Charge ordering in strongly correlated systems
Tomislav Ivek At the focus of this thesis are systems with strong correlations and reduced dimensionality: the inorganic quasi-1D chain compound BaVS3 with itinerant and localized charges, spin chain and ladder composite (La,Y,Sr,Ca)14Cu24O41, and the quasi-2D organic conductor α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 with the so-called horizontal stripe charge order. Samples have been characterized by transport and optical methods used in solid state and low-temperature physics: anisotropy of dc conductivity, nonlinear...
Chemical resistance of cement paste to the action of deionized water
Marija Đuroković Introduction of new, sustainable materials into the existing civil engineering standards
requires durability data for different degradation processes. Unfortunately, durability tests are
not standardized. In this work degradation process of decalcification, also called leaching, of
cement pastes was studied. The research was conducted on three different immature cement
pastes. Two Portland cements based on calcium silicate or aluminate compounds and a
cement based on calcium...
Cijano-kompleksi željeza i 4-imidazolin-2-tiona te njegovih biološki aktivnih derivata
Danijela Cvijanović Sažetak Primjenom spektroskopskih metoda utvrđeno je kako 4-imidazolin-2-tion i njegovi biološki aktivni derivati (1-metil-4-imidazolin-2-tion i etil-3-metil-2-sulfanilidenimidazol-1-karboksilat), kao i tiourea, reakcijom s akvapentacijanoferatom(II/III) daju odgovarajući mononuklearni pentacijano(ligand)ferat(II/III)-kompleks. Reakcija nastajanja pojedinog pentacijano(imidazolin-2-tion)ferata(II) odvija se mehanizmom direktne izmjene vode ulaznim ligandom za razliku od reakcije...
Citogenetičke značajke limfoidnih neoplazmi
Ružica Lasan-Trčić Zloćudne tumore karakteriziraju genetske promjene koje se u većini slučajeva mogu otkriti citogenetičkim metodama. Citogenetička istraživanja na velikom broju tumora ukazuju da kariotipske promjene nisu slučajno raspoređene u genomu, te su one često tumor-specifični klonski poremećaji. Patogenetski je najvažnije identificirati tzv. primarne klonske poremećaje koji su najčešće pojedinačni. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti citogenetičke karakteristike ponavljajućih...
Citogenetički i oksidativni status ispitanika s oboljenjima štitne žlijezde
Marko Gerić Biomonitoringom genomske cjelovitosti moguće je poboljšati prevenciju raka. Rak štitne žlijezde postao je jedan od najbrže rastućih tipova raka u svijetu. Usporedbom 100 ispitanika kontrolne skupine s ispitanicima s oboljenjima štitne žlijezde uočene su više razine oštećenja molekule DNA u limfocitima periferne krvi (1,24 puta veći broj izmjena sestrinskih kromatida, 1,47 puta veći ukupni broj kromosomskih aberacija, 1,84 veći intenzitet repa, i 2,32 puta veći ukupni broj...
Citokini u infekciji virusom ljudske imunodeficijencije tipa 1
Lana Gorenec Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti ekspresiju citokina na razini gena i proteina u akutnoj i kroničnoj fazi infekcije HIV-om-1, te analizirati učinak dugotrajne supresije virusne replikacije u periodu duljem od dvije godine na citokinsku imunost. U dio istraživanja koji se bavi usporedbom citokinske imunosti na proteinskoj razini u akutnoj i kroničnoj fazi infekcije uključila sam 34 ispitanika, dok sam u istraživanje učinka dugotrajne supresije virusne replikacije na ekspresiju...
Cjelogenomska asocijacijska studija masne tjelesne mase u stanovništvu otoka Visa
Željka Tomas Pretilost je jedan od osnovnih faktora rizika za kardiovaskularna oboljenja, dijabetes, i zloćudne tumore. Iako su u pozadini porasta prevalencije pretilosti okolišni čimbenici, postoje značajne interindividualne varijacije u odgovoru na moderan stil života koje su dijelom posljedica razlika u genetičkoj predispoziciji pojedinca. Kako bi se istražili genetički i okolišni čimbenici koji utječu na pojavu pretilosti, provedena je cjelogenomska asocijacijska analiza udjela masti u...
Classification of boundary conditions for Freidrichs systems
Soni Sandeep Kumar This work is concerned with the classification of boundary conditions for the classical Friedrichs systems by developing new results on abstract Friedrichs operators. The concept of the classical Friedrichs system was introduced by Friedrichs in 1958 as a symmetric positive system of first-order linear partial differential equations. The main motivation was to treat the equations that change their type, like the Tricomi equation (which appears in the transonic flow). Moreover, it allows a...
Clustering in neutron-rich light nuclei produced in reactions of 9Li beam on LiF target
Nikola Vukman The results presented in this thesis are based on the analysis of the S1620 experiment performed at TRIUMF, where multi-nucleon and cluster transfer reactions of the 9^Li beam of 74.8 MeV on the ≈ 1 mg/cm2 LiF target were used to populate excited states of neutron-rich light nuclei 10^Be, 12^Be and 13^B. The main motivation behind this work was the need for experimental data to wage on the existence of molecular-like structures in the excited states of these nuclei and to resolve...
Combinatorial optimization algorithms for (pseudo)alignment in bioinformatics
Luka Borozan The field of bioinformatics is a fast growing interdisciplinary field with a strong contribution from mathematics and computer science. This thesis will deal with mathematical problems and algorithmic challenges from that field. Its first focus will be the comparison of hierarchic structures, mainly phylogenetic trees, which is used to explain various biological processes such as the evolution of the species. We will study mathematical models and algorithmic techniques which quantify the...
Compaction of nucleic acids
Sanjin Marion Packing of nucleic acids inside (naturally occurring) confined spaces presents an intriguing problem of compacting a long and highly charged polymer into a small space possibly crowded with other particles (proteins). For example, viruses have a large amount of genomic information that is encoded in nucleic acids packed in small spaces resulting in high densities of matter. The arising interactions are coupled to the confinement giving a more complex phase diagram than expected in bulk. In...
Constraints on neutrino oscillation parameters implied by OPERA experiment data
Budimir Kliček The OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam was designed to measure the appearance of tau neutrinos in the high purity muon neutrino beam. The physical run lasted for five years in the period 2008 - 2012 with the total accumulated CNGS intensity of 1.797 · 10^20 protons-on-target. The primary goal was achieved by observing five tau neutrino candidate events, which corresponds to the significance of the ν_τ observation of more than 5 σ. In addition to this, constraints on │Δm^2_32│ mass...