Abstract | Park prirode Telašćica, kao i cijela istočna obala Jadrana, bogata je raznolikim podmorskim staništima i brojnim životnim zajednicama koja ih naseljavaju. Ovo je istraživanje provedeno na području strmaca na osam različitih postaja unutar Parka prirode Telašćica, s ciljem što boljeg poznavanja i praćenja stanja faune koralja u Jadranskom moru. Ronjenjem pomoću autonomnih ronilačkih aparata zabilježene su i determinirane vrste koralja, in situ ili iz sakupljenih uzoraka u laboratoriju; kao i kartirana sva staništa. Zabilježeno je devet različitih biocenoza sa 64 vrste koralja unutar 26 porodica; podrazredu Hexacorallia pripada 51 vrsta, dok podrazredu Octocorallia pripada 13 vrsta. Najveći broj koralja, ukupno 37 vrsta, zabilježen je na postaji Prisika 2, dok je najmanji broj, 24 vrste, utvrđen na postaji Sestrica Vela 1. Vrste Actinia equina, Aiptasia mutabilis, Alcyonium acaule, Anemonia viridis, Balanophyllia europaea, Caryophyllia inornata, Caryophyllia smithii, Eunicella cavolinii, Hoplangia durothrix, Leptopsammia pruvoti, Madracis pharensis, Parazoanthus axinellae i Phyllangia mouchezi utvrđene su na svim postajama; međutim, za bolji uvid u raznolikost pojedinih vrsta unutar Parka prirode Telašćica, potrebna su dodatna istraživanja na većem broju postaja. |
Abstract (english) | The Telašćica Nature Park, as well as the entire eastern Adriatic coast, is rich in diverse marine habitats and life communities which inhabit them. This study was conducted at eight different locations on the underwater cliffs in the Nature Park Telašćica, with the objective of gaining better knowledge and the monitoring of the coral fauna of the Adriatic. The species that were observed while SCUBA diving were determined in situ or afterwards in a laboratory from collected samples. Every habitat was mapped as well. Nine different biocenoses were recorded, with 64 anthozoan species within 26 families; 51 of the species belong to the subclass Hexacorallia, and 13 species belong to the subclass Octocorallia. The largest number of species, 37, was recorded at the location Prisika 2, while the smallest number, 24, was found at the location Sestrica Vela 1. The species Actinia equina, Aiptasia mutabilis, Alcyonium acaule, Anemonia viridis, Balanophyllia europaea, Caryophyllia inornata, Caryophyllia smithii, Eunicella cavolinii, Hoplangia durothrix, Leptopsammia pruvoti, Madracis pharensis, Parazoanthus axinellae and Phyllangia mouchezi were found at every observed location. However, for a better understanding of the diversity of the anthozoan species in the Telašćica Nature Park, more studies are needed, at a greater number of locations. |