Title Analiza reoloških i kemijskih osobina ploda masline u ovisnosti o sorti i zrelosti ploda analizom varijance ponovljenih mjerenja
Title (english) Analysis of rheological and chemical properties of olive fruit depending on fruit variety and ripeness by analysis of variance of repeated measurements
Author Gabrijela Markovinović
Mentor Anamarija Jazbec (mentor)
Committee member Anamarija Jazbec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slaven Kožić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Prlić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Adamović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-03-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Abstract U ovom radu analizirali smo reološke i kemijske osobine ploda masline u ovisnosti o sorti i zrelosti ploda analizom varijance ponovljenih mjerenja s interakcijom izmedu sorte i zrelosti ploda. Analizirali smo elastičnost i tvrdoću kao reološka svojstva te suhu tvar kao kemijsko svojstvo ploda. Promatrali smo četiri sorte: oblica, leccino, lastovka i coratina te tri roka berbe koji su odredeni prema obojenosti ploda masline tijekom dozrijevanja. Podaci koje smo obradivali prikupljeni su za
... More projekt ”Analiza teksturnog profila kao čimbenik preradbenih značajki i vrednovanja bioraznolikosti autohtonih sorti maslina” Instituta za Jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša u Splitu tijekom rujna i listopada 2019. godine u masliniku OPG-a Jagoda Alfirević u Kaštel Sućurcu. Naglasak rada bio je na praktičnoj primjeni analize varijance ponovljenih mjerenja te na interpretaciji rezultata dobivenih korištenjem glm procedure u statističkom programu SAS. Prije praktične primjene, u prvom poglavlju objašnjeni su statistički pojmovi koje smo koristili u nastavku rada. Za sve tri zavisne varijable (elastičnost, tvrdoća i suha tvar ploda) postoji statistički značajna razlika medu sortama u svakom od tri roka berbe. Kod elastičnosti ploda, u prvom i trećem roku berbe statistički značajnu razliku medu sortama čini lastovka obzirom na preostale tri promatrane sorte, dok u drugom roku berbe statistički značajnu razliku medu sortama čini lastovka obzirom na oblicu i leccino. Što se tiče tvrdoće ploda, u prvom i trećem roku berbe statistički značajnu razliku medu sortama čini sorta leccino obzirom na lastovku i oblicu, dok u drugom roku berbe statistički značajnu razliku medu sortama čini leccino obzirom na preostale tri promatrane sorte. Kod suhe tvari ploda, u prvom roku berbe statistički značajnu razliku medu sortama čini oblica obzirom na lastovku i leccino, u drugom roku berbe razlika izmedu svakog para sorti statistički je značajna, dok u trećem roku berbe statistički značajnu razliku medu sortama čini coratina obzirom na preostale tri promatrane sorte. Nadalje, postoji statistički značajna razlika u elastičnosti i tvrdoći ploda medu sortama, a ne postoji statistički značajna razlika izmedu rokova berbe te interakcija ”rok berbe*sorta” nije statistički značajna. Na kraju, zaključili smo da postoji statistički značajna razlika u suhoj tvari ploda medu sortama te da postoji statistički značajna razlika izmedu rokova berbe i interakcija ”rok berbe*sorta” statistički je značajna. Less
Abstract (english) In this paper we have analysed the rheological and chemical properties of olive fruit depending on the cultivar and fruit maturity by using the repeated measures analysis of variance with the interaction between cultivar and fruit maturity. Springiness and hardness as rheological properties as well as dry matter as a chemical property of the fruit were examined. We observed four cultivars: ’Oblica’, ’Leccino’, ’Lastovka’ and ’Coratina’, and three harvest periods that were determined by
... More the colour of the olive fruit during ripening. The data we processed were collected as a part of the project ”Analysis of textural profile as a factor in processing characteristics and evaluation of biodiversity of autochthonous olive cultivars” conducted by the Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation in Split during September and October 2019 in the olive orchard Jagoda Alfirević in Kaštel Sućurac. The emphasis of the paper was on the practical application of the repeated measures analysis of variance and the interpretation of the results obtained using the glm procedure in SAS. Before practical application, the first chapter explains the statistical concepts that we used in the following chapter. For all three dependant variables (fruit springiness, hardness and dry matter) there is a statistically significant difference between cultivars in each of the three harvest periods. In terms of fruit springiness, in the first and third harvest period a statistically significant difference between cultivars is found at ’Lastovka’ with regard to the remaining three observed cultivars, while in the second harvest period a statistically significant difference between cultivars is detected at ’Lastovka’ with regard to ’Oblica’ and ’Leccino’. As for fruit hardness, in the first and third harvest period a statistically significant difference between cultivars is detected at the cultivar ’Leccino’ with regard to ’Lastovka’ and ’Oblica’, while in the second harvest period a statistically significant difference between cultivars is found at ’Leccino’ with regard to the remaining three observed cultivars. In the case of fruit dry matter, in the first harvest period a statistically significant difference between cultivars is made by ’Oblica’ with regard to ’Lastovka’ and ’Leccino’, in the second harvest period there is a statistically significant difference between every pair of cultivars, while in the third harvest period there is a statistically significant difference between ’Coratina’ and remaining three observed cultivars. Furthermore, there is a statistically significant difference in fruit springiness and hardness between cultivars, however there is no statistically significant difference between harvest periods and the interaction ”harvest period*cultivar” is not statistically significant. Finally, it was concluded that both difference in fruit dry matter between cultivars and a difference in harvest periods were found to be statistically significant, as well as the interaction ”harvest period*cultivar”. Less
analiza varijance ponovljenih mjerenja
plod masline
glm procedura
statistički program SAS
Keywords (english)
analysis of the variance of repeated measurements
olive fruit
glm procedure
statistical program SAS
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:516179
Study programme Title: Mathematical Statistics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra matematike (magistar/magistra matematike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-03-28 12:17:20