@article{pmf:13250, author = {{Kisiček, Virna and Dominko, Damir and Čulo, Matija and Rapljenović, Željko and Kuveždić, Marko and Dragičević, Martina and Berger, Helmuth and Rocquefelte, Xavier and Herak, Mirta and Ivek, Tomislav}}, title = {{Spin-Reorientation-Driven Linear Magnetoelectric Effect in Topological Antiferromagnet Cu3TeO6}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1714, author = {{Dominko, Damir}}, title = {{Utjecaj kristalnih defekata na fazna pobuđenja u valovima gustoće naboja}}, } @article{pmf:7307, author = {{Živković, Ivica and Djokić, Dejan M. and Herak, Mirta and Pajić, Damir and Prša, Krunoslav and Pattison, P. and Dominko, Damir and Micković, Zlatko and Cinčić, Dominik and Forro, Laszlo and Berger, Helmut and Ronnow, Henrik M.}}, title = {{Site-selective quantum correlations revealed by magnetic anisotropy in the tetramer system SeCuO3}}, }