@phdthesis{mefst:2315, author = {{Gulin, Marijana}}, title = {{Povezanost izraženosti koštanih morfogenetskih proteina BMP-2 i BMP-7 u vaskularnim stanicama primatelja s odgođenom funkcijom transplantiranog bubrega}}, } @phdthesis{mef:9567, author = {{Smoljo, Tomislav}}, title = {{Mehanizam diferencijacije stanica akutne mijeloične leukemije potaknute citarabinom}}, } @phdthesis{mef:7401, author = {{Kovačević, Maja}}, title = {{Povezanost serumskih koncentracija interleukina IL-18, IL-19, IL-21 i IL-22 s etiopatogenezom i procjenom kliničke aktivnosti nesegmentalnoga oblika vitiliga}}, } @article{mef:9472, author = {{Ivanjko, Natalia and Štoković, Nikola and Milešević, Marina and Rumenović, Viktorija and Windhager, Reinhard and Sampath, Kuber T. and Kovačić, Nataša and Grčević, Danka and Vukičević, Slobodan}}, title = {{rhBMP6 in autologous blood coagulum is a preferred osteoinductive device to rhBMP2 on bovine collagen sponge in the rat ectopic bone formation assay}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6971, author = {{Priselac, Sara}}, title = {{Midline 1 kao posrednik proupalne signalizacije receptora Fas u mijeloidnim stanicama mišje koštane srži}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5537, author = {{Stojanović, Mario}}, title = {{Utjecaj nedostatka receptora sličnog Tollu 2 na izražaj neuroplastina i ATPaza u mozgu miša}}, } @article{mef:6620, author = {{Grčević, Danka and Sanjay, Archana and Lorenzo, Joseph}}, title = {{Interactions of B-lymphocytes and bone cells in health and disease}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5525, author = {{Filipović, Maša}}, title = {{Signalni put Notch osteoklastnih progenitora u mišjem modelu reumatoidnoga artritisa}}, } @article{mef:7361, author = {{Filipović, Maša and Flegar, Darja and Aničić, Sara and Šisl, Dino and Kelava, Tomislav and Kovačić, Nataša and Šućur, Alan and Grčević, Danka}}, title = {{Transcriptome profiling of osteoclast subsets associated with arthritis: A pathogenic role of CCR2hi osteoclast progenitors}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5149, author = {{Šisl, Dino}}, title = {{Uloga signalnog puta Notch u jetrenim zvjezdolikim stanicama tijekom razvoja mišjeg modela jetrene fibroze}}, } @article{mef:6526, author = {{Srakočić, Sanja and Josić, Paula and Trifunović, Sebastijan and Gajović, Srećko and Grčević, Danka and Glasnović, Anton}}, title = {{Proposed practical protocol for flow cytometry analysis of microglia from the healthy adult mouse brain: Systematic review and isolation methods’ evaluation}}, } @article{mef:6583, author = {{Barbarić Starčević, Katarina and Lukač, Nina and Jelić, Mislav and Šućur, Alan and Grčević, Danka and Kovačić, Nataša}}, title = {{Reciprocal Alterations in Osteoprogenitor and Immune Cell Populations in Rheumatoid Synovia}}, } @phdthesis{mef:4862, author = {{Tomić, Barbara}}, title = {{Signalni mehanizmi i metaboličke promjene tijekom diferencijacije i proliferacije leukemijskih stanica}}, } @article{mef:5363, author = {{Filipović, Maša and Flegar, Darja and Šućur, Alan and Šisl, Dino and Kavazović, Inga and Antica, Mariastefania and Kelava, Tomislav and Kovačić, Nataša and Grčević, Danka}}, title = {{Inhibition of Notch Signaling Stimulates Osteoclastogenesis From the Common Trilineage Progenitor Under Inflammatory Conditions}}, } @article{mef:6623, author = {{Bobek, Dubravka and Šestan, Mario and Mijačika, Luciana and Kovačić, Nataša and Lukić, Ivan Krešimir and Grčević, Danka and Jelušić, Marija}}, title = {{Serum S100A12 levels in children with childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic juvenile arthritis, and systemic undefined recurrent fevers}}, } @article{mef:4025, author = {{Flegar, Darja and Filipović, Maša and Šućur, Alan and Markotić, Antonio and Lukač, Nina and Šisl, Dino and Ikić Matijašević, Marina and Jajić, Zrinka and Kelava, Tomislav and Katavić, Vedran and Kovačić, Nataša and Grčević, Danka}}, title = {{Preventive CCL2/CCR2 Axis Blockade Suppresses Osteoclast Activity in a Mouse Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis by Reducing Homing of CCR2hi Osteoclast Progenitors to the Affected Bone}}, } @article{mef:4337, author = {{Bainrauch, Ana and Šisl, Dino and Markotić, Antonio and Ostojić, Ana and Gašparov, Slavko and Bralić Lang, Valerija and Kovačić, Nataša and Grčević, Danka and Mrzljak, Anna and Kelava, Tomislav}}, title = {{NOTCH3 rs1043996 Polymorphism Is Associated with the Occurrence of Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis Independently of PNPLA3 and TM6SF2 Polymorphisms}}, } @article{mef:3699, author = {{Matthews, Brya G and Novak, Sanja and Sbrana, Francesca V and Funnell, Jessica L and Cao, Ye and Buckels, Emma J and Grčević, Danka and Kalajzić, Ivo}}, title = {{Heterogeneity of murine periosteum progenitors involved in fracture healing}}, } @phdthesis{mefst:1224, author = {{Čarić, Davor}}, title = {{Izražaj i lokalizacija iNOS, BCL-2 i MMP-9 u sinovijalnoj ovojnici kuka u bolesnika s osteoartritisom}}, } @phdthesis{mef:2996, author = {{Lukač, Nina}}, title = {{Stanični i molekularni posrednici subhondralnoga koštanoga razaranja u artritisu}}, } @article{mef:3446, author = {{Šućur, Alan and Jajić, Zrinka and Ikić Matijašević, Marina and Stipić Marković, Asja and Flegar, Darja and Lukač, Nina and Kelava, Tomislav and Kovačić, Nataša and Grčević, Danka}}, title = {{Combined manual and automated immunophenotypisation identified disease-specific peripheral blood immune subpopulations in rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis}}, } @article{mef:3136, author = {{Lukač, Nina and Katavić, Vedran and Novak, Sanja and Šućur, Alan and Filipović, Maša and Kalajzić, Ivo and Grčević, Danka and Kovačić, Nataša}}, title = {{What do we know about bone morphogenetic proteins and osteochondroprogenitors in inflammatory conditions?}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3642, author = {{Kodvanj, Ivan}}, title = {{Utjecaj glutamina na diferencijaciju stanica leukemijskih linija}}, } @article{mef:2907, author = {{Markotić, Antonio and Flegar, Darja and Grčević, Danka and Šućur, Alan and Lalić, Hrvoje and Turčić, Petra and Kovačić, Nataša and Lukač, Nina and Pravdić, Danijel and Vukojević, Katarina and Čavar, Ivan and Kelava, Tomislav}}, title = {{LPS‐induced inflammation desensitizes hepatocytes to Fas‐induced apoptosis through Stat3 activation—The effect can be reversed by ruxolitinib}}, } @phdthesis{medri:3454, author = {{Miletić, Antonija}}, title = {{ULOGA RECEPTORA NCR1 U PRIROĐENOM I STEČENOM IMUNOLOŠKOM ODGOVORU NA CITOMEGALOVIRUS}}, } @article{mef:2638, author = {{Parente, Raffaella and Sobacchi, Cristina and Bottazzi, Barbara and Mantovani, Alberto and Grčevic, Danka and Inforzato, Antonio}}, title = {{The Long Pentraxin PTX3 in Bone Homeostasis and Pathology}}, } @phdthesis{mef:6190, author = {{Flegar, Darja}}, title = {{Karakterizacija reakcije osteoklastnih progenitora i pojačane osteoresorpcije u mišjem modelu reumatoidnoga artritisa }}, } @phdthesis{pmf:4752, author = {{Marinović, Sonja}}, title = {{The role of immune mechanisms in development of metabolic syndrome in obesity}}, } @article{mef:8686, author = {{Grčević, Danka and Sironi, Marina and Valentino, Sonia and Deban, Livija and Cvija, Hrvoje and Inforzato, Antonio and Kovačić, Nataša and Katavić, Vedran and Kelava, Tomislav and Kalajzić, Ivo and Mantovani, Alberto and Bottazzi, Barbara}}, title = {{The long Pentraxin 3 plays a role in bone turnover and repair}}, } @article{medri:5659, author = {{Glasnović, Anton and Stojić, Maristela and Dežmalj, Lidija and Tudorić-Đeno, Ivana and Romić, Dominik and Jeleč, Vjekoslav and Vrca, Anđelko and Vuletić, Vladimira and Grčević, Danka}}, title = {{RANKL/RANK/OPG Axis Is Deregulated in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Multiple Sclerosis Patients at Clinical Onset}}, } @phdthesis{mef:6039, author = {{Šućur, Alan}}, title = {{Fenotipska i funkcijska karakterizacija osteoklastnih progenitora u bolesnika s reumatoidnim artritisom }}, } @article{mef:8360, author = {{Šućur, Alan and Jajić, Zrinka and Artuković, Marinko and Ikić Matijašević, Marina and Anić, Branimir and Flegar, Darja and Markotić, Antonio and Kelava, Tomislav and Ivčević, Sanja and Kovačić, Nataša and Katavić, Vedran and Grčević, Danka}}, title = {{Chemokine signals are crucial for enhanced homing and differentiation of circulating osteoclast progenitor cells}}, } @article{mef:8259, author = {{Erjavec, Igor and Bordukalo-Nikšić, Tatjana and Brkljačić, Jelena and Grčević, Danka and Mokrović, Gordana and Kesić, Maja and Rogić, Dunja and Zavadoski, William and Paralkar, Vishwas M. and Grgurević, Lovorka and Trkulja, Vladimir and Čičin-Šain, Lipa and Vukičević, Slobodan}}, title = {{Constitutively elevated blood serotonin is associated with bone loss and type 2 diabetes in rats}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1266, author = {{Artuković, Marinko}}, title = {{Povezanost učestalosti polimorfizama gena FasL i FOXO3 s razinama citokina TNFα i IL-10 u reumatoidnom artritisu}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:811, author = {{Bucić, Lovro}}, title = {{Specifična imunoterapija}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5962, author = {{Glasnović, Anton}}, title = {{Poremećaji izražaja osteoresorptivnoga citokina RANKL u bolesnika s multiplom sklerozom na kliničkom početku bolesti }}, } @article{mef:7931, author = {{Perić, Mihaela and Dumić-Čule, Ivo and Grčević, Danka and Matijašić, Mario and Verbanac, Donatella and Paul, Ruth and Grgurević, Lovorka and Trkulja, Vladimir and Bagi, Čedo M. and Vukičević, Slobodan}}, title = {{The rational use of animal models in the evaluation of novel bone regenerative therapies}}, } @article{mef:7876, author = {{Bobek, Dubravka and Grčević, Danka and Kovačić, Nataša and Lukić, Ivan Krešimir and Jelušić, Marija}}, title = {{The presence of high mobility group box-1 and soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products in juvenile idiopathic arthritis and juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus}}, } @article{mef:7953, author = {{Šućur, Alan and Katavić, Vedran and Kelava, Tomislav and Jajić, Zrinka and Kovačić, Nataša and Grčević, Danka}}, title = {{Induction of osteoclast progenitors in inflammatory conditions: key to bone destruction in arthritis}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:130, author = {{Topalušić, Iva}}, title = {{Imunološki mehanizmi u bolestima gastrointestinalnog trakta}}, } @article{mef:7932, author = {{Ikić, Marina and Jajić, Zrinka and Lazić, Elvira and Ivčević, Sanja and Grubišić, Frane and Marušić, Ana and Kovačić, Nataša and Grčević, Danka}}, title = {{Association of systemic and intra-articular osteoclastogenic potential, pro-inflammatory mediators and disease activity with the form of inflammatory arthritis}}, } @article{mef:7895, author = {{Kuzmac, Sania and Grčević, Danka and Šućur, Alan and Ivčević, Sanja and Katavić, Vedran}}, title = {{Acute hematopoietic stress in mice is followed by enhanced osteoclast maturation in the bone marrow microenvironment}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1356, author = {{Kuzmac, Sania}}, title = {{Utjecaj potaknute hematopoeze na diferencijaciju i aktivnost mišjih osteoklasta}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5813, author = {{Topić Grahovac, Iva}}, title = {{Regulacija diferencijacije stanica akutne promijelocitne leukemije koštanim morfogenetskim proteinima }}, } @phdthesis{mef:5872, author = {{Ikić Matijašević, Marina}}, title = {{Diferencijacija i aktivnost osteoblasta i osteoklasta u mišjem modelu reumatoidnoga artritisa }}, } @article{mef:7803, author = {{Topić, Iva and Ikić, Marina and Ivčević, Sanja and Kovačić, Nataša and Marušić, Ana and Kušec, Rajko and Grčević, Danka}}, title = {{Bone morphogenetic proteins regulate differentiation of human promyelocytic leukemia cells}}, } @article{mef:7675, author = {{Jajić, Zrinka and Rajnpreht, Ivana and Kovačić, Nataša and Lukić, Ivan Krešimir and Velagić, Vedran and Grubišić, Frane and Marušić, Ana and Grčević, Danka}}, title = {{Which clinical variables have the most significant correlation with quality of life evaluated by SF-36 survey in Croatian cohort of patient with ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis?}}, } @article{mef:7978, author = {{Cvija, Hrvoje and Kovačić, Nataša and Katavić, Vedran and Ivčević, Sanja and Aguila, Hector Leonardo and Marušić, Ana and Grčević, Danka}}, title = {{Chemotactic and immunoregulatory properties of bone cells are modulated by endotoxin-stimulated lymphocytes}}, } @article{mef:7593, author = {{Grčević, Danka and Pejda, Slavica and Matthews, Brya G. and Repić, Dario and Wang, Liping and Li, Haitao and Kronenberg, Mark S. and Jiang, Xi and Maye, Peter and Adams, Douglas J. and Rowe, David W. and Aguila, Hector L. and Kalajzić, Ivo}}, title = {{In vivo fate mapping identifies mesenchymal progenitor cells}}, } @article{mef:7470, author = {{Kovačić, Nataša and Grčević, Danka and Katavić, Vedran and Lukić, Ivan Krešimir and Marušić, Ana}}, title = {{Targeting Fas in osteoresorptive disorders}}, } @article{mef:9170, author = {{Grčević, Danka and Kušec, Rajko and Kovačić, Nataša and Lukić, Anita and Lukić, Ivan Krešimir and Ivčević, Sanja and Nemet, Damir and Serventi Seiwerth, Ranka and Kolonić Ostojić, Slobodanka and Croucher, Peter I and Marušić, Ana}}, title = {{Bone morphogenetic proteins and receptors are over-expressed in bone-marrow cells of multiple myeloma patients and support myeloma cells by inducing ID genes}}, } @article{mef:9289, author = {{Kovačić, Nataša and Grčević, Danka and Katavić, Vedran and Lukić, Ivan Krešimir and Grubišić, Vladimir and Mihovilović, Karlo and Cvija, Hrvoje and Croucher, Peter Ian and Marušić, Ana}}, title = {{Fas receptor is required for estrogen deficiency-induced bone loss in mice}}, } @phdthesis{mefst:2299, author = {{Lozić, Bernarda}}, title = {{Polimorfizam gena NQO1 i NBS1 kao čimbenici rizika zloćudnih bolesti krvotvornog tkiva}}, } @article{mef:9082, author = {{Salopek, Daniela and Grčević, Danka and Katavić, Vedran and Kovačić, Nataša and Lukić, Ivan Krešimir and Marušić, Ana}}, title = {{Increased bone resorption and osteopenia are a part of the lymphoproliferative phenotype of mice with systemic over-expression of interleukin-7 gene driven by MHC class II promoter}}, } @article{mef:8522, author = {{Grčević, Danka and Lukić, Ivan Krešimir and Kovačić, Nataša and Ivčević, Sanja and Katavić, Vedran and Marušić, Ana}}, title = {{Activated T lymphocytes suppress osteoclastogenesis by diverting early monocyte/macrophage progenitor lineage commitment towards dendritic cell differentiation through down-regulation of receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB and c-Fos}}, }