
Charm-quark fragmentation fractions and production cross section at midrapidity in pp collisions at the LHC
Charm-quark fragmentation fractions and production cross section at midrapidity in pp collisions at the LHC
Acharya S.
Erhardt Filip
Gotovac Sven
Jerčić Marko
Karatović David
Lončar Petra
Mudnić Eugen
Planinić Mirko
Poljak Nikola
Vicković Linda
Zurlo N.
Chiral anomaly route to the KL → π+ π- γ decay
Chiral anomaly route to the KL → π+ π- γ decay
Kumerički Krešimir
Picek Ivica
Chiral anomaly route to the KL → π+ π- γ decay
Chiral anomaly route to the KL → π+ π- γ decay
Kumerički Krešimir
Picek Ivica
Circumventing the axial anomalies and the strong CP problem
Circumventing the axial anomalies and the strong CP problem
Kekez Dalibor
Klabučar Dubravko
Scadron Michael D.
Clebsch - Gordan Coefficients For The Quantum Algebra Su(2)_p,q
Clebsch - Gordan Coefficients For The Quantum Algebra Su(2)_p,q
Dorešić Miroslav
Meljanac Stjepan
Mileković Marijan
Closing in on critical net-baryon fluctuations at LHC energies: Cumulants up to third order in Pb–Pb collisions
Closing in on critical net-baryon fluctuations at LHC energies: Cumulants up to third order in Pb–Pb collisions
Acharya S.
Erhardt Filip
Gotovac Sven
Jerčić Marko
Karatović David
Lončar Petra
Planinić Mirko
Poljak Nikola
Vicković Linda
Zurlo N.
Closing the door on the “puzzle of decoherence” of annihilation quanta
Closing the door on the “puzzle of decoherence” of annihilation quanta
Parashari Siddharth
Bosnar Damir
Friščić Ivica
Kožuljević Ana Marija
Kuncic Zdenka
Žugec Petar
Makek Mihael
Cluster structures in C12 from global energy density functionals
Cluster structures in C12 from global energy density functionals
Marević Petar
Ebran J.-P.
Khan E.
Nikšić Tamara
Vretenar Dario
