
Alarcon, R., Beck, R., Bernauer, J. C., Broering, M., Christopher, A., Cline, E. W., Dhital, S., Dongwi, B., Fernando, I., Finger, M., Finger, M., Friščić, Ivica, Gautam, T., Grauvogel, G. N., Hasell, D. K., Hen, O., Horn, T., Ihloff, E., Johnston, R., Kelsey, J., Kohl, M., Kutz, T., Lavrukhin, I., Lee, S., Lorenzon, W., Lunkenheimer, S., Maas, F., Milner, R. G., Moran, P., Nazeer, J., Patel, T., Rathnayake, M., Raymond, R., Redwine, R. P., Schmidt, A., Schneekloth, U., Sokhan, D., Suresh, M., Vidal, C., Yang, Z.
The two-photon exchange experiment at DESY
Adolfsson, J., Planinić, Mirko, Utrobičić, Antonija, Witt, W.
The upgrade of the ALICE TPC with GEMs and continuous readout
Kokanović, Ivan, Leontić, Boran, Lukatela, Jagoda
The use of hydrogen as probe to study quantum interference at defects in metallic glasses
Šiber, Antonio, Buljan, Hrvoje
Theoretical and experimental analysis of a thin elastic cylindrical tube acting as a non-Hookean spring
Tadić, Dubravko
Theoretical description of the hyperon nonleptonic decays
Despoja, Vito, Šunjić, Marijan
Theory of core-level spectra in x-ray photoemission of pristine and doped graphene
Stanić, Denis, Popčević, Petar, Smiljanić, Igor, Bihar, Željko, Bilušić, Ante, Batistić, Ivo, Ivkov, Jovica, Hegen, Marc, Feuerbacher, Michael
Thermal Conductivity of Taylor Phase Al_3(Mn,Pd) Complex Metallic Alloys
Kušević, Ivica, Babić, Emil, Šimundić, Perica, Ivkov, Jovica, Marohnić, Željko, Liu, Hua Kun, Dou, Shi Xue
Thermal influence on J_c-B-T surfaces of Ag-clad Bi-based superconducting tapes
Mitić, Vojislav, Randjelović, Branislav, Ribar, Srdjan, Čebela, Maria, Mohr, Markus, Vlahović, Branislav, Fecht, Hans
Thermal parameters defined with graph theory approach in synthetized diamonds
Pajić, Damir, Zadro, Krešo, Friščić, Tomislav, Judaš, Nenad, Meštrović, Ernest
Thermal relaxation and quantum tunnelling of the magnetization in Mn_12-acetate
Kadigrobov, Anatoli, Andersson, Sebastian, Park, Hee Chul, Radić, Danko, Shekhter, Robert, Jonson, Mats, Korenivski, Vladislav
Thermal-magnetic-electric oscillator based on spin-valve effect
Benić, Sanjin, Blaschke, David, Buballa, Michael
Thermodynamic instabilities in dynamical quark models with complex conjugate mass poles
