@phdthesis{pmf:13885, author = {{Jakovac, Ivan}}, title = {{NMR study of quantum criticality in Ce3Pd20Si6 AND m-PhNO2BNO systems}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:14076, author = {{Jednobrković, Fran}}, title = {{Kvalitativno istraživanje učeničkog razumijevanja pokusa iz fizike}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:14078, author = {{Vranić, Tin}}, title = {{Murunskit u modelu čvrste veze}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:14047, author = {{Budić, Jakov}}, title = {{Istraživanje utjecaja plastične deformacije na binarne teluride}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:13406, author = {{Rogić, Luka}}, title = {{Istraživanje lokalne strukture kompleksnih oksida titana i tantala Larmorovom precesijom neutrona}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:13228, author = {{Miše, Nikola}}, title = {{Magnetsko ponašanje lančastih i slojevitih hibridnih metoksietilamonijevih halogenokuprata(II)}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12944, author = {{Cerović, Antonio}}, title = {{Kvantna kriptografija putem optičkog vlakna}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:12921, author = {{Gudac, Bruno}}, title = {{Proučavanje promjena Fermijeve plohe različitim klasama Diracovih materijala}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12943, author = {{Brezak, Mihael}}, title = {{Sinteza izovalentnih spojeva EuMnBi2 i YbMnBi2}}, } @article{pmf:12269, author = {{Jakovac, Ivan and Dioguardi, A. P. and Grbić, Mihael Srđan and Gu, G. D. and Tranquada, J. M. and Hicks, C. W. and Požek, Miroslav and Grafe, H.-J.}}, title = {{Uniaxial stress study of spin and charge stripes in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 by 139La NMR and 63Cu NQR}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12470, author = {{Skeledžija, Danijel}}, title = {{Numeričko modeliranje lokalne strukture kompleksnih materijala}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12539, author = {{Tuškan, Karla}}, title = {{Utjecaj fizičkih praktikuma na učenje fizike}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12469, author = {{Fluksek, Alen}}, title = {{Supravodljivost u nanostrukturama od zlata s mrežom tankog filma niobija}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:12292, author = {{Ovčar, Juraj}}, title = {{Modeliranje kristalnih struktura i svojstava dvodimenzionalnih hibridnih halogenidnih perovskita}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12311, author = {{Galić, Ina}}, title = {{Multifrekvencijska analiza Polarnog plamička}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:11709, author = {{Reinić, Nora}}, title = {{Stablaste mreže tenzora za kvantne višečestične sustave na konačnoj temperaturi}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:12543, author = {{Akšamović, Luka}}, title = {{Diracovi polumetali s magnetskim uređenjem Eu atoma}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:10924, author = {{Bosiočić, Marko}}, title = {{Novel phases in quasi-one-dimensional frustrated spin chain LiCuSbO4}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:11116, author = {{Brlenić, Maja}}, title = {{Nastavni pristup interferenciji svjetlosti}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:10938, author = {{Krsnik, Juraj}}, title = {{Manifestations of strong correlations and disorder in selected problems of condensed matter physics}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:10706, author = {{Parunov, Antonio}}, title = {{Prijenosno učenje interatomskih potencijala: od molekula do kristala}}, } @article{pmf:13361, author = {{Grbić, Mihael S. and O’Farrell, Eoin C. T. and Matsumoto, Yosuke and Kuga, Kentaro and Brando, Manuel and Küchler, Robert and Nevidomskyy, Andriy H. and Yoshida, Makoto and Sakakibara, Toshiro and Kono, Yohei and Shimura, Yasuyuki and Sutherland, Michael L. and Takigawa, Masashi and Nakatsuji, Satoru}}, title = {{Anisotropy-driven quantum criticality in an intermediate valence system}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:10232, author = {{Čus, Petar}}, title = {{Strujno-naponska karakterizacija solarnih ćelija}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:9675, author = {{Mudri, Eduard Luka}}, title = {{Skin efekt u nehomogenim materijalima}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:8933, author = {{Cvitanić, Tonči}}, title = {{Niskodimenzionalni kvantni magnetizam u SeCuO_3 i m-NO_2PhBNO}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:9115, author = {{Golubić, Mateja}}, title = {{Mobilni uređaji kao laboratoriji}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:9507, author = {{Vulama, Monika}}, title = {{Suvremena nastava fizike: miskoncepcije u savladavanju sila}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:9442, author = {{Senić, Antonija}}, title = {{Terenska nastava fizike: Svemir}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:9237, author = {{Palle, Grgur}}, title = {{Fizikalna ograničenja Hohenberg-Mermin-Wagnerovog argumenta}}, } @article{pmf:8634, author = {{Jakovac, Ivan and Horvatić, Mladen and Schwier, Eike and Prokofiev, Andrey and Paschen, Silke and Mitamura, Hiroyuki and Sakakibara, T and Grbić, Mihael S.}}, title = {{105Pd NMR and NQR study of the cubic heavy fermion system Ce3Pd20Si6}}, } @phdthesis{fer:7074, author = {{Kolar, Petar}}, title = {{Optimization radio frequency components of cryogenic nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy system.}}, } @article{pmf:9129, author = {{Grbić, Mihael Srđan and Požek, Miroslav and Paar, Dalibor and Hinkov, V. and Raichle, M. and Haug, D. and Keimer, B. and Barišić, Neven and Dulčić, Antonije}}, title = {{Reply to “Comment on ‘Temperature range of superconducting fluctuations above Tc in YBa2Cu3O7−δ single crystals' ”}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:7639, author = {{Sitar, Mia}}, title = {{Istraživanje materijala primjenom strojnog učenja}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:6200, author = {{Senkić, Ana}}, title = {{Ispitivanje niskoenergetskih Ramanovih modova u dvodimenzionalnim materijalima}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:6202, author = {{Bekavac, Filipina}}, title = {{Fizika kao okosnica ranog znanstvenog obrazovanja u vrtićima i razrednoj nastavi}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:5933, author = {{Supina, Antonio}}, title = {{Mikroskopija na mikro i nano-skali i obrada slike}}, } @article{pmf:8617, author = {{Kolar, Petar and Grbić, Mihael S. and Hrabar, Silvio}}, title = {{Sensitivity enhancement of NMR spectroscopy receiving chain used in condensed matter physics}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:5301, author = {{Buljan, Bruno}}, title = {{Analiza membranske difuzibilnosti čestica liganada uz prisutnost difuzibilnih receptora}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:5080, author = {{Ivec, Arian}}, title = {{Ravnoteža sila i momenata sila u aproksimaciji srednjeg polja u diobenom vretenu}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:5090, author = {{Jakovac, Ivan}}, title = {{Istraživanje stanja teških fermiona u Ce3Pd20Si6 preko nuklearne kvadrupolne rezonancije 105Pd}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:4681, author = {{Krsnik, Juraj}}, title = {{Mnogočestična lokalizacija}}, } @article{pmf:8152, author = {{Cvitanić, Tonči and Šurija, Vinko and Prša, Krunoslav and Zaharko, Oksana and Kupčić, Ivan and Babkevich, Peter and Frontzek, Matthias and Požek, Miroslav and Berger, Helmut and Magrez, Arnaud and Rønnow, Henrik M. and Grbić, Mihael Srđan and Živković, Ivica}}, title = {{Singlet state formation and its impact on the magnetic structure in the tetramer system SeCuO3}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1952, author = {{Jelenić, Ivan}}, title = {{Teorija gubitka kromosoma u stanicama različite ploidije}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1614, author = {{Gašparić, Vlatko}}, title = {{Utjecaj prostornog ograničenja fonona na fotoluminescenciju nanostrukturiranog silicija}}, } @article{pmf:8066, author = {{Blinder, Rémi and Dupont, Maxime and Mukhopadhyay, Sutirtha and Grbić, Mihael Srđan and Laflorencie, Nicolas and Capponi, Sylvain and Mayaffre, Hadrien and Berthier, Claude and Paduan-Filho, Armando and Horvatić, Mladen}}, title = {{Nuclear Magnetic Resonance study of the magnetic- field- induced ordered phase in the NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2 compound}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:407, author = {{Šenjug, Pavla}}, title = {{Demonstracijski uređaj za mjerenje polarizacijskih korelacija u pozitronskoj anihilaciji}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:353, author = {{Ban, Ivana}}, title = {{Uloga pivotiranja mikrotubula u formiranju antiparalelnih svežnjeva mikrotubula}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1733, author = {{Bonačić, Nives}}, title = {{Mjerenje toplinskog kapaciteta u sustavima s kompleksnim faznim dijagramom s magnetskim poljem duž osi teške magnetizacije}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:406, author = {{Sutlić, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Simetrija supravodljivog parametra uređenja u naddopiranim kupratima}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:544, author = {{Marković, Igor}}, title = {{Proučavanje magnetizma u kagome spoju Cs2Cu3SnF12}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:518, author = {{Bosilj, Agneza}}, title = {{Redistribucija molekularnih motora tijekom oscilacija jezgre}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1631, author = {{Čulo, Matija}}, title = {{Elektronska svojstva i fazni prijelazi jako koreliranih sustava}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1528, author = {{Belošević, Ivana}}, title = {{Development of a chamber for compression and cooling of the muon beam}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1570, author = {{Vučković, Marija}}, title = {{Istraživanje nabojnih i supravodljivih korelacija u kupratima pomoću nelinearne vodljivosti}}, } @article{pmf:7363, author = {{Casola, Francesco and Shiroka, Toni and Feiguin, Adrian and Wang, Shuang and Grbić, Mihael Srđan and Horvatić, Mladen and Kramer, Steffen and Mukhopadhyay, Sutirtha and Conder, K. and Berthier, Claude and Ott, Hans Rudolf and Ronnow, Henrik Moodysson and Ruegg, Christian and Mesot, Joël}}, title = {{Field-induced quantum soliton lattice in a frustrated two-leg spin-1/2 ladder}}, } @article{pmf:7369, author = {{Grbić, Mihael Srđan and Kramer, Steffen and Berthier, Claude and Trousselet, Fabien and Cepas, Olivier and Tanaka, Hidekazu and Horvatić, Mladen}}, title = {{Microscopic Properties of the Pinwheel Kagome Compound Rb2Cu3SnF12}}, } @article{pmf:7332, author = {{Mukhopadhyay, Sutirtha and Klanjšek, Martin and Grbić, Mihael Srđan and Blinder, Remi and Mayaffre, Hadrien and Berthier, Claude and Horvatić, Mladen and Continentino, Mucio Amado and Paduan-Filho, Armando and Chiari, Brunetto and Piovesana, Olivo}}, title = {{Quantum-Critical Spin Dynamics in Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1728, author = {{Grbić, Mihael}}, title = {{Proučavanje supravodljivih fluktuacija i pseudoprocjepa u visokotemperaturnim supravodičima mikrovalnom metodom}}, } @article{pmf:7224, author = {{Grbić, Mihael Srđan and Požek, Miroslav and Paar, Dalibor and Hinkov, Vladimir and Raichle, Markus and Haug, Daniel and Keimer, Bernd and Barišić, Neven and Dulčić, Antonije}}, title = {{Temperature range of superconducting fluctuations above Tc in YBa2Cu3O7−δ single crystals}}, } @article{pmf:7054, author = {{Grbić, Mihael Srđan and Barišić, Neven and Dulčić, Antonije and Kupčić, Ivan and Li, Y. and Zhao, X. and Yu, G. and Dressel, M. and Greven, M. and Požek, Miroslav}}, title = {{Microwave measurements of the in-plane and c-axis conductivity in HgBa2CuO4+δ: Discriminating between superconducting fluctuations and pseudogap effects}}, } @article{pmf:7011, author = {{Narduzzo, A. and Grbić, Mihael Srđan and Požek, Miroslav and Dulčić, Antonije and Paar, Dalibor and Kondrat, A. and Hess, C. and Hellmann, I. and Klingeler, R. and Werner, J. and Kohler, A. and Behr, G. and Buchner, B.}}, title = {{Upper critical field, penetration depth, and depinning frequency of the high-temperature superconductor LaFeAsO0.9F0.1 studied by microwave surface impedance}}, } @article{pmf:6900, author = {{Janjušević, Dragan and Grbić, Mihael Srđan and Požek, Miroslav and Dulčić, Antonije and Paar, Dalibor and Nebendahl, Bernd and Wagner, Thomas}}, title = {{Microwave response of thin niobium films under perpendicular static magnetic fields}}, }