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Self-excited oscillations of charge-spin accumulation due to single-electron tunneling
Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, 82 (2010), 12; 125311. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.82.125311

Radić, Danko; Kadigrobov, Anatoli; Gorelik, Leonid; Shekhter, Robert; Jonson, Mats

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Radić, D., Kadigrobov, A., Gorelik, L., Shekhter, R. i Jonson, M. (2010). Self-excited oscillations of charge-spin accumulation due to single-electron tunneling. Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, 82. (12). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.125311

Radić, Danko, et al. "Self-excited oscillations of charge-spin accumulation due to single-electron tunneling." Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 82, br. 12, 2010. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.82.125311

Radić, Danko, Anatoli Kadigrobov, Leonid Gorelik, Robert Shekhter i Mats Jonson. "Self-excited oscillations of charge-spin accumulation due to single-electron tunneling." Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics 82, br. 12 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.82.125311

Radić, D., et al. (2010) 'Self-excited oscillations of charge-spin accumulation due to single-electron tunneling', Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, 82(12). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.125311

Radić D, Kadigrobov A, Gorelik L, Shekhter R, Jonson M. Self-excited oscillations of charge-spin accumulation due to single-electron tunneling. Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics [Internet]. 2010. [pristupljeno 24.08.2024.];82(12). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.125311

D. Radić, A. Kadigrobov, L. Gorelik, R. Shekhter i M. Jonson, "Self-excited oscillations of charge-spin accumulation due to single-electron tunneling", Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 82, br. 12, 2010. [Online]. Dostupno na: https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:217:570302. [Citirano: 24.08.2024.]

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