@article{pmf:13152, author = {{Popčević, Petar and Batistić, Ivo and Smontara, Ana and Velebit, Kristijan and Jaćimović, J. and Živković, Ivica and Tsyrulin, N. and Piatek, J. and Berger, H. and Sidorenko, A. and Rønnow, H. and Forró, Laszlo and Barišić, Neven and Tutiš, Eduard}}, title = {{Electronic transport and magnetism in the alternating stack of metallic and highly frustrated magnetic layers in Co1/3NbS2}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1659, author = {{Velebit, Kristijan}}, title = {{Effects of superstructuring on optical and transport properties of selected layered materials}}, } @article{pmf:7117, author = {{Popčević, Petar and Batistić, Ivo and Tutiš, Eduard and Velebit, Kristijan and Heggen, Marc and Feuerbacher, Michael}}, title = {{The Generalization of the Kinetic Equations and the Spectral Conductivity Function to Anisotropic Systems: Case T-Al_72.5Mn_21.5Fe_6 Complex Metallic Alloy}}, }