Title Mineraloške značajke miocenskih naslaga kraj Voćina
Title (english) Mineralogical characteristics of the Miocene deposits near Voćin
Author Helena Kuhar
Mentor Frane Marković (mentor)
Mentor Marijan Kovačić (komentor)
Committee member Frane Marković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijan Kovačić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đurđica Pezelj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Geology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-05-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Geology
Abstract Na temelju snimljenog detaljnog geološkog stupa te laboratorijskih analiza uzoraka, utvrđeno je da se osamnaestak metara debeli slijed naslaga na stupu Daljinac-I sastoji od pet različitih litofacija: lapora (F1), biokalkarenita/biokalcirudita (F2), gline (F3), pijeska i pješčenjaka (F4), i pločastog vapnenca (F5). Lapor (F1) iz donjeg dijela profila je bijele boje, masivnog izgleda i bogat mikrofoslinom zajednicom foraminifera, iz središnjeg dijela stupa je sivo ili hrđastosmeđe obojen s jasno
... More izraženom horizontalnom laminacijom i siromašan foraminiferama, dok je lapor iz gornjeg dijela stupa svijetložute ili sive boje, masivnog izgleda i sadrži mikrofosilnu zajednicu ostrakoda. Biokalkareniti/biokalciruditi (F2) se pojavljuju u donjem dijelu profila u obliku slojeva centimetarsko-decimetarskih debljina, a sastoje se fosilnog kršja mekušaca, crvenih algi, mahovnjaka, ježinaca i foraminifera. Facijes glina (F3) debljine je tridesetak centimetara, a pretežito je sastavljen od smektitne gline koja vjerojatno predstavlja alteracijski produkt piroklastičnog materijala. Facijes pijeska i pješčenjaka pojavljuje se u središnjem dijelu stupa u obliku centimetarskih slojeva unutar facijesa lapora. Pješčenjaci su određeni kao grauvake, dok je pijesak loše sortiran i mjestimice koso uslojen. Sastav detritusa ukazuje na porijeklo materijala iz magmatskih i metamofnih stijena jezgre Papuka koje pripadaju podlozi Panonskog bazena. Pločasti vapnenci (F5) iz gornjeg dijela stupa su bijele ili svjetložute boje, sadrže ostatke fosilnih mekušaca i ostrakode koji indiciraju taloženje u litoralnom-sublitoralnom dijelu brakičnog jezera. Litološke značajke, fosilni sadržaj i vertikalni raspored facijesa na stupu Daljinac ukazuje da je taloženje naslaga započelo krajem badena u plitkom marinskom okolišu i bilo je praćeno slabim vulkanizmom. Kontinuirano se nastavilo i tijekom sarmata kada su uvjeti za život marinskih organizama bili znatno nepovoljniji, a završilo u ranom panonu u plitkom boćatom jezerskom okolišu. Svega osamnaest metara debeli slijed naslaga zabilježio je ključne transformacije okoliša u Sjevernohrvatskom bazenu, od plitkog marinskog okoliša Središnjeg Paratethysa u srednjem miocenu do bočatog okoliša Panonskog jezera u kasnom miocenu. Less
Abstract (english) Based on the recorded detailed geological column and laboratory analysis of samples, it has been determined that the sequence of layers, about eighteen meters thick in the Daljinac-I column, consists of five different lithofacies: limestone (F1), biocalcarenite/biocalcirudite (F2), clay (F3), sandstone (F4), and platy limestone (F5). The limestone (F1) from the lower part of the profile is white, massive in appearance, and rich in a microfossil community of foraminifera. In the central part of
... More the column, it is gray or rust-brown with well-defined horizontal lamination and poor in foraminifera, while the limestone from the upper part of the column is light yellow or gray, massive in appearance, and contains a microfossil community of ostracods. Biocalcarenites/biocalcirudites (F2) appear in the lower part of the profile as layers of centimeter-to-decimeter thickness and consist of fossilized fragments of mollusks, red algae, bryozoans, echinoids, and foraminifera. The clay facies (F3) is about thirty centimeters thick and consists mainly of smectitic clay, which likely represents an alteration product of pyroclastic material. The sandstone facies (F4) appears in the central part of the column as centimeter-thick layers within the limestone facies. The sandstones are identified as graywackes, while the sand is poorly sorted and occasionally cross-bedded. The detrital composition suggests a provenance from the magmatic and metamorphic rocks of the Papuk core belonging to the basement of the Pannonian Basin. The platy limestones (F5) from the upper part of the column are white or light yellow and contain remains of fossilized mollusks and ostracods, indicating deposition in the littoral-sublittoral part of a brackish lake. The lithological features, fossil content, and vertical arrangement of facies in the Daljinac column indicate that sedimentation of the layers began in the late Badenian in a shallow marine environment and was accompanied by weak volcanism. It continued continuously during the Sarmatian when the conditions for marine life were significantly unfavorable, and ended in the early Pannonian in a shallow, lagoon-like lake environment. The eighteen-meter-thick sequence of layers recorded key environmental transformations in the North Croatian Basin, from the shallow marine environment of the Central Paratethys in the middle Miocene to the lagoon environment of the Pannonian Lake in the late Miocene. Less
Sjevernohrvatski bazen
mineraloške značajke
Keywords (english)
Central Croatian Basin
mineralogical features
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:307157
Project Number: IP-2019-04-7042 Title: Taložni paleobazeni, vodeni prolazi i migracije biote Title: Sedimentary paleobasins, water corridors and biota migrations Acronym: SEDBAS Leader: Marijan Kovačić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: Hrvatska zaklada za znanost Funding stream: Research Projects
Study programme Title: Environmental Geology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistra geologije (sveučilišni magistar/magistra geologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Embargoed access Embargo expiration date: 2026-05-18
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Created on 2025-02-03 08:51:58