
The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Star formation properties and radio luminosity functions of AGN with moderate-to-high radiative luminosities out to z∼6
The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Star formation properties and radio luminosity functions of AGN with moderate-to-high radiative luminosities out to z∼6
Ceraj Lana
Smolčić Vernesa
Delvecchio Ivan
Novak Mladen
Zamorani Giovanni
Delhaize Jacinta
Schinnerer Eva
Vardoulaki Eleni
Herrera Ruiz Noelia
The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: The infrared- radio correlation of star-forming galaxies and AGN to z ≲ 6
The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: The infrared- radio correlation of star-forming galaxies and AGN to z ≲ 6
Delhaize J.
Smolčić Vernesa
Delvecchio I.
Novak Mladen
Sargent M.
Baran N.
Magnelli B.
Zamorani G.
Schinnerer E.
Murphy E. J.
Aravena M.
Berta S.
Bondi M.
Capak P.
Carilli C.
Ciliegi P.
Civano F.
Ilbert O.
Karim A.
Laigle C.
Le Fèvre O.
Marchesi S.
McCracken H. J.
Salvato M.
Seymour N.
Tasca L.
The VLA-COSMOS Survey - V. 324 MHz continuum observations
The VLA-COSMOS Survey - V. 324 MHz continuum observations
Smolčić Vernesa
Ciliegi Paolo
Jelić Vibor
Bondi Marco
Schinnerer Eva
Carilli Chris L.
Riechers Dominik A.
Salvato Mara
Brković Alen
Capak Peter
Ilbert Olivier
Karim Alexander
McCracken Henry
Scoville Nick Z.
The XXL Survey. I. Scientific motivations - XMM-Newton observing plan - Follow-up observations and simulation programme
The XXL Survey. I. Scientific motivations - XMM-Newton observing plan - Follow-up observations and simulation programme
Pierre M.
Pacaud F.
Adami C.
Alis S.
Altieri B.
Baran N.
Benoist C.
Birkinshaw M.
Bongiorno A.
Bremer M. N.
Brusa M.
Butler A.
Ciliegi P.
Chiappetti L.
Clerc N.
Corasaniti P. S.
Coupon J.
De Breuck C.
Democles J.
Desai S.
Delhaize J.
Devriendt J.
Dubois Y.
Eckert D.
Elyiv A.
Ettori S.
Evrard A.
Faccioli L.
Farahi A.
Ferrari C.
Finet F.
Fotopoulou S.
Fourmanoit N.
Gandhi P.
Gastaldello F.
Gastaud R.
Georgantopoulos I.
Giles P.
Guennou L.
Guglielmo V.
Horellou C.
Husband K.
Huynh M.
Iovino A.
Kilbinger M.
Koulouridis E.
Lavoie S.
Le Brun A. M. C.
Le Fevre J. P.
Lidman C.
Lieu M.
Lin C. A.
Mantz A.
Maughan B. J.
Maurogordato S.
McCarthy I. G.
McGee S.
Melin J. B.
Melnyk O.
Menanteau F.
Novak M.
Paltani S.
Plionis M.
Poggianti B. M.
Pomarede D.
Pompei E.
Ponman T. J.
Ramos-Ceja M. E.
Ranalli P.
Rapetti D.
Raychaudury S.
Reiprich T. H.
Rottgering H.
Rozo E.
Rykoff E.
Sadibekova T.
Santos J.
Sauvageot J. L.
Schimd C.
Sereno M.
Smith G. P.
Smolčić Vernesa
Snowden S.
Spergel D.
Stanford S.
Surdej J.
Valageas P.
Valotti A.
Valtchanov I.
Vignali C.
Willis J.
Ziparo F.
The XXL Survey. IX. Optical overdensity and radio continuum analysis of a supercluster at z = 0.43
The XXL Survey. IX. Optical overdensity and radio continuum analysis of a supercluster at z = 0.43
Baran N.
Smolčić Vernesa
Milaković D.
Novak M.
Delhaize J.
Gastaldello F.
Ramos-Ceja M. E.
Pacaud F.
Bourke S.
Carilli C. L.
Ettori S.
Hallinan G.
Horellou C.
Koulouridis E.
Chiappetti L.
Miettinen O.
Melnyk O.
Mooley K.
Pierre M.
Pompei E.
Schinnerer E.
The XXL Survey. VII. A supercluster of galaxies at z = 0.43
The XXL Survey. VII. A supercluster of galaxies at z = 0.43
Pompei E.
Adami C.
Eckert D.
Gastaldello F.
Lavoie S.
Poggianti B.
Altieri B.
Alis S.
Baran Nikola
Benoist C.
Jaffé Y. L.
Koulouridis E.
Maurogordato S.
Pacaud F.
Pierre M.
Sadibekova T.
Smolčić Vernesa
Valtchanov I.
The XXL Survey. XI. ATCA 2.1 GHz continuum observations
The XXL Survey. XI. ATCA 2.1 GHz continuum observations
Smolčić Vernesa
Delhaize Jacinta
Huynh Minh
Bondi Marco
Ciliegi Paolo
Novak Mladen
Baran Nikola
Birkinshaw Mark
Bremer Malcolm N.
Chiappetti Lucio
Ferrari Chiara
Fotopoulou Sotiria
Horellou Cathy
McGee Sean L.
Pacaud Florian
Pierre Marguerite
Raychaudhury Somak
Röttgering Huub
Vignali Cristian
The XXL Survey. XLI. Radio AGN luminosity functions based on the GMRT 610 MHz continuum 
The XXL Survey. XLI. Radio AGN luminosity functions based on the GMRT 610 MHz continuum observations
Šlaus Bruno
Smolčić Vernesa
Novak Mladen
Fotopoulou S.
Ciliegi P.
Jurlin N.
Ceraj Lana
Tisanić Krešimir
Birkinshaw M.
Bremer M.
Chiappetti L.
Horellou C.
Huynh M.
Intema H.
Kolokythas K.
Pierre M.
Raychaudhury S.
Rottgering H.
The XXL Survey. XLIII. The quasar radio loudness dichotomy exposed via radio luminosity functions obtained by combining results from COSMOS and XXL-S X-ray selected quasars
The XXL Survey. XLIII. The quasar radio loudness dichotomy exposed via radio luminosity functions obtained by combining results from COSMOS and XXL-S X-ray selected quasars
Ceraj L.
Smolčić V.
Delvecchio I.
Butler A.
Tisanić K.
Delhaize J.
Horellou C.
Kartaltepe J.
Kolokythas K.
Leslie S.
Marchesi S.
Novak M.
Pierre M.
Plionis M.
Vardoulaki E.
Zamorani G.
The XXL Survey. XVIII. ATCA 2.1 GHz radio source catalogue and source counts for the XXL- South field
The XXL Survey. XVIII. ATCA 2.1 GHz radio source catalogue and source counts for the XXL- South field
Butler Andrew
Huynh Minh
Delhaize Jacinta
Smolčić Vernesa
Kapińska Anna
Milaković Dinko
Novak Mladen
Baran Nikola
O'Brien Andrew
Chiappetti Lucio
Desai Shantanu
Fotopoulou Sotiria
Horellou Cathy
Lidman Chris
Pierre Marguerite
The XXL Survey. XXII. The XXL-North spectrophotometric sample and galaxy stellar mass function in X-ray detected groups and clusters
The XXL Survey. XXII. The XXL-North spectrophotometric sample and galaxy stellar mass function in X-ray detected groups and clusters
Guglielmo V.
Poggianti B. M.
Vulcani B.
Adami C.
Gastaldello F.
Ettori S.
Fotopoulou S.
Koulouridis E.
Ramos Ceja M. E.
Giles P.
McGee S.
Altieri B.
Baldry I.
Birkinshaw M.
Bolzonella M.
Bongiorno A.
Brown M.
Chiappetti L.
Driver S.
Elyiv A.
Evrard A.
Garilli B.
Grootes M.
Guennou L.
Hopkins A.
Horellou C.
Iovino A.
Lidman C.
Liske J.
Maurogordato S.
Owers M.
Pacaud F.
Paltani S.
Pierre M.
Plionis M.
Ponman T.
Robotham A.
Sadibekova T.
Scodeggio M.
Sereno M.
Smolčić Vernesa
Tuffs R.
Valtchanov I.
Vignali C.
Willis J
The XXL Survey. XXIX. GMRT 610 MHz continuum observations
The XXL Survey. XXIX. GMRT 610 MHz continuum observations
Smolčić Vernesa
Intema Huib
Šlaus Bruno
Raychaudhury Somak
Novak Mladen
Horellou Cathy
Chiappetti Lucio
Delhaize Jacinta
Birkinshaw Mark
Bondi Marco
Bremer Malcolm
Ciliegi Paolo
Ferrari Chiara
Kolokythas Konstantinos
Lidman Chris
McGee Sean L.
Norris Ray
Pierre Marguerite
Röttgering Huub
Tasse Cyril
Williams Wendy
