
Dermatoglifi u autoimunoj hipotireozi i hipertireozi – sličnosti i razlike
Dermatoglifi u autoimunoj hipotireozi i hipertireozi – sličnosti i razlike
Jelena Vučak Lončar
Autoimune bolesti štitnjače – Gravesova bolest (hipertireoza) i Hashimotova bolest (hipotireoza), najčešće su bolesti štitnjače, ali i najčešća autoimuna oboljenja uopće, koja pogađaju oko 2 do 5% ukupne populacije. Prevalencija im raste s godinama, a u oba slučaja oko 10 puta češće obolijevaju žene. Kako su digito-palmarni dermatoglifi pokazatelji fenomena rasta i diferencijacije tijekom razdoblja rane embriogeneze, njihova analiza korištena je u istraživanju uloge...
Design and characterization of gold and selenium nanoparticles as potential delivery systems of levodopa and dopamine
Design and characterization of gold and selenium nanoparticles as potential delivery systems of levodopa and dopamine
Nikolina Kalčec
The development of new approaches in the treatment of Parkinson's disease presents a challenge due to the presence of the blood-brain barrier, which hinders effective drug delivery to the brain. Due to their unique physicochemical properties, nanoparticles have the potential to improve conventional therapeutic approaches and enable targeted drug delivery across the blood-brain barrier. The main goal of this doctoral thesis was to synthesize and characterize differently ...
Detaljna analiza bakterijske raznolikosti Jadranskog mora
Detaljna analiza bakterijske raznolikosti Jadranskog mora
Marino Korlević
Bakterije u morskim ekosustavima predstavljaju morfološki, genetički te funkcionalno vrlo raznovrsnu skupinu mikroorganizama. Primjenom 454 pirosekvenciranja gena za 16S rRNA i fluorescencijske in situ hibridizacije kataliziranim taloženjem reportera određena je sezonska dinamika bakterijskih zajednica u otvorenom moru južnog i sjevernog Jadrana, te estuarija rijeke Krke. Brojnost bakterijskih operativnih taksonomskih jedinica i struktura zajednice u svim istraživanim područjima bile...
Detekcija neutrona u atmosferi
Detekcija neutrona u atmosferi
Marina Poje Sovilj
Nakon prvih mjerenja fotonske doze kozmičkog zračenja s poluvodičkim detektorima u zrakoplovima na visinama leta od 7 km i 10 km pristupa se pripremi pasivnih detektora nuklearnih tragova za detekciju neutrona u atmosferi. Korišteni su detektori nuklearnih tragova LR 115 i CR – 39 u kombinaciji s boronskom folijom kao neutronskim konverterom; u nuklearnoj reakciji, 10B (n, α) 7Li, nastaju alfa čestice koje proizvode trag na površini plastičnog materijala detektora. Posebno se...
Determination of cosmic ray composition from measurements with surface detectors of the Pierre Auger observatory
Determination of cosmic ray composition from measurements with surface detectors of the Pierre Auger observatory
Saša Mićanović
The Pierre Auger Observatory started collecting data in 2004. The obtained dataset is of unprecedented quality and quantity enabling information about ultra high energy cosmic ray flux and origin. However, due to very limited duty cycle of Fluorescence Detector, the reliable information about UHECR mass compostion in the region of the highest primary energies is still missing. Therefore, the accent has been put on finding a method to infer mass composition from measurements of the Surface...
Development and characterisation of a Total Ion Beam Analysis system based on Heavy Ion PIXE spectroscopy
Development and characterisation of a Total Ion Beam Analysis system based on Heavy Ion PIXE spectroscopy
Masedi Carington Masekane
The simultaneous use of two or more Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) techniques, or ‘Total IBA’, is well adapted in many ion beam laboratories around the world, however using proton and/or helium ion beams. Amongst the most commonly found Total IBA synergies is the use of Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) spectroscopy for the extraction of elemental compositions and concentrations, used with other complimentary techniques providing information on depth. The implementation of PIXE in a Total...
Development of a silicon detector system for proton detection and triple coincidence measurements in electron scattering on 12C nuclei
Development of a silicon detector system for proton detection and triple coincidence measurements in electron scattering on 12C nuclei
Mihael Makek
A silicon detector system has been developed for proton detection in electron scattering reactions at MAMI. The use of digital algorithms for detector signal processing enabled maintaining the acceptable energy resolution at high counting rates. Triple-coincidence reactions 12C(e, e´pπ-)11C and 12C(e, e´pp)10Be were studied, where in the latter, the differential cross section for the transition to berilium ground-state has been extracted. By comparison with theoretical models, this result...
Development of an optical frequency standard
Development of an optical frequency standard
Domagoj Kovačić
Obviously, this thesis on optical atomic clocks is not the first of its kind. Many excellent disertations on strontium optical atomic clocks and optical clocks in general are readily available [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. I have used these thesses extensively while researching for and writing my own doctoral thesis. It is my hope that my own thesis will contribute in some small way to this vast sea of excellent doctoral works and aid future young researchers when they start their journey into the...
Development of fractionation procedures for comprehensive characterization of organic contaminants in surface waters using effect-directed analyses
Development of fractionation procedures for comprehensive characterization of organic contaminants in surface waters using effect-directed analyses
Sanja Bačić
In this work, a novel extraction and fractionation protocol for comprehensive characterization of organic contamination in surface waters using effect-directed analyses (EDA) was developed. A tiered EDA approach was applied, which included a simple EDA protocol, suitable for routine applications, and a higher-tier protocol for a detailed multidimensional fractionation with a final aim to identify key contaminants. A mixed-bed sorbent, consisting of three complementary phases was applied for...
Dijagnostika i primjena pulsnih hladnih atmosferskih plazma
Dijagnostika i primjena pulsnih hladnih atmosferskih plazma
Dean Popović
Ova disertacija bavi se dijagnostikom atmosferskog plazmenog mlaza koji pripada širokoj grupi hladnih neravnotežnih plazmi. U tu svrhu razvijen je eksperimentalni uređaj za generaciju visokonaponskih DC pulseva koji uzrokuju paljenje izboja na repeticiji od nekoliko kiloherca. Slobodni plazmeni mlaz karakteriziran je posredstvom optičke emisijske spektroskopije i mjerenjem struje izboja. Laserskom apsorpcijskom spektroskopijom u optičkom rezonatoru istražen je utjecaj različitih meta...
Dinamika GTPaza Rac1 i njihova uloga u regulaciji polarnosti stanica Dictyostelium discoideum
Dinamika GTPaza Rac1 i njihova uloga u regulaciji polarnosti stanica Dictyostelium discoideum
Maja Marinović
Proteini Rac su jedini predstavnici obitelji malih GTPaza Rho u organizmu Dictyostelium discoideum. Rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja ukazuju na dvojaku ulogu Rac1 u regulaciji polimerizacije aktina, koja je ključna odrednica stanične polarnosti. Osim što na prednjem kraju stanice aktivacijom kompleksa Scar/WAVE potiče polimerizaciju aktina posredovanu kompleksom Arp2/3, Rac1 istodobno regulira stabilnost stražnjeg kraja kao inicijator stvaranja kompleksa jednog od IQGAP proteina,...
Dinamika i struktura otopina soli deoksiribonukleinske kiseline
Dinamika i struktura otopina soli deoksiribonukleinske kiseline
Danijel Grgičin
Problem raspodjele protuiona u blizini poliiona je u fizici polielektrolita (PE) uočen još 1950-tih godina. Protuioni su podijeljeni u slobodne i Manning kondenzirane, a teorije uglavnom pokušavaju interpretirati mjerenja osmotskog tlaka. U svome radu koristio sam konduktometriju, dielektričnu spektroskopiju (DS) i raspršenje X-zraka u male kutove (engl. SAXS) kako bih istražio strukturu i dinamiku, pa tako i raspodjelu protuiona jakog PE, deoksiribonukleinske kiseline (DNA) i slabog...
