Sažetak | Sadržaj mikro- i makroelemenata u kadulji (Salvia officinalis L) i dubačcu (Teucrium
montanum L) određen je metodom atomske emisijske spektrometrije uz induktivno spregnutu plazmu
(ICP-AES). Uzorci (list, cvijet i cijela biljka) su razoreni u uređaju za mikrovalno potpomognuto
razaranje, te su nakon optimiranja i validacije metode u uzorcima analizirani Al, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr,
Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sr i Zn. Točnost metode određivanja mikro- i makroelemenata u
kadulji i dubačcu određena na temelju iskoristivosti metode iznosi od 85 do 125 % za kadulju te 83 do
130 % za dubačac. Detekcijske granice elemenata su manje od 2 μg g-1 za mikrovalno potpomognuto
razorenu kadulju i dubačac.
Esencijalni elementi Al, Cu, Fe,Mn, Ni i Zn su u cijelim biljkama i njihovim čajevima prisutni
u masenim udjelima reda veličine μgL-1, dok su Ca, K, Mg i Na u mgL-1. U uzorcima kadulje
određeno je 9,72 mg g-1 K, 3,52 mg g-1 Mg, 4,09 mg g-1 Ca i 0,10 mg g-1 Na, 94,34 μg g-1 Al, 109,22 μg
g-1 Ni, 94,19 μg g-1 Fe, 33,35 μg g-1 Zn, 30,49 μg g-1 Mn, 10,68 μg g-1 Cu i 7,79 μg g-1 Sr, 0,0564 μg g-1
Cd i 6,530 μg g-1 Pb.
Dubačac sadrži: 6,654 mg g-1 K, 1,488 mg g-1 Mg, 0,081 mg g-1 Ca i 0,057 mg g-1 Na, 97,38μg
g-1 Al, 95,90μg g-1 Ni, 81,92 μg g-1 Fe, 20,52 μg g-1 Zn, 27,50 μg g-1 Mn, 4,76 μg g-1 Cu i 4,02 μg g-1 Sr,
Cd 0,011-0,089 μg g-1, Cr 0,136-0,954 μg g-1. Toksični elementi Cd i Pb nađeni su samo u cijeloj biljci
u niskim udjelima (Co 0,010-0,231 μg g-1, Pb 5,681-11,394 μg g-1), ali nisu detektirani u čaju. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The content of minor and major elements in sage (Salvia officinalis L) and mountain germander
(Teucrium montanum L) was determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
(ICP-AES). The medicinal herbs samples (herbs, leaves and flowers) were digested in a microwave
assisted digestion system. After optimization and validating the analytical procedure Ag, Al, Ba, Ca,
Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sr and Zn, were analyzed. The accuracy of the method
expressed by the recovery determined by spiking experiments for micro- and macroelements in sage
and mountain germander ranged from 85 up to 125 % for sage and from 83 up to 130 % for mountain
germander. The limits of detection of the elements of interest were from up to 2 μg g-1 for sage and
mountain germander microwave digested samples.
The essential elements Al, Cu, Fe,Mn, Ni, and Zn are present in the whole overground herb
and infusions at concentration levels of μgL-1, whereas Ca, K, Mg, and Na in mgL-1. The reference
ranges determined in all sage (flower and leaf) samples are from 9,72 mg g-1 K, 3,52 mg g-1 Mg, 4,09
mg g-1 Ca i 0,10 mg g-1 Na, 94,34 μg g-1 Al, 109,22 μg g-1 Ni, 94,19 μg g-1 Fe, 33,35 μg g-1 Zn, 30,49
μg g-1 Mn, 10,68 μg g-1 Cu i 7,79 μg g-1 Sr, 0,0564 μg g-1 Cd and 6,530 μg g-1 Pb.
Element content in mountain germander are: 6,654 mg g-1 K, 1,488 mg g-1 Mg, 0,081 mg g-1 Ca
i 0,057 mg g-1 Na, 97,38μg g-1 Al, 95,90μg g-1 Ni, 81,92 μg g-1 Fe, 20,52 μg g-1 Zn, 27,50 μg g-1 Mn,
4,76 μg g-1 Cu i 4,02 μg g-1 Sr, Cd 0,011-0,089 μg g-1, Cr 0,136-0,954 μg g-1, Co 0,010-0,231 μg g-1,
Pb 5,681-11,394 μg g-1. The toxic elements Cd and Pb were found only in the whole overground herb
at very low concentrations, but not in the final infusions. |