pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn pmf:13165 "journal article" "Computing tools for effective field theories" "Aebischer, Jason; Fael, Matteo; Fuentes-Martìn, Javier; Thomsen, Anders Eller; Virto, Javier; Allwicher, Lukas; Bakshi, Supratim Das; Bélusca-Maïto, Hermès; de Blas, Jorge; Chala, Mikael; Criado, Juan Carlos; Dedes, Athanasios; Fonseca, Renato M.; Goncalves, Angelica; Ilakovac, Amon; König, Matthias; Patra, Sunando Kumar; Kühler, Paul; Mađor-Božinović, Marija; Misiak, Mikołaj; Miralles, Víctor; Nałȩcz, Ignacy; Reboud, Méril; Reina, Laura; Rosiek, Janusz; Ryczkowski, Michal; Santiago, José; Silvestrini, Luca; Stangl, Peter; Stöckinger, Dominik; Stoffer, Peter; Vicente, Avelino; Weißwange, Matthias" pmf:11693 thesis "Gravitacijski valovi u prostorvremenu s pozitivnom kozmološkom konstantom" "Ilčić, Fran" pmf:11474 thesis "Modeli gravitacije u više od 4 dimenzije i ograničenja na njihove parametre pomoću opažanja Event Horizon Telescope-a" "Vugrinec, Matej" pmf:11026 thesis "Discrimination of neutron from gamma radiation in diamond detectors" "Ivanković, Karla" pmf:10610 dissertation "Renormalization and Observables in the Standard Model and Beyond in Higher Orders of Perturbation Theory" "Mađor-Božinović, Marija" pmf:13598 "journal article" "Two-loop application of the Breitenlohner-Maison/’t Hooft-Veltman scheme with non-anticommuting γ5: full renormalization and symmetry-restoring counterterms in an abelian chiral gauge theory" "Bélusca-Maïto, Hermès; Ilakovac, Amon; Kühler, Paul; Mađor-Božinović, Marija; Stöckinger, Dominik" pmf:8971 "journal article" "Dimensional regularization and Breitenlohner-Maison/’t Hooft-Veltman scheme for γ5 applied to chiral YM theories: full one-loop counterterm and RGE structure" "Bélusca-Maïto, Hermès; Ilakovac, Amon; Mađor-Božinović, Marija; Stöckinger, Dominik" pmf:8243 thesis "Algebre L_∞ u teoriji polja" "Anić, Jelena" pmf:7655 thesis "Jednadžbe renormalizacijske grupe i amplitude na razini dvije petlje" "Fatović, Marta" pmf:7661 thesis "Problem stabilnosti Higssove mase u SM-u i MSSM-u" "Grahovac, Petar" pmf:7651 thesis "Produkcija gluona u sudarima teških iona" "Perkov, Anton" pmf:6212 thesis "Prema teoriji polja na kvantiziranim prostorima" "Čuić, Marija" pmf:5240 dissertation "Study of the Higgs boson production in association with a massive electroweak boson in final states with two b quarks and two leptons" "Mesić, Benjamin" pmf:391 thesis "Mjerenje energije gama zraka kod raspada pozitronija CeBr3 detektorima" "Matejak, Karolina" pmf:387 thesis "Renormalizacijska grupa" "Mađor-Božinović, Marija" pmf:1626 dissertation "Računanje jednopetljenih Feynmanovih dijagrama direktnom numeričkom metodom" "Klajn, Bruno" pmf:375 thesis "Numerički račun savijanja putanja svjetlosti zbog gravitacije i nelinearne elektrodinamike" "Kičić, Ivica" pmf:1557 thesis "Tri metode izračunavanja radijativnih procesa s narušenjem leptonskog okusa" "Popara, Goran" pmf:7456 "journal article" "Lepton dipole moments in supersymmetric low-scale seesaw models" "Ilakovac, Amon; Pilaftsis, Apostolos; Popov, Luka" pmf:1708 dissertation "Lepton favor violation in supersymmetric low-scale seesaw models" "Popov, Luka" pmf:7359 "journal article" "Charged lepton flavor violation in supersymmetric low-scale seesaw models" "Ilakovac, Amon; Pilaftsis, Apostolos; Popov, Luka" pmf:7111 "journal article" "Motion of distant objects in the Universe" "Ilakovac, Amon; Ilakovac, Ksenofont" pmf:7112 "journal article" "Two-step Lorentz transformation of force" "Ilakovac, Amon; Popov, Luka" pmf:7095 "journal article" "Supersymmetric lepton flavor violation in low-scale seesaw models" "Ilakovac, Amon; Pilaftsis, Apostolos" pmf:6995 "journal article" "Vibrations of acrylonitrile in N 1s excited states" "Ilakovac, Vita; Carniato, Stephane; Gallet, Jean-Jacques; Kukk, Edwin; Horvatić, Davor; Ilakovac, Amon" pmf:6937 "journal article" "Single-point observation of rapidly moving objects" "Ilakovac, Amon; Ilakovac, Ksenofont" pmf:6872 "journal article" "Higgs masses in the minimal supersymmetric SO(10) grand unified theory" "Fukuyama, Takeshi; Ilakovac, Amon; Kikuchi, Tatsuru; Meljanac, Stjepan; Okada, Nobuchika" pmf:6682 "journal article" "Lepton flavor violation in the standard model extended by heavy singlet Dirac neutrinos" "Ilakovac, Amon" pmf:6574 "journal article" "On Bethe strings in the two-particle sector of the closed SU(2)_q invariant spin chain" "Ilakovac, Amon; Kolanović, Marko; Pallua, Silvio; Prester, Predrag" pmf:6575 "journal article" "Violation of the string hypothesis and the Heisenberg XXZ spin chain" "Ilakovac, Amon; Kolanović, Marko; Pallua, Silvio; Prester, Predrag" pmf:6552 "journal article" "Lepton-flavor violation in light hadron decays" "Fajfer, Svjetlana; Ilakovac, Amon" pmf:6501 "journal article" "Probing lepton-number and lepton-flavor violation in semileptonic τ decays into two mesons" "Ilakovac, Amon"