
Agakishiev, G., Planinić, Mirko, Poljak, Nikola, Zoulkarneeva, Y.
Anomalous centrality evolution of two-particle angular correlations from Au-Au collisions at √sNN = 62 and 200 GeV
Krasznahorkaya, A., Paar, Nils, Vretenar, Dario, Harakeh, M. N.
Anti-analog giant dipole resonances and the neutron skin of nuclei
Poljak, Nikola
Antimaterija – otkriće dosad najteže antimaterijske jezgre (^4_2 He) na STAR detektoru
Tonejc, Antun
Antun Bonefačić (1925. - 2011.)
Smontara, Ana
Antun Rubčić (1938. - 2023.)
Ilakovac, Ksenofont
Application of the Integrated Voigt Function in Analysis of Experimental Line Spectra
Vrdoljak, Josip, Boban, Zvonimir, Barić, Domjan, Šegvić, Darko, Kumrić, Marko, Avirović, Manuela, Perić Balja, Melita, Periša, Marija Milković, Tomasović, Čedna, Tomić, Snježana, Vrdoljak, Eduard, Božić, Joško
Applying Explainable Machine Learning Models for Detection of Breast Cancer Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients Eligible for Neoadjuvant Treatment
Farkaš, Lucija Nora, Tarjus, Gilles, Balog, Ivan
Approach to the lower critical dimension of the φ4 theory in the derivative expansion of the functional renormalization group
Pavlovski, Krešimir, Southworth, J., Kolbas, Vladimir
Apsidal motion of the eclipsing binary as Camelopardalis: discrepancy resolved
Picek, Ivica
Asimptotska sloboda; neobični paramagnetizam vakuuma i Nobelova nagrada za teoriju jake sile
Sangeeta, A, Ghosh, T., Maheshwari, B., Saxena, G., Agrawal, B. K.
Astrophysical reaction rates with realistic nuclear level densities
Podobnik, Boris, Valentinčić, Aljoša, Horvatić, Davor, Stanley, H. Eugene
Asymmetric Lévy flight in financial ratios
