Censored Lévy and related processes
Vanja Wagner We examine three equivalent constructions of a censored rotationally symmetric Lévy process on an open set D - via the corresponding Dirichlet form, through the Feynman-Kac transform of the Lévy process killed outside of the set D and from the same killed process by the Ikeda-Nagasawa-Watanabe piecing together procedure. For a complete Bernstein function \(\phi\) satisfying condition (H): \[ a_1 \lambda^{\delta_1} \leq \frac{\phi(\lambda r)}{\phi(r)} \leq a_2 \lambda^{\delta_2}, \lambda...
Changes of immunoglobulin G glycosylation with age
Jasminka Krištić In this thesis, glycosylation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) was examined in 5818 individuals ranging in age from 16 to 100 years from five different populations – four European populations and a Han Chinese population by using ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) in order to provide a comprehensive overview of changes in IgG glycosylation through lifetime. The results demonstrated that glycan profiles change in a similar way through lifetime across all examined populations. Nearly...
Characterization of very high energy gamma-radiation from active galactic nuclei observed by the magic telescopes
Terzić Tomislav Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are bright compact regions in the centres of galaxies, that emit radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. They are believed to be powered by supermassive black holes (SMBH), which actively accrete matter. Some of that matter is ejected in the form of collimated jets of ultrarelativistic particles. Jets are sources of electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths. A significant portion of energy radiated by AGN is emitted in the form of -rays. In...
Charge density wave ground state in the intercalated graphite CaC6
Petra Grozić The physics of graphite intercalated compounds (GIC), in spite of the fact that these materials were synthesised quite long ago, is still the focus of modern theoretical and experimental research. The interest of the scientific community is focused on GIC, mostly due to the possibility of forming unusual superconducting (SC) and charge density wave (CDW) ground states. We focus on one of these materials, CaC6, in which experiments clearly demonstrate the existence of CDWs. The very existence...
Charge order in the cuprates
Damjan Pelc In this thesis, an experimental investigation of charge stripe order in cuprate superconductors is presented. Several lanthanum-based cuprate compounds are taken as model systems for studying charge order physics. Multiple experimental techniques are employed: nuclear magnetic resonance as a local probe, linear and nonlinear conductivity for investigating transport properties and broken symmetries, and specific heat as a thermodynamic probe. The use of complementary experiments provides an...
Charge ordering in strongly correlated systems
Tomislav Ivek At the focus of this thesis are systems with strong correlations and reduced dimensionality: the inorganic quasi-1D chain compound BaVS3 with itinerant and localized charges, spin chain and ladder composite (La,Y,Sr,Ca)14Cu24O41, and the quasi-2D organic conductor α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 with the so-called horizontal stripe charge order. Samples have been characterized by transport and optical methods used in solid state and low-temperature physics: anisotropy of dc conductivity, nonlinear...
Chemical resistance of cement paste to the action of deionized water
Marija Đuroković Introduction of new, sustainable materials into the existing civil engineering standards
requires durability data for different degradation processes. Unfortunately, durability tests are
not standardized. In this work degradation process of decalcification, also called leaching, of
cement pastes was studied. The research was conducted on three different immature cement
pastes. Two Portland cements based on calcium silicate or aluminate compounds and a
cement based on calcium...
Cijano-kompleksi željeza i 4-imidazolin-2-tiona te njegovih biološki aktivnih derivata
Danijela Cvijanović Sažetak Primjenom spektroskopskih metoda utvrđeno je kako 4-imidazolin-2-tion i njegovi biološki aktivni derivati (1-metil-4-imidazolin-2-tion i etil-3-metil-2-sulfanilidenimidazol-1-karboksilat), kao i tiourea, reakcijom s akvapentacijanoferatom(II/III) daju odgovarajući mononuklearni pentacijano(ligand)ferat(II/III)-kompleks. Reakcija nastajanja pojedinog pentacijano(imidazolin-2-tion)ferata(II) odvija se mehanizmom direktne izmjene vode ulaznim ligandom za razliku od reakcije...
Citogenetičke značajke limfoidnih neoplazmi
Ružica Lasan-Trčić Zloćudne tumore karakteriziraju genetske promjene koje se u većini slučajeva mogu otkriti citogenetičkim metodama. Citogenetička istraživanja na velikom broju tumora ukazuju da kariotipske promjene nisu slučajno raspoređene u genomu, te su one često tumor-specifični klonski poremećaji. Patogenetski je najvažnije identificirati tzv. primarne klonske poremećaje koji su najčešće pojedinačni. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti citogenetičke karakteristike ponavljajućih...
Citogenetički i oksidativni status ispitanika s oboljenjima štitne žlijezde
Marko Gerić Biomonitoringom genomske cjelovitosti moguće je poboljšati prevenciju raka. Rak štitne žlijezde postao je jedan od najbrže rastućih tipova raka u svijetu. Usporedbom 100 ispitanika kontrolne skupine s ispitanicima s oboljenjima štitne žlijezde uočene su više razine oštećenja molekule DNA u limfocitima periferne krvi (1,24 puta veći broj izmjena sestrinskih kromatida, 1,47 puta veći ukupni broj kromosomskih aberacija, 1,84 veći intenzitet repa, i 2,32 puta veći ukupni broj...
Citokini u infekciji virusom ljudske imunodeficijencije tipa 1
Lana Gorenec Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti ekspresiju citokina na razini gena i proteina u akutnoj i kroničnoj fazi infekcije HIV-om-1, te analizirati učinak dugotrajne supresije virusne replikacije u periodu duljem od dvije godine na citokinsku imunost. U dio istraživanja koji se bavi usporedbom citokinske imunosti na proteinskoj razini u akutnoj i kroničnoj fazi infekcije uključila sam 34 ispitanika, dok sam u istraživanje učinka dugotrajne supresije virusne replikacije na ekspresiju...
Cjelogenomska asocijacijska studija masne tjelesne mase u stanovništvu otoka Visa
Željka Tomas Pretilost je jedan od osnovnih faktora rizika za kardiovaskularna oboljenja, dijabetes, i zloćudne tumore. Iako su u pozadini porasta prevalencije pretilosti okolišni čimbenici, postoje značajne interindividualne varijacije u odgovoru na moderan stil života koje su dijelom posljedica razlika u genetičkoj predispoziciji pojedinca. Kako bi se istražili genetički i okolišni čimbenici koji utječu na pojavu pretilosti, provedena je cjelogenomska asocijacijska analiza udjela masti u...