@mastersthesis{pmf:12675, author = {{Pastva, Nikolina}}, title = {{Validacija novih ciljnih gena transkripcijskog faktora GLI3 u staničnim linijama tumora glave i vrata čovjeka}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:9464, author = {{Šimatović, Domagoj}}, title = {{Uloga ekspresije p16 u karcinomima glave i vrata}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:8425, author = {{Vincetić, Magdalena}}, title = {{Polimorfizmi gena BIRC5 i ekspresija izoformi proteina survivina u karcinomu dojke}}, } @article{mef:2647, author = {{Sušac, Ilona and Ozretić, Petar and Gregorić, Maja and Levačić Cvok, Mirela and Sabol, Maja and Levanat, Sonja and Trnski, Diana and Eljuga, Domagoj and Seiwerth, Sven and Aralica, Gorana and Stanec, Mladen and Musani, Vesna}}, title = {{Polymorphisms in Survivin (BIRC5 Gene) Are Associated with Age of Onset in Breast Cancer Patients}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:667, author = {{Majić, Tajana}}, title = {{Uloga polimorfizama gena BIRC5 (survivin) u različitim tipovima tumora jajnika}}, }