
Lhersonneau, G., Brant, Slobodan, Paar, Vladimir, Vretenar, Dario
Nuclear structure of 97Y in the interacting boson fermion plus broken pair model and the nature of the 3.523 MeV high-spin isomer
Klimkiewicz, A., Paar, Nils, Adrich, P., Fallot, M., Boretzky, K., Aumann, T., Cortina-Gil, D., Pramanik, U. Datta, Elze, Th. W., Emling, H., Geissel, H., Hellström, M., Jones, K. L., Kratz, J. V., Kulessa, R., Nociforo, C., Palit, R., Simon, H., Surowka, G., Summerer, K., Vretenar, Dario, Walus, W.
Nuclear symmetry energy and neutron skins derived from pygmy dipole resonances
Grasso, M., Gaudefroy, L., Khan, E., Nikšić, Tamara, Piekarewicz, J., Sorlin, O., Giai, N. Van, Vretenar, Dario
Nuclear “ bubble” structure in 34Si
Aidala, C., Makek, Mihael, Vukman, Nikola, Zou, L.
Nuclear-modification factor of charged hadrons at forward and backward rapidity in p + Al and p + Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
Anikin, I.V., Baltzell, N., Boer, M., Boussarie, R., Braun, V.M., Brodsky, S.J., Camsonne, A., Chang, W.C., Colaneri, L., Dobbs, S., Efremov, A.V., Gnanvo, K., Gryniuk, O., Guidal, M., Guzey, V., Hyde, C.E., Ilieva, Y., Joosten, S., Kroll, P., Kumerički, K., Meziani, Z.-E., Müller, D., Semenov-Tian- Shansky, K.M., Stepanyan, S., Szymanowski, L., Tadevosyan, V., Teryaev, O.V., Vanderhaeghen, M., Voutier, E., Wagner, J., Weiss, C., Zhao, Z.W.
Nucleon and Nuclear Structure Through Dilepton Production
Martoff, C. J., Cummings, W. J., Poanić, D., Hanna, S. S., Ullrich, H., Furić, Miroslav, Petković, Tomislav, Kozlowski, T., Perroud, J. P.
Nucleon pairing in μ- capture by 40Ca
Klabučar, Dubravko, Kumerički, Krešimir, Melić, Blaženka, Picek, Ivica
Nucleon strangeness as the response to a strangeness-sensitive probe in a class of hadron models
Milin, Matko
Nuklearna astrofizika i radioaktivni snopovi
Paar, Nils
Nuklearni procesi u evoluciji supernove
Popović, Stanko, Mihaljević, Milica
O nazivima u fizici
Cvitanić, Tonči, Pelc, Damjan, Požek, Miroslav, Amit, E., Keren, A.
O-17-NMR Knight shift study of the interplay between superconductivity and pseudogap in (CaxLa1-x)(Ba1.75-xLa0.25+x)Cu3Oy
Ivec, Arian, Trupinić, Monika, Tolić, Iva M., Pavin, Nenad
Oblique circle method for measuring the curvature and twist of mitotic spindle microtubule bundles
