Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Measurement of the beam-normal single-spin asymmetry for elastic electron scattering from 12C and 27Al
Physical Review C, 104 (2021), 1; 014606.

(Qweak Collaboration) Androić, Darko; Armstrong, D. S.; Asaturyan, A.; Bartlett, K.; Beminiwattha, R. S.; Benesch, J.; Benmokhtar, F.; Birchall, J.; Carlini, R. D.; Christy, M. E.; Cornejo, J. C.; Dusa, S. Covrig; Dalton, M. M.; Davis, C. A.; Deconinck, W.; Dowd, J. F.; Dunne, J. A.; Dutta, D.; Duvall, W. S.; Elaasar, M.; Falk, W. R.; Finn, J. M.; Forest, T.; Gal, C.; Gaskell, D.; Gericke, M. T. W.; Gray, V. M.; Guo, F.; Hoskins, J. R.; Jones, D. C.; Kargiantoulakis, M.; King, P. M.; Korkmaz, E.; Kowalski, S.; Leacock, J.; Leckey, J. P.; Lee, A. R.; Lee, J. H.; Lee, L.; MacEwan, S.; Mack, D.; Magee, J. A.; Mahurin, R.; Mammei, J.; Martin, J. W.; McHugh, M. J.; Meekins, D.; Mesick, K. E.; Michaels, R.; Mkrtchyan, A.; Mkrtchyan, H.; Narayan, A.; Ndukum, L. Z.; Nelyubin, V.; Nuruzzaman, V.; van Oers, W. T. H.; Owen, V. F.; Page, S. A.; Pan, J.; Paschke, K. D.; Phillips, S. K.; Pitt, M. L.; Radloff, R. W.; Rajotte, J. F.; Ramsay, W. D.; Roche, J.; Sawatzky, B.; Ševa, Tomislav; Shabestari, M. H.; Silwal, R.; Šimičević, Neven; Smith, G. R.; Solvignon, P.; Spayde, D. T.; Subedi, A.; Subedi, R.; Suleiman, R.; Tadevosyan, V.; Tobias, W. A.; Tvaskis, V.; Waidyawansa, B.; Wang, P.; Wells, S. P.; Wood, S. A.; Zang, P.; Zhamkochyan, S. More authors...

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Androić, D., Armstrong, D. S., Asaturyan, A., Bartlett, K., Beminiwattha, R. S., Benesch, J. ... Zhamkochyan, S. (2021). Measurement of the beam-normal single-spin asymmetry for elastic electron scattering from 12C and 27Al. Physical Review C, 104. (1). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.014606

Androić, Darko, et al. "Measurement of the beam-normal single-spin asymmetry for elastic electron scattering from 12C and 27Al." Physical Review C, vol. 104, no. 1, 2021.

Androić, Darko, D. S. Armstrong, A. Asaturyan, K. Bartlett, R. S. Beminiwattha, J. Benesch, F. Benmokhtar, et al. "Measurement of the beam-normal single-spin asymmetry for elastic electron scattering from 12C and 27Al." Physical Review C 104, no. 1 (2021).

Androić, D., et al. (2021) 'Measurement of the beam-normal single-spin asymmetry for elastic electron scattering from 12C and 27Al', Physical Review C, 104(1). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.014606

Androić D, Armstrong DS, Asaturyan A, Bartlett K, Beminiwattha RS, Benesch J, and sur.. Measurement of the beam-normal single-spin asymmetry for elastic electron scattering from 12C and 27Al. Physical Review C [Internet]. 2021 [cited 2025 March 27];104(1). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.014606

D. Androić, et al., "Measurement of the beam-normal single-spin asymmetry for elastic electron scattering from 12C and 27Al", Physical Review C, vol. 104, no. 1, 2021. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 27 March 2025]

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