
Planinić, Maja, Jeličić, Katarina, Matejak Cvenić, Karolina, Sušac, Ana, Ivanjek, Lana
Effect of an inquiry-based teaching sequence on secondary school students’ understanding of wave optics
Nomura, Kosuke
Effect of configuration mixing on quadrupole and octupole collective states of transitional nuclei
Pavić, Luka, Nikolić, Juraj, Graça, Manuel P. F., Costa, Benilde F. O., Valente, Manuel A., Skoko, Željko, Šantić, Ana, Moguš- Milanković, Andrea
Effect of controlled crystallization on polaronic transport in phosphate‐based glass‐ceramics
Adamczyk, L., Planinić, Mirko, Poljak, Nikola, Zyzak, M.
Effect of event selection on jetlike correlation measurement in d+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
Sušac, Ana, Planinić, Maja, Bubic, Andreja, Jeličić, Katarina, Palmović, Marijan
Effect of representation format on conceptual question performance and eye-tracking measures
Sušac, Ana, Planinić, Maja, Bubić, Andreja, Jeličić, Katarina, Ivanjek, Lana, Matejak Cvenić, Karolina, Palmović, Marijan
Effect of students’ investigative experiments on students’ recognition of interference and diffraction patterns: An eye-tracking study
Hinohara, Nobua, Li, Z. P., Nakatsukasa, Takashi, Nikšić, Tamara, Vretenar, Dario
Effect of time-odd mean fields on inertial parameters of the quadrupole collective Hamiltonian
Kokanović, Ivan, Helzel, A., Babić, Dinko, Surgers, C., Strunk, C.
Effect of vortex-core size on the flux lattice in a mesoscopic superconducting strip
Dulčić, Antonije, Požek, Miroslav
Effective microwave conductivity and magnetoresistance in the mixed state of type-ii superconductors
Benić, Sanjin, Mishustin, I., Sasaki, C.
Effective model for the QCD phase transitions at finite baryon density
Kupčić, Ivan, Nikšić, Goran, Rukelj, Zoran, Pelc, Damjan
Effective numbers of charge carriers in doped graphene: Generalized Fermi liquid approach
Poljak, Nikola, Klindzic, Dora, Kruljac, Mateo
Effects of Exoplanetary Gravity on Human Locomotion Ability
