@phdthesis{phyri:300, author = {{Šegedin, Nikola}}, title = {{Determination of field output factors and volume averaging correction factors for different detectors in narrow Co-60 beams}}, } @article{sfzg:1275, author = {{Gamulin, Ozren and Škrabić, Marko and Serec, Kristina and Par, Matej and Baković, Marija and Krajačić, Maria and Babić, Sanja Dolanski and Šegedin, Nikola and Osmani, Aziz and Vodanović, Marin}}, title = {{Possibility of Human Gender Recognition Using Raman Spectra of Teeth}}, } @article{mef:4630, author = {{Gamulin, Ozren and Škrabić, Marko and Serec, Kristina and Par, Matej and Baković, Marija and Krajačić, Maria and Dolanski Babić, Sanja and Šegedin, Nikola and Osmani, Aziz and Vodanović, Marin}}, title = {{Possibility of Human Gender Recognition Using Raman Spectra of Teeth}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:1619, author = {{Šegedin, Nikola}}, title = {{Utjecaj nanosekundnih laserskih pulseva na atmosferske plazmene mlazove}}, }