Title Ponceletov teorem
Author Mia Mesar
Mentor Matija Kazalicki (mentor)
Committee member Matija Kazalicki (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Boris Muha (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Pejković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Eduard Marušić-Paloka (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Abstract Ponceletov teorem, koji govori o postojanju mnogokuta istovremeno upisanog jednoj a opisanog drugoj konici, jedan je od najpoznatijih i najviše proučavanih teorema u projektivnoj geometriji. Kao što je izloženo u ovom radu, ako postoji mnogokut koji je upisan jednoj konici i opisan drugoj, tada postoji beskonačno mnogo mnogokuta s jednakim brojem strana. Upravo se zbog prirode postojanja rješenja ovaj teorem često naziva i Ponceletov porizam, gdje riječ porizam dolazi iz Stare Grčke iz koje
... More dolaze brojni matematičari važni za razvoj matematike, posebno geometrije. U prvom poglavlju riječ je o zatvaranju u trokut gdje smo stekli prvi dojam o Ponceletovom teoremu, odnosno stekli smo dojam da mora postojati nekakav uvjet da bi do zatvaranja u trokut uopće došlo ako su dane dvije kružnice u ravnini, različitih polumjera, jedna unutar druge. Postojanje uvjeta za konstrukciju trokuta koji je upisan jednoj, a opisan drugoj kružnici navodi na dokaz Eulerovog teorema kojim se pokazuje da se takav trokut može konstruirati ako je zadovoljena Eulerova relacija. Eulerov teorem zapravo je temelj dokaza specijalnog slučaja Ponceletovog teorema za kružnice i trokut koji se nalazi u Poglavlju 3, te navodi na analogan uvjet za postojanje četverokuta koji je upisan vanjskoj, a opisan unutarnjoj kružnici. Najvažniji dio ovog rada zapravo je dokaz Ponceletovog teorema. Zbog kompleksnosti i dubine ovog teorema dokaz je vrlo zahtjevan, pogotovo zato što ne postoji elementarni dokaz. Teorem smo dokazali algebarsko-geometrijskim dokazom po uzoru na njemačkog matematičara Adolfa Hurwitza. U završnom dijelu rada izložena je mehanička interpretacija Ponceletovog teorema. Less
Abstract (english) Poncelet theorem is one of the most important and most explored theorems of projective geometry. This is a theorem about closing property for a sequence of polygons inscribed in one and circumscribed about the other given conic in the same plane. If described polygon exists, then there are infinitely many polygons with the same number of sides, inscribed in one and circumscribed about the other conic. The Poncelet theorem is usually called the Poncelet porism, where porism originates from
... More Ancient Greece, home of many famous mathematicians important for the development of mathematics, especially geometry. First chapter is about special polygon, triangle. We have noticed that we need a special condition for its existence if there are two given circles, one inside the other, in the same plane. That condition is well known as ”Euler’s formula” which is specified in Euler’s theorem, proved in Chapter 2. Euler’s theorem is very important for a special case of Poncelet theorem, Poncelet theorem for triangle and two given circles in Chapter 3. Using analogy and special condition for quadrilaterals, there exists a quadrilateral inscribed in one, and circumscribed about the other given circle. The most important part is the proof of Poncelet theorem. Because of its complexity, a proof is very difficult especially because there is no elementary proof. We use an algebraic - geometric method to prove the theorem like the German mathematician Adolf Hurwitz. In the last chapter, we focus on the mechanical interpretation of Poncelet’s theorem. Less
projektivna geometrija
Adolf Hurwitz
Keywords (english)
projective geometry
Adolf Hurwitz
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:524645
Study programme Title: Mathematics Education; specializations in: Mathematics Education Course: Mathematics Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije matematike (magistar/magistra edukacije matematike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-12-20 11:06:51