@mastersthesis{pmf:14067, author = {{Kovačević, Matej}}, title = {{Implementacija kvantnih algoritama}}, } @article{pmf:14299, author = {{Hu, Zhichan and Bongiovanni, Domenico and Wang, Ziteng and Wang, Xiangdong and Song, Daohong and Xu, Jingjun and Morandotti, Roberto and Buljan, Hrvoje and Chen, Zhigang}}, title = {{Topological orbital angular momentum extraction and twofold protection of vortex transport}}, } @article{pmf:14301, author = {{Golik, Bruno and Jukić, Dario and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Theory of Classical Electrodynamics with Topologically Quantized Singularities as Electric Charges}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:14036, author = {{Kardum, Lovre}}, title = {{Simultana disperzivna interakcija više linija frekventnog češlja s hladnim atomskim oblakom}}, } @article{pmf:14300, author = {{Wang, Xiangdong and Bongiovanni, Domenico and Wang, Ziteng and Abdrabou, Amgad and Hu, Zhichan and Jukić, Dario and Song, Daohong and Morandotti, Roberto and El-Ganainy, Ramy and Chen, Zhigang and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Construction of Topological Bound States in the Continuum Via Subsymmetry}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:13227, author = {{Špoljar, Sabina}}, title = {{Eksperimentalna kvantna kriptografija}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:13109, author = {{Mardan Dezfouli, Ali}}, title = {{Generation and detection of optical vortex beam}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:13223, author = {{Lozinski, Teodor}}, title = {{Napajanje satelita u niskoj orbiti pomoću specijalno dizajniranih laserskih snopova svjetlosti}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:13215, author = {{Golik, Bruno}}, title = {{Teorija klasične elektrodinamike s topološki kvantiziranim singularitetima kao električnim nabojima}}, } @article{pmf:12976, author = {{Tang, Huiyan and Wang, Ziteng and Tang, Liqin and Song, Daohong and Chen, Zhigang and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Control of non-Hermitian skin effect by staggered synthetic gauge fields}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12944, author = {{Cerović, Antonio}}, title = {{Kvantna kriptografija putem optičkog vlakna}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12854, author = {{Nikolić, Nikola}}, title = {{Detekcija objekata u WiFi polju pomoću strojnog učenja}}, } @article{pmf:12975, author = {{Xia, Shiqi and Lei, Sihong and Song, Daohong and Di Lauro, Luigi and Alamgir, Imtiaz and Tang, Liqin and Xu, Jingjun and Morandotti, Roberto and Buljan, Hrvoje and Chen, Zhigang}}, title = {{Deep-learning-empowered synthetic dimension dynamics: morphing of light into topological modes}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:12643, author = {{Car, Julio}}, title = {{Modeliranje parametara sustava koloidnih otopina nanočestica dobivenih laserskom ablacijom u vodi i primjene}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12476, author = {{Hrboka, Tonka}}, title = {{Detekcija prisustva i broja ljudi u Wi-Fi polju}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12325, author = {{Tkalec, Ana}}, title = {{Diskriminacija fragmenata stakla spektroskopijom laserski induciranog sloma}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:12266, author = {{Abramović, Denis}}, title = {{Application of quantum light in holography}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:12120, author = {{Majlinger, Zlatko}}, title = {{Starkovo širenje linija iona prijelaznih metala u spektrima vrućih zvijezda i bijelih patuljaka}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:12303, author = {{Majlinger, Zlatko}}, title = {{Starkovo širenje linije iona prijelaznih metala u spektrima vrućih zvijezda i bijelih patuljaka}}, } @article{pmf:11931, author = {{Wang, Ziteng and Wang, Xiangdong and Hu, Zhichan and Bongiovanni, Domenico and Jukić, Dario and Tang, Liqin and Song, Daohong and Morandotti, Roberto and Chen, Zhigang and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Sub-symmetry-protected topological states}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:11582, author = {{Kovačić, Domagoj}}, title = {{Development of an optical frequency standard}}, } @article{pmf:13146, author = {{Zhang, Yahui and Bongiovanni, Domenico and Wang, Ziteng and Wang, Xiangdong and Xia, Shiqi and Hu, Zhichan and Song, Daohong and Jukić, Dario and Xu, Jingjun and Morandotti, Roberto and Buljan, Hrvoje and Chen, Zhigang}}, title = {{Realization of photonic p-orbital higher-order topological insulators}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:11687, author = {{Forjan, Mateo}}, title = {{Ultrabrza spektroskopija i fotokemija međuprodukata s potencijalnom primjenom u biologiji i medicini}}, } @article{pmf:13269, author = {{Komis, Ioannis and Kaltsas, Dimitrios and Xia, Shiqi and Buljan, Hrvoje and Chen, Zhigang and Makris, Konstantinos G.}}, title = {{Robustness versus sensitivity in non-Hermitian topological lattices probed by pseudospectra}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:11406, author = {{Kruljac, Mateo}}, title = {{Cavity cooling and self-organization of atoms using an optical frequency comb}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:11347, author = {{Buhin, Danijel}}, title = {{Simultaneous laser cooling of multiple atomic species using a frequency comb}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:11066, author = {{Kumiša, Karlo}}, title = {{Mjerenje i analiza korelacija WiFi signala i broja ljudi pomoću strojnog učenja}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:11024, author = {{Kliček, Vinko}}, title = {{Teorijski izračun i analiza korelacija WiFi signala i broja ljudi pomoću strojnog učenja}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:10680, author = {{Blažeka, Damjan}}, title = {{Laserska sinteza nanočestica i primjene u fotokatalizi}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:10705, author = {{Babić, Bruno}}, title = {{Lasersko hlađenje pomoću frekventnog češlja i optičkog rezonatora}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:10711, author = {{Armanda, Martina}}, title = {{Primjena Cahn-Hilliardove jednadžbe u obradi digitalne slike}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:10681, author = {{Lunić, Frane}}, title = {{Anyons, Zitterbewegung and dynamical phase transitions in topologically nontrivial systems}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:10710, author = {{Đujić, Marin}}, title = {{Optička kvantna memorija temeljena na elektromagnetski induciranoj transparenciji}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:10666, author = {{Jajtić, Ema}}, title = {{Mapping of topological properties of photonic lattices}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:10449, author = {{Mioković, Anja}}, title = {{Geometrijska optimizacija elektroda za kapacitivnu neurostimulaciju}}, } @article{pmf:13530, author = {{Klajn, Bruno and Domazet, Silvije and Jukić, Dario and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Exactly solvable model for anyons with non-Abelian flux}}, } @article{pmf:13503, author = {{Bongiovanni, Domenico and Jukić, Dario and Hu, Zhichan and Lunić, Frane and Hu, Yi and Song, Daohong and Morandotti, Roberto and Chen, Zhigang and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Dynamically Emerging Topological Phase Transitions in Nonlinear Interacting Soliton Lattices}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:10269, author = {{Zrilić, Domagoj-Šalom}}, title = {{Razumijevanje rada i energije kroz primjere iz olimpijskih sportova}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:10230, author = {{Jakšić, Miriam}}, title = {{Fizika i sport}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:10231, author = {{Milec, Viktorija}}, title = {{Konstrukcija mjernih instrumenata baziranih na micro:bitu za potrebe nastave fizike}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:10216, author = {{Sigmund, Margareta}}, title = {{Dinamika širenja zaraznih bolesti na kompleksnim mrežama}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:10218, author = {{Mikoč, Luka}}, title = {{Višečestična fizika na kvantnom prstenu}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:10233, author = {{Brtan, Daria}}, title = {{Ground-state Fidelity in frustrated and unfrustrated models}}, } @article{pmf:13619, author = {{Hu, Zhichan and Bongiovanni, Domenico and Jukić, Dario and Jajtić, Ema and Xia, Shiqi and Song, Daohong and Xu, Jingjun and Morandotti, Roberto and Buljan, Hrvoje and Chen, Zhigang}}, title = {{Nonlinear control of photonic higher-order topological bound states in the continuum}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:10236, author = {{Tečer, Matija}}, title = {{Formiranje "cat-states" u nanoelektromehaničkim sustavima}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:9649, author = {{Todorić, Marija}}, title = {{Proposals for realization and signatures of anyons}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:9613, author = {{Gorički, Kristijan}}, title = {{Neutronski bogate teške jezgre}}, } @article{pmf:13649, author = {{Xia, Shiqi and Song, Daohong and Wang, Nan and Liu, Xiuying and Ma, Jina and Tang, Liqin and Buljan, Hrvoje and Chen, Zhigang}}, title = {{Topological phenomena demonstrated in photorefractive photonic lattices [Invited]}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:9617, author = {{Šola, Katarina}}, title = {{Uvođenje fizike u razrednu nastavu}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:9673, author = {{Cikojević, Viktor}}, title = {{Ab-initio Quantum Monte Carlo study of ultracold atomic mixtures}}, } @article{pmf:11831, author = {{Lelas, Karlo and Čelan, Ozana and Prelogović, David and Buljan, Hrvoje and Jukić, Dario}}, title = {{Modulation instability in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a synthetic magnetic field: Gauge matters}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:9234, author = {{Lasić, Andreja}}, title = {{Rano učenje fizike}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:8938, author = {{Dželalija, Krešimir}}, title = {{Ultrahladni bozonski sustavi proučeni kvantnim Monte Carlo metodama}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:9185, author = {{Bakrač, Luka}}, title = {{Kapacitivna tranzijentna spektroskopija za proučavanje defekata uvedenih ionskom implantacijom}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:9142, author = {{Lipovšćak, Ema}}, title = {{Suvremene metode u nastavi fizike: mobilni uređaji u proučavanju gibanja}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:9158, author = {{Opančar, Aleksandar}}, title = {{Laserski inducirana lavinasta ionizacija u atmosferskom plazmenom mlazu helija}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:8552, author = {{Girotto, Nina}}, title = {{Neadijabatska renormalizacija optičkih fonona u visoko dopiranom grafenu}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:8553, author = {{Vulić, Katarina}}, title = {{Transport naboja u organskim elektrolitskim fotokondenzatorima}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:8554, author = {{Puljić, Ivana}}, title = {{Istovremeno hlađenje dvije vrste atoma optičkim frekventnim češljem}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:9235, author = {{Markota, Gabrijela}}, title = {{Tranzijentna spektroskopija manjinskih nosioca}}, } @article{pmf:8691, author = {{Todorić, Marija and Klajn, Bruno and Jukić, Dario and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Berry phase for a Bose gas on a one-dimensional ring}}, } @article{grad:2558, author = {{Lunić, Frane and Todorić, Marija and Klajn, Bruno and Dubček, Tena and Jukić, Dario and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Exact solutions of a model for synthetic anyons in a noninteracting system}}, } @article{pmf:8692, author = {{Lunić, Frane and Todorić, Marija and Klajn, Bruno and Dubček, Tena and Jukić, Dario and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Exact solutions of a model for synthetic anyons in a noninteracting system}}, } @article{grad:2490, author = {{Xia, Shiqi and Jukić, Dario and Wang, Nan and Smirnova, Daria and Smirnov, Lev and Tang, Liqin and Song, Daohong and Szameit, Alexander and Leykam, Daniel and Xu, Jingjun and Chen, Zhigang and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Nontrivial coupling of light into a defect: the interplay of nonlinearity and topology}}, } @article{pmf:8979, author = {{Xia, Shiqi and Jukić, Dario and Wang, Nan and Smirnova, Daria and Smirnov, Lev and Tang, Liqin and Song, Daohong and Szameit, Alexander and Leykam, Daniel and Xu, Jingjun and Chen, Zhigang and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Nontrivial coupling of light into a defect: the interplay of nonlinearity and topology}}, } @article{pmf:8635, author = {{Liu, Xiuying and Xia, Shiqi and Jajtić, Ema and Song, Daohong and Li, Denghui and Tang, Liqin and Leykam, Daniel and Xu, Jingjun and Buljan, Hrvoje and Chen, Zhigang}}, title = {{Universal momentum-to-real-space mapping of topological singularities}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:6192, author = {{Vilić, Matej}}, title = {{Hladni atomi u višemodnom optičkom rezonatoru}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:6202, author = {{Bekavac, Filipina}}, title = {{Fizika kao okosnica ranog znanstvenog obrazovanja u vrtićima i razrednoj nastavi}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:10412, author = {{Pathak, Gaurav}}, title = {{Optoelectronic properties of the poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) : polystyrene sulphonate thin films in varied doping states}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:5860, author = {{Popović, Dean}}, title = {{Dijagnostika i primjena pulsnih hladnih atmosferskih plazma}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:5078, author = {{Klindžić, Dora}}, title = {{Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment (PRIDE ) Applications to Orbiters and Landers}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:5080, author = {{Ivec, Arian}}, title = {{Ravnoteža sila i momenata sila u aproksimaciji srednjeg polja u diobenom vretenu}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:5093, author = {{Sekulić, Nastassia}}, title = {{Upotreba micro:bit uređaja u dizajnu demonstracijskih pokusa}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:4677, author = {{Podgajski, Vesna}}, title = {{Terenska nastava fizike}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:4682, author = {{Unetić, Dora}}, title = {{Demonstracijski pokusi u nastavi fizike}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:4668, author = {{Kruljac, Mateo}}, title = {{Koherentni efekti u hladnom atomskom plinu}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:4669, author = {{Jajtić, Tomislav}}, title = {{Sintetički magnetizam za ultrahladne atomske plinove}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:4594, author = {{Iveković, Damjan}}, title = {{Tragovi brzih teških iona u polimerima}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:4593, author = {{Bagarić, Kristian}}, title = {{Terenska nastava fizike}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:4590, author = {{Husain, Filip}}, title = {{Upotreba Raspberry Pi računala u dizajnu demonstracijskih pokusa i mjernih instrumenata}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:3900, author = {{Šimunjak, Ivan}}, title = {{Fabry-Perot interferometar}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:3529, author = {{Šantić, Neven}}, title = {{Synthetic Lorentz force for neutral cold atoms}}, } @article{pmf:8200, author = {{Hudomal, Ana and Vasić, Ivana and Buljan, Hrvoje and Hofstetter, Walter and Balaž, Antun}}, title = {{Dynamics of weakly interacting bosons in optical lattices with flux}}, } @article{pmf:8198, author = {{Todorić, Marija and Jukić, Dario and Radić, Danko and Soljačić, Marin and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Quantum Hall Effect with Composites of Magnetic Flux Tubes and Charged Particles}}, } @article{grad:2809, author = {{Todorić, Marija and Jukić, Dario and Radić, Danko and Soljačić, Marin and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Quantum Hall Effect with Composites of Magnetic Flux Tubes and Charged Particles}}, } @article{pmf:8157, author = {{Dubček, Tena and Klajn, Bruno and Pezer, Robert and Buljan, Hrvoje and Jukić, Dario}}, title = {{Quasimomentum distribution and expansion of an anyonic gas}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:3130, author = {{Dubček, Tena}}, title = {{Synthetic magnetism in quantum gases and photonic lattices}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:3879, author = {{Fumić, Petar}}, title = {{Kooperativne evolucijske igre na mreži}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:5248, author = {{Vukšić, Marin}}, title = {{Analiza čestica fuzijske prašine}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1953, author = {{Tustanić, Lucija}}, title = {{Demonstracijski pokusi u nastavi fizike}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1938, author = {{Putnik, Ivana}}, title = {{Terenska nastava fizike}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:2037, author = {{Kovačić, Domagoj}}, title = {{Stvaranje superkontinuuma u nelinearnom optičkom vlaknu}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:3880, author = {{Marić, Vanja}}, title = {{Efekti konačne veličine u XY lancu}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1618, author = {{Brodar, Tomislav}}, title = {{Električki aktivni defekti u 4H-SiC uvedeni zračenjem}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1617, author = {{Jadriško, Valentino}}, title = {{Optička svojstva dihalkogenida prijelaznih metala}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1614, author = {{Gašparić, Vlatko}}, title = {{Utjecaj prostornog ograničenja fonona na fotoluminescenciju nanostrukturiranog silicija}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1582, author = {{Boban, Zvonimir}}, title = {{Model diobenog vretena određen momentima sila i silama}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1583, author = {{Cipriš, Ana}}, title = {{Hlađenje atoma optičkim frekventnim češljem}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1584, author = {{Nurkić, Deni}}, title = {{Nuklearne reakcije 10B+12C i građa lakih atomskih jezgara}}, } @article{pmf:8045, author = {{Lin, Xiao and Kaminer, Ido and Shi, Xihang and Gao, Fei and Yang, Zhaoju and Gao, Zhen and Buljan, Hrvoje and Joannopoulos, John D. and Soljačić, Marin and Chen, Hongsheng and Zhang, Baile}}, title = {{Splashing transients of 2D plasmons launched by swift electrons}}, } @article{pmf:8044, author = {{Ilic, Ognjen and Kaminer, Ido and Zhen, Bo and Miller, Owen D. and Buljan, Hrvoje and Soljačić, Marin}}, title = {{Topologically enabled optical nanomotors}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1622, author = {{Đerek, Vedran}}, title = {{Hibridni spoj strukturiranoga silicija i organskoga poluvodiča za detekciju infracrvene svjetlosti}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:495, author = {{Lončar, Marija}}, title = {{Pokusi iz optike u interaktivnoj nastavi fizike}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:398, author = {{Perić, Jerko}}, title = {{Terenska nastava fizike}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:403, author = {{Radatović, Borna}}, title = {{Sklopovi bazirani na slojevitim 2D materijalima i njihovim heterostrukturama}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:412, author = {{Todorić, Marija}}, title = {{Nelinearna plazmonika u grafenu}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:361, author = {{Bosnar, Mihovil}}, title = {{Sintetička dimenzija u posebno skrojenoj fotoničkoj strukturi}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:410, author = {{Štrkalj, Antonio}}, title = {{Teorijski modeli prema eksperimentalnoj realizaciji anyona}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:355, author = {{Barišić, Ivana}}, title = {{Precizna mjerenja svojstava prašine galaksija u svemiru starom 1 milijardu godina}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:379, author = {{Kustura, Katja}}, title = {{Slobodna ekspanzija anyona}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:411, author = {{Tisanić, Krešimir}}, title = {{Comparison of hot cores using millimetre spectroscopy}}, } @article{pmf:7976, author = {{Rivera, Nicholas and Hsu, Chia Wei and Zhen, Bo and Buljan, Hrvoje and Joannopoulos, John D. and Soljačić, Marin}}, title = {{Controlling Directionality and Dimensionality of Radiation by Perturbing Separable Bound States in the Continuum}}, } @article{pmf:7954, author = {{Kaminer, Ido and Katan, Yaniv Tenenbaum and Buljan, Hrvoje and Shen, Yichen and Ilic, Ognjen and López, Josué J. and Wong, Liang Jie and Joannopoulos, John D. and Soljačić, Marin}}, title = {{Efficient plasmonic emission by the quantum Čerenkov effect from hot carriers in graphene}}, } @article{pmf:7833, author = {{Lelas, Karlo and Drpić, Nikola and Dubček, Tena and Jukić, Dario and Pezer, Robert and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Laser assisted tunneling in a Tonks–Girardeau gas}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:542, author = {{Marević, Petar}}, title = {{Mikroskopski opis oktupolnih pobuđenja u izotopima samarija i gadolinija}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:532, author = {{Čolović, Petra}}, title = {{Eksperimentalno određivanje multipolariteta elektromagnetskih prijelaza izazvanih reakcijama prijenosa nukleona}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1773, author = {{Stipanović, Petar}}, title = {{Stabilnost i univerzalnost malih kvantnih klastera te adsorpcijski utjecaji grafena i cezija na osnovno stanje malih klastera helija}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1653, author = {{Šrut Rakić, Iva}}, title = {{Manipulation of dirac electrons through the nanoscale modulation of epitaxial graphene}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:551, author = {{Tomičić, Neven}}, title = {{Monte Carlo simulacija protojata galaksija u Cosmos pregledu neba}}, } @article{pmf:7750, author = {{Šantić, Neven and Dubček, Tena and Aumiler, Damir and Buljan, Hrvoje and Ban, Ticijana}}, title = {{Experimental Demonstration of a Synthetic Lorentz Force by Using Radiation Pressure}}, } @article{pmf:7784, author = {{Dubček, Tena and Lelas, Karlo and Jukić, Dario and Pezer, Robert and Soljačić, Marin and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{The Harper–Hofstadter Hamiltonian and conical diffraction in photonic lattices with grating assisted tunneling}}, } @article{pmf:7713, author = {{Dubček, Tena and Kennedy, Colin J. and Lu, Ling and Ketterle, Wolfgang and Soljačić, Marin and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Weyl Points in Three-Dimensional Optical Lattices: Synthetic Magnetic Monopoles in Momentum Space}}, } @article{pmf:7618, author = {{Bravo-Abad, Jorge and Lu, Ling and Fu, Liang and Buljan, Hrvoje and Soljačić, Marin}}, title = {{Weyl points in photonic-crystal superlattices}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1771, author = {{Kregar, Gordana}}, title = {{Utjecaj vanjskog koherentnog zračenja na rubidijeve atome u magnetno-optičkoj stupici}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1681, author = {{Petrović, Marin}}, title = {{Synthesis and intercalation of epitaxial graphene on iridium}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1535, author = {{Ivanić, Vedran}}, title = {{Transportna svojstva šupljina u nanometarskim germanijskim strukturama}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1524, author = {{Bajan, Tamara}}, title = {{Laserski proizvedene plazme i sinteza nanočestica u tekućinama}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1563, author = {{Sunko, Veronika}}, title = {{Magnetska dinamika dvoslojnog manganita La1.4Sr1.6Mn2O7}}, } @misc{pmf:12243, title = {{Red predavanja 2014./2015.}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1546, author = {{Nekić, Nikolina}}, title = {{Dinamika hladnih atoma rubidija zarobljenih u magneto-optičkoj stupici}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1529, author = {{Bogdanović, Patricia}}, title = {{Odabrani geofizički koncepti u nastavi fizike za srednje škole}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1660, author = {{Baćani, Mirko}}, title = {{Electromagnetic properties of DBSA-doped polyaniline}}, } @article{pmf:7461, author = {{Jablan, Marinko and Soljačić, Marin and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Effects of screening on the optical absorption in graphene and in metallic monolayers}}, } @article{pmf:7479, author = {{Kregar, G. and Šantić, Neven and Aumiler, Damir and Buljan, Hrvoje and Ban, Ticijana}}, title = {{Frequency-comb-induced radiative force on cold rubidium atoms}}, } @article{pmf:7480, author = {{Dubček, Tena and Šantić, Neven and Jukić, Dario and Aumiler, Damir and Ban, Ticijana and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Synthetic Lorentz force in classical atomic gases via Doppler effect and radiation pressure}}, } @misc{pmf:12153, title = {{Red predavanja 2013./2014.}}, } @article{pmf:7352, author = {{Jukić, Dario and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Four-dimensional photonic lattices and discrete tesseract solitons}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1720, author = {{Lelas, Karlo}}, title = {{Korelacije u jako-međudjelujućim višečestičnim jednodimenzionalnim sustavima}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1715, author = {{Ivanjek, Lana}}, title = {{An investigation of conceptual understanding of atomic spectra among university students}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1716, author = {{Jablan, Marinko}}, title = {{Electrodynamic properties of graphene and their technological applications}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1717, author = {{Jukić, Dario}}, title = {{Nonequilibrium dynamics of exactly solvable one-dimensional many-body Bose systems}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1713, author = {{Karlušić, Marko}}, title = {{Tragovi brzih teških iona u SrTiO3}}, } @article{pmf:7281, author = {{Ilić, Ognjen and Jablan, Marinko and Joannopoulos, John D. and Celanović, Ivan and Buljan, Hrvoje and Soljačić, Marin}}, title = {{Near-field thermal radiation transfer controlled by plasmons in graphene}}, } @article{pmf:7312, author = {{Lelas, Karlo and Ševa, Tomislav and Buljan, Hrvoje and Goold, John}}, title = {{Pinning quantum phase transition in a Tonks-Girardeau gas: Diagnostics by ground-state fidelity and the Loschmidt echo}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1731, author = {{Mandić, Luka}}, title = {{Kemijski učinci u Kbeta spektrima rentgenskog zračenja pobuđenog protonskim snopom u 3d elementima i njihovim spojevima}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1730, author = {{Lončarić, Martin}}, title = {{Optical and structural properties of ultrathin films on noble metals}}, } @article{pmf:7239, author = {{Čapeta, Davor and Radić, Juraj and Szameit, Alex and Segev, Mordechai and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Anderson localization of partially incoherent light}}, } @article{pmf:7252, author = {{Lelas, Karlo and Ševa, Tomislav and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Loschmidt echo in one-dimensional interacting Bose gases}}, } @article{pmf:7234, author = {{Šiber, Antonio and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Theoretical and experimental analysis of a thin elastic cylindrical tube acting as a non-Hookean spring}}, } @article{pmf:7225, author = {{Jablan, Marinko and Soljačić, Marin and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Unconventional plasmon-phonon coupling in graphene}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1754, author = {{Vdović, Silvije}}, title = {{Nelinearni efekti interakcije lasera i atomskih para}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1740, author = {{Bešlić, Ivana}}, title = {{Osnovno stanje klastera helija i spin-polariziranog vodika}}, } @article{pmf:7140, author = {{Radić, Juraj and Bačić, Vladimir and Jukić, Dario and Segev, Mordechai and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Anderson localization of a Tonks-Girardeau gas in potentials with controlled disorder}}, } @article{pmf:7148, author = {{Bahat-Treidel, Omri and Peleg, Or and Segev, Mordechai and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Breakdown of Dirac dynamics in honeycomb lattices due to nonlinear interactions}}, } @article{pmf:7153, author = {{Jukić, Dario and Galić, Stipe and Pezer, Robert and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Lieb-Liniger gas in a constant-force potential}}, } @article{pmf:7096, author = {{Lelas, Karlo and Jukić, Dario and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Ground-state properties of a one-dimensional strongly interacting Bose-Fermi mixture in a double-well potential}}, } @article{pmf:7038, author = {{Jukić, Dario and Klajn, Bruno and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Momentum distribution of a freely expanding Lieb-Liniger gas}}, } @article{pmf:7104, author = {{Jablan, Marinko and Buljan, Hrvoje and Soljačić, Marin}}, title = {{Plasmonics in graphene at infrared frequencies}}, } @article{pmf:7098, author = {{Pezer, Robert and Gasenzer, T. and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Single-particle density matrix for a time-dependent strongly interacting one-dimensional Bose gas}}, } @article{pmf:6996, author = {{Buljan, Hrvoje and Pezer, Robert and Gasenzer, T.}}, title = {{Fermi-Bose Transformation for the Time-Dependent Lieb-Liniger Gas}}, } @article{pmf:7023, author = {{Jukić, Dario and Pezer, Robert and Gasenzer, T. and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Free expansion of a Lieb-Liniger gas: Asymptotic form of the wave functions}}, } @article{pmf:7020, author = {{Gumhalter, Branko and Šiber, Antonio and Buljan, Hrvoje and Fauster, Thomas}}, title = {{Nonadiabatic dynamics of electron scattering from adsorbates in surface bands}}, } @article{pmf:6970, author = {{Pezer, Robert and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Momentum Distribution Dynamics of a Tonks-Girardeau Gas: Bragg Reflections of a Quantum Many-Body Wave Packet}}, } @article{pmf:6977, author = {{Buljan, Hrvoje and Lelas, Karlo and Pezer, Robert and Jablan, Marinko}}, title = {{Single-particle density matrix and the momentum distribution of dark “solitons” in a Tonks-Girardeau gas}}, } @article{pmf:6935, author = {{Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Valovi samotnjaci}}, } @article{pmf:6928, author = {{Buljan, Hrvoje and Manela, Ofer and Pezer, Robert and Vardi, Amichay and Segev, Mordechai}}, title = {{Dark stationary matter waves via parity-selective filtering in a Tonks-Girardeau gas}}, } @article{pmf:6888, author = {{Cohen, Oren and Buljan, Hrvoje and Schwartz, Tal and Fleischer, Jason W. and Segev, Mordechai}}, title = {{Incoherent solitons in instantaneous nonlocal nonlinear media}}, } @article{pmf:6894, author = {{Pezer, Robert and Buljan, Hrvoje and Bartal, Guy and Segev, Mordechai and Fleischer, Jason W.}}, title = {{Incoherent white-light solitons in nonlinear periodic lattices}}, } @article{pmf:6865, author = {{Bartal, Guy and Cohen, Oren and Buljan, Hrvoje and Fleischer, Jason W. and Manela, Ofer and Segev, Mordechai}}, title = {{Brillouin Zone Spectroscopy of Nonlinear Photonic Lattices}}, } @article{pmf:6874, author = {{Buljan, Hrvoje and Segev, Mordechai and Vardi, Amichay}}, title = {{Incoherent Matter-Wave Solitons and Pairing Instability in an Attractively Interacting Bose-Einstein Condensate}}, } @article{pmf:6830, author = {{Buljan, Hrvoje and Cohen, O. and Fleischer, Jason W. and Schwartz, T. and Segev, M. and Musslimani, Z. H. and Efremidis, N. K. and Christodoulides, D. N.}}, title = {{Random-Phase Solitons in Nonlinear Periodic Lattices}}, } @article{pmf:6792, author = {{Buljan, Hrvoje and Soljačić, Marin and Carmon, Tal and Segev, Mordechai}}, title = {{Cavity pattern formation with incoherent light}}, } @article{pmf:6794, author = {{Buljan, Hrvoje and Šiber, Antonio and Soljačić, Marin and Schwartz, T. and Segev, M. and Christodoulides, D. N.}}, title = {{Incoherent white light solitons in logarithmically saturable noninstantaneous nonlinear media}}, } @article{pmf:6757, author = {{Buljan, Hrvoje and Paar, Vladimir}}, title = {{Naturally invariant measure of chaotic attractors and the conditionally invariant measure of embedded chaotic repellers}}, } @article{pmf:6768, author = {{Buljan, Hrvoje and Šiber, Antonio and Soljačić, Marin and Segev, Mordechai}}, title = {{Propagation of incoherent “white” light and modulation instability in noninstantaneous nonlinear media}}, } @article{pmf:6767, author = {{Šiber, Antonio and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Quantum states and specific heat of low-density He gas adsorbed within carbon nanotube interstitial channels: Band-structure effects and potential dependence}}, } @article{pmf:6741, author = {{Buljan, Hrvoje and Paar, Vladimir}}, title = {{Many-hole interactions and the average lifetimes of chaotic transients that precede controlled periodic motion}}, } @article{pmf:6688, author = {{Paar, Vladimir and Buljan, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Bursts in the chaotic trajectory lifetimes preceding controlled periodic motion}}, }