pid,type,title,authors,mentors,source_title,published_date,url,doi,isbn,issn,eissn pmf:12471,thesis,"Kvarkovski modeli bariona i mezon","Vujica, Martina",,,,,,,, pmf:13120,"journal article","Neutrino Oscillations in Finite Time Path Out-of-Equilibrium Thermal Field Theory","Dadić, Ivan; Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:11744,thesis,"Specijalna teorija relativnosti i relativistička masa","Turkalj, Matej",,,,,,,, pmf:13128,"journal article","Pion observables calculated in Minkowski and Euclidean spaces with Ansatze for quark propagators","Kekez, D.; Klabučar, D.",,,,,,,, pmf:11026,thesis,"Discrimination of neutron from gamma radiation in diamond detectors","Ivanković, Karla",,,,,,,, pmf:11248,thesis,"Racionalna trigonometrija","Stipić, Ingrid",,,,,,,, pmf:9627,thesis,"Korištenje zabavnih elemenata popularne kulture za jaču popularizaciju znanosti","Uzelac, Ana",,,,,,,, pmf:9139,thesis,"Teorijski opis eksperimenta s dvije pukotine u supravodiču i veza s Bohmovom mehanikom","Atelj, Josip",,,,,,,, pmf:9065,thesis,"Valne funkcije identičnih čestica","Županić, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:8960,"journal article","T-dependence of the Axion Mass when the U_A(1) and Chiral Symmetry Breaking Are Tied","Klabučar, D.; Horvatić, D.; Kekez, D.",,,,,,,, pmf:7661,thesis,"Problem stabilnosti Higssove mase u SM-u i MSSM-u","Grahovac, Petar",,,,,,,, pmf:5935,thesis,"Dvočestične valne funkcije harmoničkog oscilatora","Rožman, Katarina",,,,,,,, pmf:5932,thesis,"Ispitivanje narušenja Paulijeva principa","Zelić, Mihael",,,,,,,, pmf:8618,"journal article","Temperature Dependence of the Axion Mass in a Scenario Where the Restoration of Chiral Symmetry Drives the Restoration of the UA(1) Symmetry","Horvatić, Davor; Kekez, Dalibor; Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:8221,"journal article","η′ and η mesons at high T when the U_A(1) and chiral symmetry breaking are tied","Horvatić, Davor; Kekez, Dalibor; Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:4683,thesis,"Faktorizacijske algebre u kvantnoj teoriji polja","Globlek, Fran",,,,,,,, pmf:1557,thesis,"Tri metode izračunavanja radijativnih procesa s narušenjem leptonskog okusa","Popara, Goran",,,,,,,, pmf:7585,"journal article","A UA(1) symmetry restoration scenario supported by the generalized Witten–Veneziano relation and its analytic solution","Benić, Sanjin; Horvatić, Davor; Kekez, Dalibor; Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:1708,dissertation,"Lepton favor violation in supersymmetric low-scale seesaw models","Popov, Luka",,,,,,,, pmf:1693,dissertation,"Dynamical quark loops at low energies and in medium","Benić, Sanjin",,,,,,,, pmf:7272,"journal article","Axial anomaly and the interplay of quark loops with pseudoscalar and vector mesons in the γ∗→π+π0π− process","Benić, Sanjin; Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:1727,dissertation,"Experimental study of pionic fusion 4He(3He,π0)7Be","Gašparić, Igor",,,,,,,, pmf:7237,"journal article","Width of the QCD transition in a Polyakov-loop Dyson-Schwinger equation model","Horvatić, Davor; Blaschke, David; Klabučar, Dubravko; Kaczmarek, Olaf",,,,,,,, pmf:7236,"journal article","η′ multiplicity and the Witten-Veneziano relation at finite temperature","Benić, Sanjin; Horvatić, Davor; Kekez, Dalibor; Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:12245,"other document type","Red predavanja 2010/2011.",,,,,,,,, pmf:6936,"journal article","Unexpectedly small empirical vector strangeness of nucleons predicted in a baryon model","Horvatić, Davor; Klabučar, Dubravko; Mekterović, Darko",,,,,,,, pmf:11319,"journal article","Zaboravljeni otac pozitronija","Lozar, Julijana; Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6980,"journal article","η and η′ mesons in the Dyson-Schwinger approach at finite temperature","Horvatić, Davor; Klabučar, Dubravko; Radzhabov, A. E.",,,,,,,, pmf:6890,"journal article","η and η′ mesons and dimension 2 gluon condensate 〈A2〉","Kekez, Dalibor; Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6840,"journal article","Circumventing the axial anomalies and the strong CP problem","Kekez, Dalibor; Klabučar, Dubravko; Scadron, Michael D.",,,,,,,, pmf:6841,"journal article","Fotonska hipoteza – najrevolucionarniji Einsteinov rad 1905. godine","Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6862,"journal article","Pseudoscalar qqbar mesons and effective QCD coupling enhanced by (A2) condensate","Kekez, Dalibor; Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6803,"journal article","A Bethe-Salpeter-equation study with the - enhanced effective QCD coupling","Kekez, Dalibor; Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6754,"journal article","η and η′ in a coupled Schwinger-Dyson and Bethe-Salpeter approach. II. The γ*γ transition form factors","Kekez, Dalibor; Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6680,"journal article","Quark loop calculation of the γ → 3π form factor","Bistrović, Bojan; Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6683,"journal article","The dependence of the asymptotic behaviour of the γ* γ → π^0 transition on the dressed quark-photon vertices","Klabučar, Dubravko; Kekez, Dalibor",,,,,,,, pmf:6577,"journal article","Nucleon strangeness as the response to a strangeness-sensitive probe in a class of hadron models","Klabučar, Dubravko; Kumerički, Krešimir; Melić, Blaženka; Picek, Ivica",,,,,,,, pmf:6576,"journal article","Schwinger-Dyson approach and generalized impulse approximation for the π0γ*γ transition","Klabučar, Dubravko; Kekez, Dalibor",,,,,,,, pmf:6558,"journal article","η and η′ in a coupled Schwinger-Dyson and Bethe-Salpeter approach","Klabučar, Dubravko; Kekez, Dalibor",,,,,,,, pmf:6490,"journal article","Topološki solitoni i čestice (II) : Barioni kao solitonske konfiguracije mezonskih polja u nekim suvremenim teorijama jakih interakcija","Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6521,"journal article","Topološki solitoni i čestice (I) : Jednostavni mehanički model Siue-Gordonovog sistema i njegovi solitoni","Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6419,"journal article","Instantons and baryon mass splittings in the MIT bag model","Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,, pmf:6415,"journal article","Momentum-independent renormalization of the Schwinger-Dyson equation with an instantaneous-interaction kernel","Klabučar, Dubravko; Horvat, Raul; Kekez, Dalibor; Palle, Davor",,,,,,,, pmf:6388,"journal article","An overview of the interplay of weak and hadronic skyrmions","Klabučar, Dubravko",,,,,,,,