Title Moguće odrednice proračunskih pomoći proračunima lokalnih jedinica u RH
Title (english) Possible determinants of budgetary aid to the budgets of local units in the Republic of Croatia
Author Ivan Udovičić
Mentor Katarina Ott (mentor)
Committee member Katarina Ott (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Bakić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Sandrić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ilja Gogić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Abstract Kako bi podjela pomoći lokalnim jedinicama bila kvalitetnija, svi davatelji pomoći nastoje što optimalnije podijeliti novac uz što bolju iskorištenost u budućnosti. Upravo se iz toga razloga provode analize slične ovoj koja je provedena u ovom radu. Na osnovu analiza koje su provedene u Portugalu, Španjolskoj, Poljskoj i Mađarskoj biraju se varijable za modele. Koriste se panel podaci koji su tipa vremenskog niza i vremenskog presjeka obzirom da se promatraju lokalne jedinice u više vremenskih
... More razdoblja. Podaci su modelirani pomoću združenog modela, modela fiksnih efekata i modela slučajnih efekata. Da bi se odabrao najprikladniji model koriste se LM test, F-test i Hausmanov test. Prvom hipotezom se provjerava kako udio stanovnika mlađih od 14 i starijih od 65 godina utječe na pomoći. Politički utjecaj se promatra drugom i petom hipotezom gdje je u drugoj cilj utvrditi rastu li pomoći u izbornim godinama, a petoj rastu li pomoći u lokalnim jedinicama u kojima je čelnik iste političke opcije kao i središnja vlast. Trećom se hipotezom ispituje utjecaj gustoće stanovništva na pomoći, dok se četvrtom ispituje istinitost tvrdnje da transparentne lokalne jedinice primaju više pomoći. Što se tiče županija, kod RH pomoći se samo druga hipoteza nije odbacila i to za tekuće te zbroj tekućih i kapitalnih. Iz navednog se da zaključiti da županije u izbornoj godini ostvaruju više pomoći. Kod EU pomoći se samo treća hipoteza nije odbacila i to u slučaju kad se gledaju kapitalne i zbroj tekućih i kapitalnih pomoći te se očekivani rezultat postiže. Gledajući gradove, kod RH pomoći prva hipoteza nije odbačena za kapitalne pomoći dok se za EU pomoći ne može dati nikakav zaključak. Druga hipoteza nije odbačena kod RH tekućih i zbroja tekućih i kapitalnih pomoći i očekivanja o pozitivnom djelovanju izborne godine na pomoći su potvrđena, a što se tiče EU pomoći za iste tipove pomoći hipoteza je opovrgnuta. Treća hipoteza nije odbačena kod RH tekućih i zbroja tekućih i kapitalnih pomoći, no ona nije u skladu s očekivanjima te je tvrdnja opovrgnuta. Četvrta hipoteza je opovrgnuta za kapitalne i zbroj tekućih i kapitalnih EU pomoći pa transparentnost ima negativan utjecaj u tim slučajevima na pomoći. Peta hipoteza je potvrđena za kapitalne, zbroj kapitalnih i tekućih RH pomoći, te ukupne pomoći iz čega se da zaključiti da je utjecaj varijable \emph{Čelnik na vlasti} pozitivan za spomenute vrste pomoći. Za općine se kod prve hipoteze ne može donijeti nikakav zaključak, dok drugu hipotezu ne odbacujemo ni za RH ni za EU pomoći. Kod prvih je potvrđena za tekuće i zbroj tekućih i kapitalnih, a kod drugih je opovrgnuta za sve gledane pomoći. Zaključuje se da sukladno pretpostavkama, u izbornoj godini rastu RH pomoći, a padaju EU pomoći. Treća hipoteza je odbačena u svim analizama za sve pomoći, kao i peta. Četvrta hipoteza nije odbačena za sve tri vrste EU pomoći te je u skladu s očekivanjima, tj. transparentnije općine ostvaruju više pomoći, dok se kod RH tekućih pomoći također ne odbacuje, ali je suprotna očekivanjima, tj. gdje je transparentnost manja, tekuće pomoći su veće. Teško je iznijeti generalne zaključke obzirom da se provelo više analiza za više skupina podataka koji nemaju ni isti postupak davanja pomoći, niti možemo lako uspoređivati dana sredstva. Ugrubo, ako se gledaju ukupne pomoći po županijama, gradovima i općinama najveći utjecaj imaju politički faktor i gustoća naseljnosti. Naravno, kako bi se pronašle što bolje odrednice za pomoći za bilo koju od navedenih vrsta lokalnih jedinica potrebno je napraviti puno opsežnije analize s više karakterističnijih varijabli koje su isključivo vezane za određeni tip lokalne jedinice jer, ukoliko je jedna vrsta natječaja za neke pomoći optimalna za gradove, ne mora značiti da je optimalna i za općine. Less
Abstract (english) In order to make the distribution of grants to local units of higher quality, all grant providers strive to distribute the money as optimally as possible with the best possible utilization in the future. It is precisely for this reason that analyses similar to the ones carried out in this paper are conducted. Based on analyses conducted in Portugal, Spain, Poland, and Hungary, the variables in the models are selected. Panel data are used, which are of the type of time series and
... More cross-section, considering that local units are observed in several time periods. The data were modeled using a pooled model, a fixed-effects model, and a random-effects model. To select the most suitable model, the LM test, F-test, and Hausman test are used. The first hypothesis examines how the share of residents younger than 14 and older than 65 affects grants. The political influence is observed by the second and fifth hypotheses, where the goal of the second is to determine whether grants increase in election years, and the fifth whether grants increase in local units where the leader is of the same political option as the central government. The third hypothesis examines the influence of population density on grants, while the fourth examines the truth of the claim that transparent local units receive more grants. As far as the counties are concerned, only the second hypothesis was not rejected in the case of the Republic of Croatia, for current and the sum of current and capital grants. From the above, it can be concluded that counties receive more grants in the election year. In the case of EU grants, only the third hypothesis was not rejected, and that in the case when looking at capital and the sum of current and capital grants, and the expected result is achieved. Looking at the cities, in the case of CRO grants, the first hypothesis was not rejected for capital grants, while no conclusion can be given for EU grants. The second hypothesis was not rejected for the CRO current and the sum of current and capital grants, and expectations about the positive effect of the election year on grants were confirmed, and as for EU grants for the same types of grants, the hypothesis was refuted. The third hypothesis was not rejected in the case of CRO current and the sum of current and capital grants, but it is not in line with expectations, and the claim is refuted. The fourth hypothesis was refuted for capital and the sum of current and capital EU grants, so transparency has a negative impact on grants in these cases. The fifth hypothesis was confirmed for capital, the sum of capital and current CRO grants, and total grants, from which it can be concluded that the influence of the variable ”Leader in power” is positive for the mentioned types of grants. No conclusion can be drawn for the municipalities in the first hypothesis, while we do not reject the second hypothesis either for CRO or for EU grants. In the case of the former, it was confirmed for current and the sum of current and capital, and in the case of the latter, it was denied for all considered grants. It is concluded that, in accordance with the assumptions, in the election year, CRO grants increase, while EU grants decrease. The third hypothesis was rejected in all analyses for all grants, as was the fifth. The fourth hypothesis was not rejected for all three types of EU grants and is in line with expectations, i.e., more transparent municipalities receive more grants, while in the case of CRO current grants, it is also not rejected, but it is contrary to expectations, i.e., where transparency is less, current grants are larger. It is difficult to make general conclusions, considering that several analyses were carried out for several groups of data that do not have the same granting procedure, nor can we easily compare the funds given. Roughly speaking, if you look at total grants by counties, cities, and municipalities, the political factor and population density have the greatest influence. Of course, in order to find the best possible determinants for grants for any of the mentioned types of local units, it is necessary to conduct a much more comprehensive analysis with more characteristic variables that are exclusively related to a certain type of local unit, because if one type of tender for some grants is optimal for cities, it does not necessarily mean that it is optimal for municipalities as well. Less
panel podaci
vremenski niz
vremenski presjek
LM test
Hausmanov test
Keywords (english)
panel data
time series
LM test
Hausman test
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:873102
Study programme Title: Financial and Business Mathematics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar matematike (sveučilišni magistar matematike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-02-06 15:10:33