Title Jednodimenzionalni model biorazgradivog štapa
Author Gabriela Clara Racz
Mentor Josip Tambača (mentor)
Committee member Josip Tambača (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Jurak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Antonić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vjekoslav Kovač (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu bavili smo se modeliranjem elastičnog štapa izrađenog od biorazgradivih polimera. Budući da je štap izduženi cilindar čija je dimenzija duljine puno veća od preostale dvije dimenzije, na njega gledamo kao na jednodimenzionalnu strukturu smještenu u trodimenzionalnom prostoru. U skladu s tom pretpostavkom koristimo model jednodimenzionalnog biorazgradivog štapa koji uključuje i mehaničku i kemijsku degradaciju. Na taj smo način postigli da umjesto problema u tri dimenzije promatramo problem u jednoj dimenziji, što zahtijeva manji utrošak memorije pri numeričkim simulacijama. Budući da promatramo biorazgradivi štap, jedan od glavnih ciljeva ovog rada bio je proučiti utjecaj kemijske i mehaničke degradacije na ponašanje štapa. Kako bismo vjerodostojno modelirali kemijsku degradaciju, koristili smo empirijski model, te odredili koeficijent brzine kemijske degradacije iz eksperimentalnih istraživanja pronađenih u literaturi. Za aproksimaciju pomaka središnje linije štapa i infinitezimalnu rotaciju poprečnog presjeka koristili smo prostore polinoma, dok smo degradaciju modelirali metodom konačnih elemenata, u slučaju da na mehaničku degradaciju utječe difuzija, te Eulerovom metodom, ukoliko nema utjecaja difuzije. U svim simulacijama promatrali smo elastični, biorazgradivi štap učvršćen na oba kraja. Proučili smo i kako ponašanje štapa ovisi o omjeru koeficijenta brzine kemijske degradacije k, te koeficijenta mehaničke degradacije τ. U gotovo svim simulacijama, uočeno je da je degradacija najbrža na krajevima štapa, koji stoga predstavljaju kritične točke. Budući da se biorazgradivi polimeri koriste kao implantati u biomedicini, pokušali smo promjenom oblika štapa postići ravnomjerniju degradaciju na svim mjestima, te produžiti njegov životni vijek. U tu svrhu dizajnirali smo i testirali pet različitih modela, te smo rezultate simulacija usporedili s rezultatima za homogeni štap napravljen od iste količine materijala, odnosno istog volumena. Najbolje rezultate dao je Model 4 koji je traje čak 2:38 puta dulje od svog homogenog para. Zanimljivo bi bilo matematički formulirati optimizacijski problem pronalaženja najizdržljivijeg oblika štapa, no to ostavljamo za buduća istraživanja.
Abstract (english) In this thesis, we have studied modelling of elastic rod made from biodegradable polymers. Since rod has a shape of an elongated cylinder, that has one side much longer than the other two, we will consider it as one-dimensional structure placed in a three-dimensional space. In accordance with this assumption, we use one-dimensional elastic biodegradable rod model which includes mechanical and chemical degradation. This way, we have transformed a three-dimensional problem into one-dimensional problem, which requires less memory for numerical simulations. One of the main goals of this research was to study the effect of chemical and mechanical degradation on the behaviour of biodegradable rod. In order to accurately model chemical degradation, we have used an empirical model and determined the degradation rate coefficient from experimental studies found in literature. In numerical simulations, we have used the approximation in polynomial spaces for the middle line shift of the rod and infinitesimal rotation of the cross-section of the rod. Furthermore, we have used Finite Element Method for numerical approximation of degradation in case that diffusion has an effect on mechanical degradation. In other case, when diffusion doesn't have an effect on mechanical degradation, Euler method was used instead. In all simulations, we have considered a biodegradable elastic rod fixed on both ends. We have examined how the behavior of the rod depends on the ratio of the chemical degradation rate coefficient k, and the mechanical degradation coefficient τ. In nearly all simulations, maximal degradation at the ends of the rod was observed. This means that ends of the rod represent critical points where the fracture occurs. Since the biodegradable polymers are widely used as biomedical implants, we've tried to modify shape of the rod in order to expand its lifespan and achieve more uniform degradation along its length. For that purpose, we have designed and tested five different models and compared its simulation results with the results of a homogeneous rods made out of the same amount of material. The best performance was achieved by Model 4 which lasts 2:38 times longer than its homogenous pair. It would be interesting to mathematically formulate and study this shape optimization problem in order to find most durable rod design, but it will be left for future research.
modeliranje elastičnog štapa
biorazgradivi polimeri
utjecaj kemijske i mehaničke degradacije
metoda konačnih elemenata
Eulerova metoda
Keywords (english)
modelling of elastic rod
biodegradable polymers
effect of chemical and mechanical degradation
Finite element method
Euler method
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:574588
Study programme Title: Applied Mathematics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra matematike (magistar/magistra matematike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-02-01 10:45:45