Title Study of heavy-ion reactions with large solid angle magnetic spectrometers
Title (english) Proučavanje teškoionskih reakcija magnetskim spektrometrom velikoga prostornoga kuta
Author Tea Mijatović
Mentor Suzana Szilner (mentor)
Committee member Matko Milin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lorenzo Corradi (član povjerenstva) strani drzavljanin: Nije dostupno
Committee member Tamara Nikšić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Suzana Szilner (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dario Vretenar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Physics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-05-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Physics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 53 - Physics
Abstract Nucleon transfer reactions at energies close to the Coulomb barrier always played an important role in nuclear structure and reaction dynamics studies. It has been shown that heavy-ion reactions are an ideal tool for the study of the residual interaction in nuclei, in particular the components responsible for the couplings and correlations. The main subject of the present thesis is the study of the properties of the nuclear force which are not accounted for by the mean field description,
... More especially the role played by neutron-proton correlations. This has been addressed by measurements of multinucleon transfer reactions performed with the new generation magnetic spectrometer PRISMA and its ancillary detectors. The experimental differential and total cross sections and total kinetic energy loss distributions for the final reaction products have been extracted and compared with the predictions of the GRAZING model for heavy-ion transfer reactions, based on semi-classical theory. The main objective was to search for an experimental signature of transfer of correlated neutron-proton pairs in the region near the Z =20 and N =20 shell closures. Through the simultaneous study of the absolute cross sections for all channels populated via transfer of nucleon pairs (±nn), (±pp) and (±np), and their comparison with the theoretical predictions, we explored the possible effect of (np) correlation. The findings have been also corroborated with results obtained at energies below the Coulomb barrier, where the excitation energies of the final reaction products are expected to be small. The comparison of the experimental results with the semi-classical calculations that include only the transfer of independent particles shows that the experimental cross section of (+1p+1n) channel is enhanced, indicating the possibility of a presence of a (np) pair degree of freedom. The analysis of these inclusive data was corroborated by a complementary analysis of γ-particle coincidences, where PRISMA has been used in coupled operation with the CLARA γ array. From the analysis of these coincidences, the population strength of excited states has been extracted for different transfer channels. In particular, for 42K, reached via the (+1p+1n) channel, a strong population of the 7+ state has been evidenced. Since this can happen when a neutron and a proton occupy the same f7/2 orbital, the finding may give a further support to the presence of a neutron-proton correlation. Less
Abstract (croatian) Reakcije prijenosa nukleona na energijama blizu kulonske barijere važne su i u proučvanju strukture jezgara i mehanizma reakcije. Pokazalo se da su teškoionske reakcije odličan način proučavanja rezidualne interakcije u jezgrama, naročito dijelova odgovornih za vezanje i korelacije. Glavna tema ovog doktorskog rada je proučavanje svojstava nuklearne sile koja nisu uključena u opis pomoću srednjeg polja, posebno uloga korelacija između neutrona i protona. To se proučavalo mjerenjem
... More reakcije prijenosa mnogo nukleona s magnetskim spektrometrom velikoga prostornoga kuta PRISMA i njegovim pomoćnim detektorima. Dobiveni su diferencijalni i ukupni udarni presjek, raspodjela gubitka kinetičke energije za sve produkte reakcije, te su uspoređeni s teorijskim predviđanjima modela GRAZING. Glavna ideja je potraga za eksperimentalnim potpisom prijenosa koreliranog para neutron-proton u području blizu Z = 20 i N = 20 zatvorenih ljusaka. Istodobnom usporedbom apsolutnog udarnog presjeka za sve kanale koje su pobuđeni prijenosom para nukleona, (±nn), (±pp) i (±np), te njihovom usporedbom s teorijskim predviđanjima, traženi su mogući efekti (np) korelacija. Rezultati su potvrđeni s rezultatima dobivenim na energijama ispod kulonske barijere, gdje se očekuju male energije pobuđenja produkata reakcije. Usporedba mjerenih rezultata s polu-klasičnim računima koji uključuju samo prijenos neovisnih čestica pokazuje da je (+1p+1n) kanal pojačan, što može ukazivati na moguć doprinos (np) korelacija. Analiza inkluzivnih podataka je nadopunjena dodatnom analizom γ-fragment koincidencija, kada je PRISMA korištena s CLARA γ detektorom. Ove koincidencije omogućuju proučavanje snage pobuđenja različitih stanja. 42K kanal, pobuđen putem prijenosa jednog protona i neutrona, pokazuje jako pobuđenje 7+ stanja. Taj rezultat se može shvatiti kao dodatna potvrda prisutnosti korelacije neutron-proton, jer se 7+ stanje može opisati kao stanje u kojem su neutron i proton u istoj f7/2 orbitali. Less
multinucleon transfer reactions
magnetic spectrometers
nucleon-nucleon correlations
differential and total cross sections
Keywords (croatian)
reakcije prijenosa mnogo nukleona
nukleon-nukleon korelacije
kutna raspodjela
ukupni udarni presjek
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:870561
Study programme Title: Physics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje fizika (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje fizika)
Type of resource Text
Extent 160 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-08-21 12:58:54