pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn pmf:12538 thesis "Perturbacijska G\Delta W metoda: Primjena na izračun vrpčaste strukture u hBN/grafen kompozitu" "Barišić, Lovro Anto" pmf:12468 thesis "Optička svojstva Diracovih polumetala" "Papac, Patrik" pmf:12378 "journal article" "Tvorba mase – 2. dio" "Žugec, Petar; Rukelj, Zoran" pmf:11690 thesis "Učenički istraživački pokusi u valnoj optici" "Šarić, Mateja" pmf:12377 "journal article" "Tvorba mase – 1. dio" "Žugec, Petar; Rukelj, Zoran; Friščić, Ivica" pmf:11935 "journal article" "Evidence for three-dimensional Dirac conical bands in TlBiSSe by optical and magneto-optical spectroscopy" "Le Mardelé, F.; Wyzula, J.; Mohelsky, I.; Nasrallah, S.; Loh, M.; Ben David, S.; Toledano, O.; Tolj, D.; Novak, M.; Eguchi, G.; Paschen, S.; Barišić, N.; Chen, J.; Kimura, A.; Orlita, M.; Rukelj, Z.; Akrap, Ana; Santos-Cottin, D." pmf:11912 "journal article" "Conductivity Sum Rule in the Nearly Free Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in an Uniaxial Potential" "Rukelj, Zoran; Radić, Danko" pmf:11355 thesis "Isingov model" "Pavlina, Anamarija" pmf:11363 thesis "Degradacija kvazi-2D perovskita: nagovještaji izračunima iz prvih principa" "Đudarić, Dino" pmf:12543 thesis "Diracovi polumetali s magnetskim uređenjem Eu atoma" "Akšamović, Luka" pmf:11360 thesis "Diracovi polumetali, traženje novih putova sinteze monokristala BaNiS2 te WC" "Sačer, Petar" pmf:11248 thesis "Racionalna trigonometrija" "Stipić, Ingrid" pmf:11065 thesis "Transportna i optička svojstva Diracovih polumetala" "Kordić, Josip" pmf:11459 thesis "Optička vodljivost dvodimenzionalnih izolatora s inverzijom valentnih vrpci" "Lemac, Karla" pmf:11835 "journal article" "Carrier concentrations and optical conductivity of a band-inverted semimetal in two and three dimensions" "Rukelj, Zoran; Akrap, Ana" pmf:8687 "journal article" "Estimation of the single-particle band gap and exciton binding energy in two dimensional insulators: a modified G0W0-BSE method approach" "Rukelj, Zoran; Despoja, Vito" pmf:9066 "journal article" "Dynamical conductivity of lithium-intercalated hexagonal boron nitride films: A memory function approach" "Rukelj, Zoran" pmf:8850 "journal article" "Low-energy excitations in type-II Weyl semimetal Td -MoTe2 evidenced through optical conductivity" "Santos-Cottin, D.; Martino, E.; Le Mardelé, F.; Witteveen, C.; von Rohr, F. O.; Homes, C. C.; Rukelj, Z.; Akrap, Ana" pmf:8984 "journal article" "Manifestations of the electron-phonon interaction range in angle-resolved photoemission spectra" "Krsnik, J.; Strocov, V. N.; Nagaosa, N.; Barišić, O. S.; Rukelj, Z.; Yakubenya, S. M.; Mishchenko, A. S." pmf:8983 "journal article" "Neutron Capture on the s-Process Branching Point 171Tm via Time-of-Flight and Activation" "Rukelj, Z.; Homes, C. C.; Orlita, M.; Akrap, Ana" pmf:8695 "journal article" "Optical conductivity of the type-II Weyl semimetal TaIrTe4" "Le Mardelé, F.; Santos-Cottin, D.; Martino, E.; Semeniuk, K.; David, S. Ben; Orbanić, F.; Novak, M.; Rukelj, Z.; Homes, C. C.; Akrap, Ana" pmf:8696 "journal article" "Probing intraband excitations in ZrTe5 : A high-pressure infrared and transport study" "Santos-Cottin, D.; Padlewski, M.; Martino, E.; David, S. Ben; Le Mardelé, F.; Capitani, F.; Borondics, F.; Bachmann, M. D.; Putzke, C.; Moll, P. J. W.; Zhong, R. D.; Gu, G. D.; Berger, H.; Orlita, M.; Homes, C. C.; Rukelj, Z.; Akrap, Ana" pmf:8593 "journal article" "Two-Dimensional Conical Dispersion in ZrTe5 Evidenced by Optical Spectroscopy" "Martino, E.; Crassee, I.; Eguchi, G.; Santos-Cottin, D.; Zhong, R. D.; Gu, G. D.; Berger, H.; Rukelj, Z.; Orlita, M.; Homes, C. C.; Akrap, Ana" pmf:8168 "journal article" "Strong two-dimensional plasmon in Li-intercalated hexagonal boron-nitride film with low damping" "Lončarić, Ivor; Rukelj, Zoran; Silkin, Vyacheslav M.; Despoja, Vito" pmf:1612 dissertation "Međuvrpčana pobuđenja u heksagonalnim dvodimenzionalnim vodljivim sustavima" "Rukelj, Zoran" pmf:7983 "journal article" "Ab initio study of electronic excitations and the dielectric function in molybdenum disulfide monolayer" "Despoja, Vito; Rukelj, Zoran; Marušić, Leonardo" pmf:7967 "journal article" "Effective numbers of charge carriers in doped graphene: Generalized Fermi liquid approach" "Kupčić, Ivan; Nikšić, Goran; Rukelj, Zoran; Pelc, Damjan" pmf:7977 "journal article" "Optical absorption and transmission in a molybdenum disulfide monolayer" "Rukelj, Zoran; Štrkalj, Antonio; Despoja, Vito"