in Solution Acronym: MacroSol Leader: Vladislav Tomišić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: IP
Study programme Title: Doctoral study Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica u području prirodnih znanosti (doktor/doktorica u području prirodnih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
Extent 120, XCIX str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Embargoed access Embargo expiration date: 2025-12-20
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Created on 2024-01-09 13:51:59