pid,type,title,authors,mentors,source_title,published_date,url,doi,isbn,issn,eissn ifs:21,"other document type","Plan upravljanja istraživačkim podacima - HRZZ-2020-02-9666 - iTMD","Popčević, Petar",,,,,,,, pmf:10603,thesis,"Sinteza i karakterizacija interkaliranih dihalkogenida prijelaznih metala","Erceg, Luka",,,,,,,, pmf:7963,"journal article","Scattering-dominated high-temperature phase of 1T−TiSe2 : An optical conductivity study","Velebit, Kristijan; Popčević, Petar; Batistić, Ivo; Eichler, M.; Berger, H.; Forró, L.; Dressel, M.; Barišić, Neven; Tutiš, Eduard",,,,,,,, pmf:7134,"journal article","Anisotropic physical properties of the Taylor-phase T-Al72.5Mn21.5Fe6.0 complex intermetallic","Heggen, M.; Feuerbacher, M.; Ivkov, Jovica; Popčević, Petar; Batistić, Ivo; Smontara, Ana; Jagodič, Marko; Jagličić, Zvonko; Janovec, J.; Wencka, M.; Dolinšek, J.",,,,,,,, pmf:7117,"journal article","The Generalization of the Kinetic Equations and the Spectral Conductivity Function to Anisotropic Systems: Case T-Al_72.5Mn_21.5Fe_6 Complex Metallic Alloy","Popčević, Petar; Batistić, Ivo; Tutiš, Eduard; Velebit, Kristijan; Heggen, Marc; Feuerbacher, Michael",,,,,,,, pmf:7120,"journal article","Thermal Conductivity of Taylor Phase Al_3(Mn,Pd) Complex Metallic Alloys","Stanić, Denis; Popčević, Petar; Smiljanić, Igor; Bihar, Željko; Bilušić, Ante; Batistić, Ivo; Ivkov, Jovica; Hegen, Marc; Feuerbacher, Michael",,,,,,,,