File description: (1) interfaces.csv: file containing depths of interfaces defined by model (2) parameters.csv: file containing seismic parameter values defined in the model Model format: The model file interfaces.csv is arranged as: longitude (deg) / latitude (deg) / topography (km) / depth of sediment bottom interface (km) / sediment bottom interface depth STD (km) / depth of carbonate complex bottom (km) / carbonate bottom complex depth STD (km) / Moho depth (km) / Moho depth STD (km) The model file parameters.csv is aranged as: longitude (deg) / latitude (deg) / z coordinate (km) / Vp (km/s) / Vp STD (km/s) / Vs (km/s) / density (g/cm3) / density STD (g/cm3) Note: (1) Depth is defined as being positive going from the sea level towards center of the Earth (2) The model is missing standard deviation for Vs parameter due to a lack of data for interpolation; Vs parameter was estimated from Vp for sake of completeness