@phdthesis{pmf:11763, author = {{Trupinić, Monika}}, title = {{The role of microtubule-associated proteins in the generation and regulation of spindle shape}}, } @article{pmf:13306, author = {{Trupinić, Monika and Kokanović, Barbara and Ponjavić, Ivana and Barišić, Ivan and Šegvić, Siniša and Ivec, Arian and Tolić, Iva M.}}, title = {{The chirality of the mitotic spindle provides a mechanical response to forces and depends on microtubule motors and augmin}}, } @article{pmf:13307, author = {{Velle, Katrina B. and Kennard, Andrew S. and Trupinić, Monika and Ivec, Arian and Swafford, Andrew J.M. and Nolton, Emily and Rice, Luke M. and Tolić, Iva M. and Fritz-Laylin, Lillian K. and Wadsworth, Patricia}}, title = {{Naegleria’s mitotic spindles are built from unique tubulins and highlight core spindle features}}, } @article{pmf:11825, author = {{Ivec, Arian and Trupinić, Monika and Tolić, Iva M. and Pavin, Nenad}}, title = {{Oblique circle method for measuring the curvature and twist of mitotic spindle microtubule bundles}}, } @mastersthesis{pmf:2617, author = {{Trupinić, Monika}}, title = {{Kronično zatajenje bubrega i prilagodbe na hibernaciju kod sisavaca}}, }