Identification and characterization of transposable elements in sponges (Porifera)
Maja Kuzman Transposable elements constitute a large portion of most eukaryotic genomes and play an important role in transcriptional regulation, shaping gene regulatory networks and genome evolution. Due to a lack of quality genome assemblies of non-model organisms, not much is known about the diversity, distribution and the role of transposable elements across Metazoa. In this thesis I present high quality genome assemblies for the sponge species Eunapius subterraneus and Suberites domuncula. I use...
Identification of the initial jet parton using machine learning techniques at the ALICE detector
Marko Jerčić Quarks and gluons produced in high-energy collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are manifested as collimated jets of particles via fragmentation and hadronisation processes. Distinguishing quark-initiated jets and gluon-initiated jets can be very useful for theoretical understanding of the fragmentation process, for better measurements of the Standard model parameters, as well as in the search for physics beyond the Standard model. Using machine learning techniques on data from the...
Identified di-hadron angular correlations using the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider
Filip Erhardt Two-particle angular correlations are a useful tool to study the mechanisms of particle production by observing the angular separation (Δη, Δφ) between pairs of particles in an event. Different structures in the Δη − Δφ space are caused by various modes of particle production and interactions between particles shortly after production. Examining these structures can give us insight into the nature of these interactions. One of these structures is called “the Ridge” and its...
Identifikacija endosimbiotskih odnosa hidre i alge primjenom metoda molekularne filogenije
Nives Rajević Simbiotske asocijacije imaju široki značaj u evoluciji i bioraznolikosti. Proces endosimbioze jedan je od pokretača specijacije. Zelena hidra (Hydra viridissima Pallas, 1766) tipičan je primjer endosimbioze, jer u svojim gastrodermalnim mioepitelnim stanicama sadrži jednostanične fotoautotrofne alge. Endosimbiotske alge izolirane iz zelenih hidri sakupljenih s četiri različite lokacije u Hrvatskoj, te iz Izraela i iz Njemačke identificirane su koristeći pet molekularno...
Identifikacija i karakterizacija citokroma P450 obitelji 4 u dagnji, Mytilus galloprovincialis
Sanda Ravlić Enzimi citokroma P450 (CYP) čine važnu komponentu staničnog sustava detoksifikacije. U dagnji, Mytilus galloprovincialis, s različitih lokacija, identificirano je i karakterizirano sedam novih eksprimiranih grupa gena citokroma P450. Filogenetska analiza enzima citokroma P450 pokazala je grupiranje eksprimiranih gena unutar CYP4 monofiletske grupe. Usporedba prevedenih CYP4 aminokiselinskih sljedova dagnje sa CYP4 sljedovima kralješnjaka i beskralješnjaka pokazala je visoki stupanj...
Identifikacija periodičnosti višega reda u insektu Tribolium castaneum pomoću računalne grm metode
Ines Vlahović Koristeći računalnu metodu GRM, Global Repeat Map, u disertaciji sam analizirala genom insekta Tribolium castaneum, malog brašnara, kako bih identificirala periodičnosti višega reda (HOR-ove). Uz algoritme za detekciju tandemne DNK, koji rade na principu dinamičkih matrica poravnanja, kompresije podataka, mapiranja u numeričku sekvencu i FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), naša metoda čini učinkovit alat za analizu DNK sekvence. Prednost korištene metode, GRM, je u direktnom mapiranju...
Ilegalne droge i terapeutski opioidi u komunalnim otpadnim vodama – biogeokemijsko ponašanje i procjena zloporabe
Ivona Krizman Razvijena je analitička metoda za simultano odreĎivanje trinaest urinarnih biomarkera ilegalnih droga (heroin, kokain, kanabis, amfetamin, metamfetamin i 3,4-metilendioksimetamfetamin) i terapeutskih opioida (metadon i kodein) u komunalnoj otpadnoj vodi i mulju, kod niskih masenih koncentracija (ng L-1) primjenom vezanog sustava tekućinska kromatografija-tandemna spektrometrija masa (LC-MS/MS). Učinkovito obogaćenje analita iz uzoraka vode i suspendiranih čestica postignuto je...
Imaging of the three-dimensional quark-gluon structure of the proton via analysis of deeply virtual electron scattering
Marija Čuić The study of the structure of the proton has been an ongoing effort ever since its first experimental discovery in 1917 by Rutherford. As experimental methods progressed, and the properties of the proton, such as its mass, spin and charge, were uncovered, the question of its underlying structure arose. Experiments conducted in 1969 at SLAC undoubtedly confirmed the fact that the proton is not an elementary particle, but that it consists of smaller particles, which we now recognize as quarks...
Implicitna jednadžba stanja kozmičkih fluida i modeli tamne energije, tamne materije i njihovog ujedinjenja
Dalibor Perković Ubrzano širenje svemira jedno je od ključnih otkrića u modernoj kozmologiji. Iako se na tom problemu radi već dva desetljeća, još uvijek nema empirijski potvrđene teorije koja bi na zadovoljavajući način objasnila ovu pojavu. U ovom radu razvija se nova metodologija modeliranja tamne energije preko implicitne jednadžbe stanja kozmičkog fluida te modeliranja brzine zvuka kao funkcije parametra jednadžbe stanja kozmičkih fluida. Postupak se demonstrira na uspostavljanju novih i...
Improvements in the operational forecast of detrimental weather conditions in the numerical limited area model ALADIN
Martina Tudor Severe weather represents storms, cyclones, fronts, severe wind or thick fog and other phenomena. Limited area models (LAM) can simulate or forecast such phenomena in higher resolution and using dedicated model set-up. This thesis explores the ALADIN (Aire Limitée Adaptation dynamique Développement InterNational) model capabilities to forecast threatening weather conditions for wider area of the Republic of Croatia. The research focuses on the consequences of a fast cyclone entering LAM...