Title Ne-arbitražne cijene uz sistemski rizik
Author Marta Cota
Mentor Zoran Vondraček (mentor)
Committee member Zoran Vondraček (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Bojan Basrak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Berić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Erceg (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Abstract U diplomskom radu proširujemo temeljni model kreditnog rizika, Mertonov model korporativnog duga. Promatramo model većeg broja poduzeća s mogućnošću međuposredništva nad obvezama i kapitalom. Dodatno, uvodimo i pretpostavku o različitim prioritetima naplate dugova, kao i izostanak troška bankrota poduzeća. Pretpostavljamo kako sve obveze sustava dospijevaju u isto vrijeme, te, analogno Mertonovom modelu, promatramo vrijednosti duga i kapitala u trenutku dospijeća. Spomenutim proširenjima
... More nastojimo uračunati složenu strukturu nad vlasništvom duga i kapitala, čime model približavamo stvarnosti: sustavima poput koncerna i poduzeća u poslovnoj grupi. Uzimajući u obzir prioritetnost naplate i strukturu međuposredništva nad obvezama svakog od članova sustava, definiramo sustav jednadžbi. Rješenje sustava čine ne-arbitražne vrijednosti duga i obveza svakog poduzeća, u trenutku dospijeća svih obveza. Uz uvjete na strukturu međuposredništva i oblik financijskih izvedenica koje modeliraju obveze sustava, dokazujemo egzistenciju, odnosno jedinstvenost. Sam dokaz rezultira i razvojem algoritma za pronalazak rješenja, definiranog pomoću Picardovih iteracija. Diskutiramo i povezanost stvarnih isplata sa slučajnim zahtjevima, tj. financijskim izvedenicama koje ih modeliraju. Potvrđujemo i načelo irelevatnosti strukture kapitala, poznatije kao Modigliani-Millerov teorem. Struktura vlasništva nad obvezama unutar sustava, koliko god kompleksna, ne utječe na vrijednosti potraživanja vanjskih vjerovnika sustava. Definiramo jednadžbe bilanci poduzeća u trenutku dospijeća, pomoću kojih uvodimo kvantitativne mjere rizika međuposredništva, internu financijsku polugu i stupanj međuposredništva. Uz pretpostavke modela, analiziramo i vrijednosti prije trenutka dospijeća obveza, korištenjem Fundamentalnog teorema određivanja cijene financijske imovine. Upućujemo na razlike u dobivenim ne-arbitražnim vrijednostima, u usporedbi sa onima dobivenim unutar Mertonovog modela, bez uključivanja međuposrednstva. Diskutiramo i potencijalni izostanak jedinstvenosti rješenja, uz slabije pretpostavke modela, kao i moguća njegova daljnja proširenja. Less
Abstract (english) In this Master’s thesis we discuss and generalize one of the fundamental models in Credit Risk modelling, Merton’s Corporate Debt model, considering the possibility of cross-ownership over debt and equity in a multiple-firm system. In addition, we provide an assumption on different levels of debt seniority, along with various forms of financial derivatives on every firm’s equity and/or debt. By expanding Merton’s model with these assumptions, we aim to capture the complexity of
... More cross-ownership and cross-shareholding among firms in real world networks. We develop a system of equations for determining non-arbitrage values of debt and equity for every member firm within a system, by assuming simultaneous maturity of all debt and obligations within a system, together with the possibility of different levels of debt seniority. Additional assumptions were made on cross-ownership structure and form of financial derivatives, both of which define claims on debt and equity of every member within and outside the system. These assumptions provide existence and/or uniqueness of a solution of the defined system of equations. The proof itself offers an algorithm for determining non-arbitrage values, by using Picard’s iterations. Also, we discuss the connection between recovery claims and their corresponding contingent claims, financial derivatives. Capital structure irrelevance theory based on Modigliani - Miller theorem, at the level of the whole system, still holds. No matter how complex the structure of cross-ownership is, value of the claims of system outsiders remains unaffected. We present balance sheet equations at the time of debt maturity for every firm within a system, as well as on the aggregate level. Using them, we define quantitative risk measures for the system, equivalent to financial leverage, internal financial leverage and degree of cross-ownership. Using all of the assumptions of the model along with Fundamental theorem for asset pricing, we derive values of debt and equity before the time of maturity. Furthermore, we analyse the differences between determined values when accounting for cross-ownership and the values provided by Merton’s model. We present the possibility of implementing weaker assumptions in system modelling, at the risk of losing the uniqueness of the solution for a given system of equations. Further developments of the model are proposed. Less
model kreditnog rizika
Mertonov model korporativnog duga
Picardove iteracije
ne-arbitražne vrijednosti
Modigliani-Millerov teorem
Fundamentalni teorem određivanja cijene financijske imovine
Keywords (english)
Credit Risk modelling
Merton’s Corporate Debt model
Picard’s iterations
non-arbitrage values
Modigliani - Miller theorem
Fundamental theorem for asset pricing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:342172
Study programme Title: Finance and Business Mathematics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra matematike (magistar/magistra matematike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-11-22 12:26:50