@mastersthesis{pmf:13403, author = {{Gredičak, Nikola}}, title = {{Određivanje ultrabrze dinamike fotopobuđenih nosilaca naboja poluvodičkih tankih slojeva dihalkogenida i oksinitrida prijelaznih metala}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:13406, author = {{Rogić, Luka}}, title = {{Istraživanje lokalne strukture kompleksnih oksida titana i tantala Larmorovom precesijom neutrona}}, } @article{pmf:13212, author = {{Najev, Ana and Hameed, S. and Alfonsov, A. and Joe, J. and Kataev, V. and Greven, M. and Požek, Miroslav and Pelc, Damjan}}, title = {{Magnetic resonance study of rare-earth titanates}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12470, author = {{Skeledžija, Danijel}}, title = {{Numeričko modeliranje lokalne strukture kompleksnih materijala}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12541, author = {{Havaić, Petar}}, title = {{Magnetsko ponašanje slojevitih halogenokuprata temeljenih na alifatskim triaminima}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12636, author = {{Marić, Luka}}, title = {{Upotreba micro:bit uređaja u konstrukciji mjernog instrumenta}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12306, author = {{Somun, Noah}}, title = {{Istraživanje dinamike rešetke u stroncijevom titanatu}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:11774, author = {{Najev, Ana}}, title = {{Local probe investigation of trivalent rare-earth titanates}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:11697, author = {{Topić, Edi}}, title = {{Slojeviti hibridni organsko-anorganski halogenokuprati(II) i halogenomanganati(II) – od strukturnih karakteristika do termičkih, magnetskih i električnih svojstava}}, } @article{pmf:11930, author = {{Griffitt, S. and Spaić, Marin and Joe, J. and Anderson, Z. W. and Zhai, D. and Krogstad, M. J. and Osborn, R. and Pelc, Damjan and Greven, M.}}, title = {{Local inversion-symmetry breaking in a bismuthate high-Tc superconductor}}, } @article{pmf:13436, author = {{Pelc, Damjan and Spieker, R. J. and Anderson, Z. W. and Krogstad, M. J. and Biniskos, N. and Bielinski, N. G. and Yu, B. and Sasagawa, T. and Chauviere, L. and Dosanjh, P. and Liang, R. and Bonn, D. A. and Damascelli, A. and Chi, S. and Liu, Y. and Osborn, R. and Greven, M.}}, title = {{Unconventional short-range structural fluctuations in cuprate superconductors}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:11363, author = {{Đudarić, Dino}}, title = {{Degradacija kvazi-2D perovskita: nagovještaji izračunima iz prvih principa}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:11360, author = {{Sačer, Petar}}, title = {{Diracovi polumetali, traženje novih putova sinteze monokristala BaNiS2 te WC}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:11369, author = {{Rumbak, Dino}}, title = {{"PhyBox 3" - kutija pokusa iz fizike za treći razred srednje škole}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:11070, author = {{Bandalo, Marko}}, title = {{Aproksimativna master jednadžba i njena upotreba u kontaktnim procesima}}, } @article{pmf:13349, author = {{Najev, Ana and Hameed, S. and Gautreau, D. and Wang, Z. and Joe, J. and Požek, Miroslav and Birol, T. and Fernandes, R. M. and Greven, M. and Pelc, Damjan}}, title = {{Uniaxial Strain Control of Bulk Ferromagnetism in Rare-Earth Titanates}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:10232, author = {{Čus, Petar}}, title = {{Strujno-naponska karakterizacija solarnih ćelija}}, } @article{pmf:11836, author = {{Chen, Fei and Pelc, Damjan and Greven, Martin and Fernandes, Rafael M.}}, title = {{Phenomenological model of the third-harmonic magnetic response due to superconducting fluctuations: Application to Sr2RuO4}}, } @article{pmf:8693, author = {{Pelc, Damjan and Veit, M. J. and Dorow, C. J. and Ge, Y. and Barišić, Neven and Greven, M.}}, title = {{Resistivity phase diagram of cuprates revisited}}, } @article{pmf:8557, author = {{Yu, G. and Xia, D.-D. and Pelc, Damjan and He, R.-H. and Kaneko, N.-H. and Sasagawa, T. and Li, Y. and Zhao, X. and Barišić, Neven and Shekhter, A. and Greven, M.}}, title = {{Universal precursor of superconductivity in the cuprates}}, } @article{pmf:8219, author = {{Pelc, Damjan and Popčević, Petar and Požek, Miroslav and Greven, M. and Barišić, Neven}}, title = {{Unusual behavior of cuprates explained by heterogeneous charge localization}}, } @article{pmf:8177, author = {{Pelc, Damjan and Vučković, Marija and Grbić, Mihael S. and Požek, Miroslav and Yu, Guichuan and Sasagawa, Takao and Greven, Martin and Barišić, Neven}}, title = {{Emergence of superconductivity in the cuprates via a universal percolation process}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1516, author = {{Pelc, Damjan}}, title = {{Charge order in the cuprates}}, } @article{pmf:8069, author = {{Pelc, Damjan and Grafe, Hans-Joachim and Gu, Genda D. and Požek, Miroslav}}, title = {{Cu nuclear magnetic resonance study of charge and spin stripe order in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4}}, } @article{pmf:7967, author = {{Kupčić, Ivan and Nikšić, Goran and Rukelj, Zoran and Pelc, Damjan}}, title = {{Effective numbers of charge carriers in doped graphene: Generalized Fermi liquid approach}}, } @article{pmf:7836, author = {{Pelc, Damjan and Vučković, Marija and Grafe, Hans-Joachim and Baek, Seung-Ho and Požek, Miroslav}}, title = {{Unconventional charge order in a co-doped high-Tc superconductor}}, } @article{pmf:7755, author = {{Freitas, Jair C. C. and Scopel, Wanderla and Paz, Wendel S. and Bernardes, Leandro V. and Cunha-Filho, Francisco E. and Speglich, Carlos and Araújo-Moreira, Fernando M. and Pelc, Damjan and Cvitanić, Tonči and Požek, Miroslav}}, title = {{Determination of the hyperfine magnetic field in magnetic carbonbased materials: DFT calculations and NMR experiments}}, } @article{pmf:7743, author = {{Pelc, Damjan and Požek, Miroslav and Despoja, Vito and Sunko, Denis K.}}, title = {{Mechanism of metallization and superconductivity suppression in YBa_2(Cu_2.97 Zn_0.03)_3 O_6.92 revealed by 67Zn NQR}}, } @article{pmf:7515, author = {{Cvitanić, Tonči and Pelc, Damjan and Požek, Miroslav and Amit, E. and Keren, A.}}, title = {{O-17-NMR Knight shift study of the interplay between superconductivity and pseudogap in (CaxLa1-x)(Ba1.75-xLa0.25+x)Cu3Oy}}, } @article{pmf:7305, author = {{Pelc, Damjan and Marković, Igor and Požek, Miroslav}}, title = {{Cooperative Mercury Motion in the Ionic Conductor Cu2HgI4}}, }