@article{pmf:13155, author = {{Rukelj, Zoran and Radić, Danko and Krsnik, J. and Barišić, Osor Slaven and Mishchenko, A. S. and Kupčić, Ivan}}, title = {{Dynamical conductivity of a two-dimensional weakly doped Holstein system}}, } @article{pmf:13129, author = {{Klebel-Knobloch, B. and Tabiś, W. and Gala, M. A. and Barišić, Osor Slaven and Sunko, Denis K. and Barišić, Neven}}, title = {{Transport properties and doping evolution of the Fermi surface in cuprates}}, } @article{pmf:13151, author = {{Kumar, C. M. N. and Akrap, Ana and Homes, C. C. and Martino, E. and Klebel-Knobloch, B. and Tabis, W. and Barišić, Osor Slaven and Sunko, Denis K. and Barišić, Neven}}, title = {{Characterization of two electronic subsystems in cuprates through optical conductivity}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:10938, author = {{Krsnik, Juraj}}, title = {{Manifestations of strong correlations and disorder in selected problems of condensed matter physics}}, } @article{pmf:13532, author = {{Fukusumi, Yoshiki and Barišić, Osor-Slaven}}, title = {{Kubo's response theory and bosonization with a background gauge field and irrelevant perturbations}}, } @article{pmf:11634, author = {{Krsnik, Juraj and Batistić, Ivo and Marunović, Anja and Tutiš, Eduard and Barišić, Osor Slaven}}, title = {{Exact solution of electronic transport in semiconductors dominated by scattering on polaronic impurities}}, } @article{pmf:8984, author = {{Krsnik, J. and Strocov, V. N. and Nagaosa, N. and Barišić, Osor Slaven and Rukelj, Zoran and Yakubenya, S. M. and Mishchenko, A. S.}}, title = {{Manifestations of the electron-phonon interaction range in angle-resolved photoemission spectra}}, } @article{pmf:8503, author = {{Mettan, X. and Jaćimović, Jakša and Barišić, Osor Slaven and Pisoni, A. and Batistić, Ivo and Horváth, E. and Brown, S. and Rossi, L. and Szirmai, P. and Farkas, B. and Berger, H. and Forró, Laszlo}}, title = {{Tailoring thermal conduction in anatase TiO2}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:4681, author = {{Krsnik, Juraj}}, title = {{Mnogočestična lokalizacija}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1660, author = {{Baćani, Mirko}}, title = {{Electromagnetic properties of DBSA-doped polyaniline}}, } @article{pmf:6838, author = {{Barišić, Osor Slaven and Barišić, Slaven}}, title = {{Polarons by translationally invariant diagrammatic perturbation theory}}, }