Abstract | Samonikla i uresna flora perivoja dvorca Lužnica istraživana je tijekom 2010. godine, te ukupna flora obuhvaća 342 vrste, podvrste i varijeteta iz 233 roda i 78 porodica. Zabilježeno je 274 samoniklih svojti i 68 uresnih svojti. Najbrojnije porodice u samonikloj flori su Poaceae (9,5%), Asteraceae (8,4%), Rosaceae (6,9%) i Lamiaceae (6,2%), dok su u uresnoj najzastupljenije Rosaceae (13,2%), Cupressaceae (8,8%), te Saxifragaceae (7,3%). Spektar životnih oblika unutar samonikle flore ukazuje na izraženu zastupljenost hemikriptofita (44,4%), fanerofita (20,6%) i terofita (20,6%). U ukupnoj flori prevladavaju adventivne i kultivirane biljke, no ukoliko uzmemo u obzir samo samonikle vrste, uočava se jasna dominacija euroazijskog flornog elementa (34,7%). Alohtono je 30,3% flore, od čega 16 svojti pripada invazivnim vrstama. U flori perivoja zabilježeno je 10 svojti iz Crvene knjige vaskularne flore Hrvatske, a Pravilnikom o proglašavanju divljih svojti zaštićenim i strogo zaštićenim zaštićeno je 48 divljih zavičajnih svojti. |
Abstract (english) | The study of the native and decorative flora of the park of castle Lužnica was carried out during 2010. The total flora is comprised of 342 plant species, subspecies and verieties belonging to 233 genera and 78 families. In total 274 native and 68 decorative plant taxa were recorded. The most abudant families in the native flora are Poaceae (9,5%), Asteraceae (8,4%), Rosaceae (6,9%) and Lamiaceae (6,2%), while the most abudant ones in the decorative flora are Rosaceae (13,2%), Cupressaceae (8,8%) and Saxifragaceae (7,3%). Life forms spectrum indicates domination of hemicryptophyta (44,4%), phanerophyta (20,6%) and therophyta (20,6%). Dominant taxa in the total flora are adventive and cultivated plants, but if only native species are taken into account, the most dominant becomes euroasian floral element (34,7%). Allochthonous flora is represented by 30,3%, of which 16 taxa are invasive species. The study recorded 10 taxa noted in the Red Book of Vascular Flora of Croatia and 48 native wild taxa which are protected according to the Nature Protection Act. |