pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn mef:10984 dissertation "Regenerativni učinak matičnih stanica oralne sluznice na hipoksijski oštećene neurone in vitro" "Stančin, Paula" mef:10837 dissertation "Istraživanje razvoja kore velikog mozga i neurodegenerativnih promjena u Downovu sindromu na modelu ljudskih cerebralnih organoida" "Bekavac, Ana" mef:10775 "other document type" "Otkrivanje neurorazvojne osnove Downovog sindroma pomoću jedinstvenih organoida ljudskog mozga: plan upravljanja istraživačkim podacima" "Mitrečić, Dinko" mef:10969 "journal article" "Transplantation of neural stem cells improves recovery of stroke-affected mice and induces cell-specific changes in GSDMD and MLKL expression" "Lisjak, Damir; Alić, Ivan; Šimunić, Iva; Mitrečić, Dinko" mef:10554 thesis "Overview of the results of clinical studies based on stem cell transplantation for patients suffering from nervous system diseases" "Park, Eun Joo" mef:9514 dissertation "Unos i učinci genskih preinaka posredovanih lentivirusnim vektorom u mišjem mozgu" "Skukan, Laura" mef:10904 "journal article" "Pulsating Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Influence Differentiation of Mouse Neural Stem Cells towards Astrocyte-like Phenotypes: In Vitro Pilot Study" "Isaković, Jasmina; Slatković, Filip; Jagečić, Denis; Petrović, Dražen Juraj; Mitrečić, Dinko" mef:10373 "journal article" "Lusca: FIJI (ImageJ) based tool for automated morphological analysis of cellular and subcellular structures" "Šimunić, Iva; Jagečić, Denis; Isaković, Jasmina; Dobrivojević Radmilović, Marina; Mitrečić, Dinko" mef:9458 dissertation "Uloga živčanih matičnih stanica u regulaciji mitofagije nakon ishemijskog oštećenja stanica živčanog tkiva" "Jagečić, Denis" mef:9579 "journal article" "Is it enough just to demonstrate that the advanced therapy medicinal products do work or we would prefer to keep walking on the Moon?" "Mitrečić, Dinko" mef:7022 thesis "Izlaganje neurona miša tijekom diferencijacije hipoksiji povećava duljinu i razgranjenost dendrita u razvojno zrelijim stanicama" "Šimunić, Iva" mef:9606 "journal article" "Effect of Fetal Bovine Serum or Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor on Cell Survival and the Proliferation of Neural Stem Cells: The Influence of Homocysteine Treatment" "Petrović, Dražen Juraj; Jagečić, Denis; Krasić, Jure; Sinčić, Nino; Mitrečić, Dinko" mef:6672 dissertation "Utjecaj sastava gangliozida na ekspresiju, submembransku lokalizaciju i aktivnost Na+, K+-ATPaze i Ca2+-ATPaze stanične membrane u mozgu miša" "Puljko, Borna" mef:10365 "journal article" "Dose imbalance of DYRK1A kinase causes systemic progeroid status in Down syndrome by increasing the un-repaired DNA damage and reducing LaminB1 levels" "Murray, Aoife; Gough, Gillian; Cindrić, Ana; Vučković, Frano; Koschut, David; Borelli, Vincenzo; Petrović, Dražen J.; Bekavac, Ana; Plećaš, Ante; Hribljan, Valentina; Brunmeir, Reinhard; Jurić, Julija; Pučić-Baković, Maja; Slana, Anita; Deriš, Helena; Frkatović, Azra; Groet, Jűrgen; O’Brien, Niamh L.; Chen, Hong Yu; Yeap, Yee Jie; Delom, Frederic; Havlicek, Steven; Gammon, Luke; Hamburg, Sarah; Startin, Carla; D’Souza, Hana; Mitrečić, Dinko; Kero, Mijana; Odak, Ljubica; Krušlin, Božo; Krsnik, Željka; Kostović, Ivica; Foo, Jia Nee; Loh, Yuin-Han; Dunn, Norris Ray; de la Luna, Susana; Spector, Tim; Barišić, Ingeborg; Thomas, Michael S.C.; Strydom, Andre; Franceschi, Claudio; Lauc, Gordan; Krištić, Jasminka; Alić, Ivan; Nižetić, Dean" mef:6931 thesis "Stereološka obilježja sjemenskih kanalića neplodnih muškaraca s kromosomskim i genskim oštećenjima" "Mokos, Mislav" mef:6680 "journal article" "The Oxygen and Glucose Deprivation of Immature Cells of the Nervous System Exerts Distinct Effects on Mitochondria, Mitophagy, and Autophagy, Depending on the Cells’ Differentiation Stage" "Jagečić, Denis; Petrović, Dražen Juraj; Šimunić, Iva; Isaković, Jasmina; Mitrečić, Dinko" mef:6455 dissertation "Utjecaj upale na odumiranje stanica procesom apoptoze nakon ishemijske lezije mišjeg mozga" "Josić, Paula" mef:5537 dissertation "Utjecaj nedostatka receptora sličnog Tollu 2 na izražaj neuroplastina i ATPaza u mozgu miša" "Stojanović, Mario" mef:5538 dissertation "Utjecaj matičnih stanica na nekroptozu stanica živčanog sustava in vitro uzrokovanu hipoksijom" "Hribljan, Valentina" mef:7182 "journal article" "Mesenchymal stem cell therapy for neurological disorders: The light or the dark side of the force?" "Isaković, Jasmina; Šerer, Klara; Barišić, Barbara; Mitrečić, Dinko" mef:5269 dissertation "Povezanost medijatora upale te aktivacije mikroglije i inflamasoma s biološkim biljezima Alzheimerove bolesti" "Španić Popovački, Ena" mef:5156 dissertation "Uloga urogvanilina u razvoju ishemijskog moždanog udara" "Ratko, Martina" mef:5301 thesis "Organoidi mozga u istraživanju bolesti živčanog sustava" "Salopek, Tihana" mef:5277 thesis "Usporedba različitih metoda izolacije spermija iz biopsije sjemenika" "Plešnar, Laura" mef:4773 dissertation "Povezanost psiholoških čimbenika s digitalnom aktivnošću i osobnom izolacijom tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19" "Kopilaš, Vanja" mef:4689 "journal article" "Regenerative Neurology and Regenerative Cardiology: Shared Hurdles and Achievements" "Mitrečić, Dinko; Hribljan, Valentina; Jagečić, Denis; Isaković, Jasmina; Lamberto, Federica; Horánszky, Alex; Zana, Melinda; Foldes, Gabor; Zavan, Barbara; Pivoriūnas, Augustas; Martinez, Salvador; Mazzini, Letizia; Radenovic, Lidija; Milasin, Jelena; Chachques, Juan Carlos; Buzanska, Leonora; Song, Min Suk; Dinnyés, András" vef:707 dissertation "MORFOLOŠKA ANALIZA NASTANKA I DIFERENCIJACIJE NEURONA U STANIČNOJ KULTURI, TIJEKOM RAZVOJA ZAMETKA I NAKON TRANSPLANTACIJE U MOZAK MIŠA UPORABOM MATIČNIH STANICA DOBIVENIH IZ MIŠJEG SOJA THY1 YFP-16" "Alić, Ivan" mef:3507 "journal article" "Biomarker Testing: Piercing the Fog of Alzheimer’s and Related Dementia" "Horgan, Denis; Nobili, Flavio; Teunissen, Charlotte; Grimmer, Timo; Mitrečić, Dinko; Ris, Laurence; Pirtosek, Zvezdan; Bernini, Chiara; Federico, Antonio; Blackburn, Daniel; Logroscino, Giancarlo; Scarmeas, Nikos" sfzg:824 thesis "Matične stanice oralnih tkiva i njihova potencijalna primjena u regeneracijskoj medicini" "Vuger, Lovro" mef:2894 thesis "Anatomske, histološke i biokemijske osnove spavanja i snova" "Fekete, Petar" mef:2579 "journal article" "Does damage to hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus underlie symptoms of ultradian rhythm disorder and an increased anxiety in coronavirus disease 2019?" "Rosenzweig, Ivana; Mitrečić, Dinko; Petanjek, Zdravko; Duffy, Bobby; Young, Allan H.; Nesbitt, Alexander D.; Morrell, Mary J." pmf:8511 thesis "Usporedba učinka normoksije i hipoksije na astrocite miša" "Stančin, Paula" mef:2567 "journal article" "How to face the aging world – lessons from dementia research" "Mitrečić, Dinko; Petrović, Dražen Juraj; Stančin, Paula; Isaković, Jasmina; Zavan, Barbara; Tricarico, Gerardo; Kujundžić Tiljak, Mirjana; Di Luca, Monica" mef:2876 "journal article" "Recent Applications of Three Dimensional Printing in Cardiovascular Medicine" "Gardin, Chiara; Ferroni, Letizia; Latremouille, Christian; Chachques, Juan Carlos; Mitrečić, Dinko; Zavan, Barbara" mef:8879 "journal article" "Presence of ROS in inflammatory environment of peri-implantitis tissue: in vitro and in vivo human evidence" "Mijiritsky, Eitan; Ferroni, Letizia; Gardin, Chiara; Peleg, Oren; Gultekin, Alper; Saglanmak, Alper; Delogu, Lucia Gemma; Mitrečić, Dinko; Piattelli, Adriano; Tatullo, Marco; Zavan, Barbara" mef:2394 thesis "Bradikininski receptori u ishemijskom moždanom udaru" "Filipović, Nika" mef:2241 thesis "Utjecaj hipoksije na matične stanice oralne sluznice" "Petrović, Dražen Juraj" mef:2434 thesis "Vizualizacija mitohondrija u matičnim stanicama" "Spajić, Sebastijan" mef:8795 "journal article" "Exosome in cardiovascular diseases: a complex world full of hope" "Bellin, Gloria; Gardin, Chiara; Ferroni, Letizia; Chachques, Juan Carlos; Rogante, Massimo; Mitrečić, Dinko; Ferrari, Roberto; Zavan, Barbara" mef:8579 "journal article" "Transplantation of neural stem cells in the mouse model of ischemic brain stroke and expression of genes involved in programmed cell death" "Hribljan, Valentina; Salamon, Iva; Đemaili, Arijana; Alić, Ivan; Mitrečić, Dinko" mef:8613 "journal article" "Modeling of inhomogeneous electromagnetic fields in the nervous system: a novel paradigm in understanding cell interactions, disease etiology and therapy" "Isaković, Jasmina; Dobbs-Dixon, Ian; Chaudhury, Dipesh; Mitrečić, Dinko" mef:2129 thesis "In vitro study to investigate effect of hypoxia on astroglial and neuronal co-cultures" "Rasool, Rana Tahir" pmf:4627 thesis "Utjecaj transplatacije živčanih matičnih stanica na ekspresiju gena uključenih u programiranu staničnu smrt nakon ishemijskog moždanog udara" "Hribljan, Valentina" mef:8716 "journal article" "Stroke promotes survival of nearby transplanted neural stem cells by decreasing their activation of caspase 3 while not affecting their differentiation" "Kosi, Nina; Alić, Ivan; Salamon, Iva; Mitrečić, Dinko" biotechri:113 thesis "Utjecaj transplantacije živčanih matičnih stanica na programiranu staničnu smrt u mišjem modelu moždanog udara" "Đemaili, Arijana" mef:1417 thesis "Utjecaj ishemije na in vitro diferencijaciju živčanih matičnih stanica izoliranih iz mišjeg soja THY1 YFP16" "Šimunić, Barbara" mef:1438 thesis "Oslikavanje živih živčanih matičnih stanica fluorescencijom" "Vujin, Željka" mef:8196 "journal article" "Neural stem cells from mouse strain Thy1 YFP-16 are a valuable tool to monitor and evaluate neuronal differentiation and morphology" "Alić, Ivan; Kosi, Nina; Kapuralin, Katarina; Gorup, Dunja; Gajović, Srećko; Pochet, Roland; Mitrečić, Dinko" mef:1298 thesis "Izolacija i diferencijacija matičnih stanica iz sluznice usne šupljine" "Keršić, Filip" mef:1077 thesis "Morphological analysis of brain injury after early neonatal hypoxia - ischemia in mice" "Borden, Gabriel David" mef:5958 dissertation "Diferencijacija i sinaptičko povezivanje živčanih matičnih stanica transplantiranih u mozak miša zahvaćen ishemijom" "Kosi, Nina" mef:8088 "journal article" "Translation of the focus toward excellence in translational science: comment on ""TDP-43 Repression of Nonconserved Cryptic Exons is Compromised in ALS-FTD""" "Pochet, Roland; Nicaise, Charles; Mitrečić, Dinko" mef:806 thesis "Hofbauerove stanice placentalnih resica" "Zelenika, Marina" mef:797 thesis "Imunohistokemijsko prikazivanje molekula signalnog puta GABA-E izvan središnjeg živčanog sustava" "Bucat, Ana" mef:396 thesis "Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cell" "Rabatić, Leon" mef:599 thesis "Morfološka analiza mišjih mozgova nakon ishemijske ozljede i primjene natriuretskih peptida" "Šimunić, Sven" mef:8021 "journal article" "STAM2, a member of the endosome-associated complex ESCRT-0 is highly expressed in neurons" "Kapuralin, Katarina; Ćurlin, Marija; Mitrečić, Dinko; Kosi, Nina; Schwarzer, Christoph; Glavan, Gordana; Gajović, Srećko" mef:7985 "journal article" "Increased expression and colocalization of GAP43 and CASP3 after brain ischemic lesion in mouse" "Gorup, Dunja; Bohaček, Ivan; Miličević, Tena; Pochet, Roland; Mitrečić, Dinko; Križ, Jasna; Gajović, Srećko" mef:8137 "journal article" "Transplantation of stem cell-derived astrocytes for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal cord injury" "Nicaise, Charles; Mitrečić, Dinko; Falnikar, Aditi; Lepore, Angelo C." mef:8044 "journal article" "Nop2 is expressed during proliferation of neural stem cells and in adult mouse and human brain" "Kosi, Nina; Alić, Ivan; Kolačević, Matea; Vrsaljko, Nina; Jovanov Milošević, Nataša; Sobol, Margarita; Philimonenko, Anatoly; Hozák, Pavel; Gajović, Srećko; Pochet, Roland; Mitrečić, Dinko" sfzg:255 dissertation "Određivanje koštanog regeneracijskog potencijala embrionalnih matičnih stanica i mezenhimnih matičnih stanica koštane srži u miševa" "Repić, Dario" pmf:803 thesis "Učinak proteina FGF i HMGB1 na preživljenje i proliferaciju živčanih matičnih stanica u kulturi" "Bogut, Ana" mef:8071 "journal article" "How Croatian patients suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis have been turned into medical tourists – a comment on a medical and social phenomenon" "Mitrečić, Dinko; Bilić, Ervina; Gajović, Srećko" mef:350 thesis Cryptorchidism "Maixant, Anne-Lise Marie Julie" mef:976 thesis "Epitel cerviksa miša tijekom spolnog ciklusa i ekspresija GABA receptora u cervikalnom epitelu" "Skelin, Marta" mef:200 thesis "Itove stanice jetre u zdravlju i bolesti" "Klemenčić, Antonio" mef:503 thesis "Prezentacija zbirki nastavnih pomagala zavoda za histologiju i embriologiju Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu" "Himelreich, Marta" mef:139 thesis "Uloga biopsije sjemenika u medicinski pomognutoj oplodnji" "Krznarić, Juraj" mef:9235 "journal article" "Detection of human papillomaviruses type 16, 18 and 33 in bronchial aspirates of lung carcinoma patients by polymerase chain reaction: a study of 84 cases in Croatia " "Vrabec Branica, Božica; Smojver-Ježek, Silvana; Juroš, Zrinka; Grgić, Sandra; Srpak, Nives; Mitrečić, Dinko; Gajović, Srećko" mef:9207 "journal article" "The mouse gene Noto is expressed in the tail bud and essential for its morphogenesis" "Žižić Mitrečić, Marica; Mitrečić, Dinko; Pochet, Roland; Kostović-Knežević, Ljiljana; Gajović, Srećko" mef:9185 "journal article" "Mice genotyping using buccal swab samples: an improved method" "Mitrečić, Dinko; Mavrić, Sandra; Vrabec Branica, Božica; Gajović, Srećko" mef:8702 "journal article" "PCR-based identification of short deletion/insertions and single nucleotide substitutions in genotyping of splotch (Pax3(sp)) and truncate (Noto(tc)) mouse mutants" "Mitrečić, Dinko; Mavrić, Sandra; Gajović, Srećko" mef:8925 "journal article" "Expression pattern and functional analysis of mouse Stam2 in the olfactory system" "Furić Čunko, Vesna; Mitrečić, Dinko; Mavrić, Sandra; Gajović, Srećko" mef:8919 "journal article" "Nucleolar protein 1 (Nol1) expression in the mouse brain" "Mitrečić, Dinko; Malnar, Tajana; Gajović, Srećko" mef:5746 dissertation "Razvoj kaudalnog dijela zametka u mišjih mutanata splotch i truncate " "Mitrečić, Dinko"